Dickinsonian, November 20, 1897

A letter from the bedridden President Reed's is published, updating the college on the president's condition.  Bleachers to be erected at the Athletic Field.  The editors suggest that a book review be added to the weekly programs of the literary societies.  The Union Philosophical Society elects new officers.  Students participate in a minstrel show at the Opera House.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, October 30, 1897

The ladies of the Ladies Hall host a reception for the seniors.  The literary societies have had unusual enthusiasm and activity this year.  At the request of Dr. Reed and with large support from the students, the Dickinson Musical Association is established, a constitution and by-laws drawn up and approved, and officers elected.  A large and convenient exit gate is installed at the athletic field, in response to complaints.  The Junior class elects its officers.  The editors of the Microcosm are chosen.


Dickinsonian, October 23, 1897

Trustee and member of the class of 1848 William Daniel passes away.  Exerpts from an article in the Ladies' Home Journal on the value of an education from a small college are quoted.  The question of improving the exits from the athletic field is continued.  Establishment of celebration of John Dickinson's birthday is encouraged.  Relief from literary work is proposed for those who must regularly prepare sermons.  A reception for the Senior class is held at the Ladies Hall.  The orchestra and glee club elect officers.  There is inter-racial distur


Dickinsonian, October 9, 1897

A report of the whereabouts and activities of the class of 1897 is published.  Traditional "Fair Week" half-holday is canceled, and Friday after Thanksgiving is proposed as a substitute.  After a year's break from the usual custom, the requirement of upper classmen to answer to church roll is revived, with disapproval from the editors.  United States President William McKinley, Professor Cramer, and Dr. Stauffer are elected to honorary membership in the Belles Lettres Society.  The editors call for improved exits from the athletic field.


Dickinsonian, November 5, 1898

Dickinson football wins 22 to 0 against Franklin and Marshall. The reserve team played its first game of the season and tied with Mercersburg Academy. A column lists several recommended improvements to be done on the college grounds. The Sigma Chi freaternity admits new members. Lewis Morrison will perform in "Faust".

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, October 8, 1898

The football team wins 6 to 0 against Bloomsburg Normal School. Both the Belles Lettres Society and the Union Philosophical Society admit new members to their ranks. A column outlines several improvements that need to be made to the college campus. Carlisle Indians play football against Susquehanna University.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, October 4, 1905

The members of the Glee and Mandolin clubs are selected from a large group of interested and talented men.  The YMCA procures new hymn books.  The editors write on the worth of small colleges.  An inter-fraternity meeting is held.  The Freshmen are reminded to obey the rules, and the Sophomores to enforce them.  Students may have electric lights in their rooms, for an annual cost.


Dickinsonian, September 27, 1905

The Seniors, Juniors, and Freshmen elect their officers for the  year.  Electric lights to be installed in East College.  The editors exhort all to pay the optional athletic fee in support of the athletic teams.  Professor Harry W. Smith is the new football coach.  The ladies of the Freshman and Junior class host a reception for Freshman men, with some disturbance by the members of the Sophomore class.  The Civic Club to host a lectures series.  The annual county fair to be held in Carlisle.  Alpha Chi Rho secures new rooms in the Stuart building.


Dickinsonian, May 12, 1923

Founders' Day and May Day events announced. Athletic Association sponsors large inter-scholastic track meet to be held on Biddle Field. Final cast selected for Commencement Play. Senior Guy Rolland conducts important research in nickel plating, his results to be published by the American Electrochemical Society. Class of 1903 submits plans for campus improvements. Juniors win inter-class track meet.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, December 5, 1896

Professor Cumnock's reading of literary selections as part of the YMCA Star Course was well attended.  The College Quartet has a performance.  The College Association has its annual convention at the University of Pennsylvania.  Five dollar prize offered for he who comes up with the best new yell for the College.  Compulsory gymnasium work begins for Preparatory students and lower classmen.  A brick pavement is laid from East College to Denny Hall.


Dickinsonian, October 24, 1896

Dr. Reed returns and encourages the student body in regular physical exercise.  The upcoming YMCA concert by the Wilczek Concert Company is announced, and a description of the performers provided.  Newly completed Denny Hall to be opened for inspection by the public.  The Rev.
