Dickinsonian, May 19, 1909

Dickinson defeats the Carlisle Indians in baseball. Carlisle Indians defeat Dickinson and Lafayette in track. Mr. Charles Kunen receital in Bosler Hall. Department of Oratory gives a contest. Update on the 1910 Microcosm. Student Government election results. Ladies' reception in the Union Philosophical Society Hall.


Dickinsonian, October 30, 1897

The ladies of the Ladies Hall host a reception for the seniors.  The literary societies have had unusual enthusiasm and activity this year.  At the request of Dr. Reed and with large support from the students, the Dickinson Musical Association is established, a constitution and by-laws drawn up and approved, and officers elected.  A large and convenient exit gate is installed at the athletic field, in response to complaints.  The Junior class elects its officers.  The editors of the Microcosm are chosen.


Dickinsonian, October 23, 1897

Trustee and member of the class of 1848 William Daniel passes away.  Exerpts from an article in the Ladies' Home Journal on the value of an education from a small college are quoted.  The question of improving the exits from the athletic field is continued.  Establishment of celebration of John Dickinson's birthday is encouraged.  Relief from literary work is proposed for those who must regularly prepare sermons.  A reception for the Senior class is held at the Ladies Hall.  The orchestra and glee club elect officers.  There is inter-racial distur
