Dickinsonian, September 22, 1909

Dickinson begins its 127th year with an assembly in chapel, including a speech by Dr. Reed.  Sophomores successfully put up their posters, unmolested by Freshmen.  Sophomore girls hold a reception for the Sophomore boys in Assembly Hall.  The YMCA holds its annual all college reception in Chapel Hall.  Freshmen posters must be up by October 14th.  Freshmen win agains the Sophomores in the annual rush.  Second Section holds a feed.  The subject for intercollegiate debate is announced.  Phi Delta Theta gives an informal dance.

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Dickinsonian, November 22, 1923

It is announced that five students, to be elected by December 1, will represent Dickinson at the Convention of Student Volunteers in Indianapolis. The Student Senate President announces that he does not accept the resignation of the other senators and the body sketches an informal plan for reform, including the merging of the men's and women's senates into one comprehensive body. The Interfraternity Council plans an open house dance. The Dickinson Press Club receives the recognition of both smaller local papers and some larger dailies.

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Dickinsonian, March 26, 1931

Funds for a new library are expected to be raised over the next four years. The Dramatic Club announces the cast for their April production of "Tommy." The Interfraternity Council announces a new resolution regarding alumni in the rushing process. Student Senate passes a resolution that will require all organizations to submit an itemized budget to Senate. Dickinson women are invited to "play day" at Bucknell University which will allow women from different schools in the area to play each other in athletic contests.


Dickinsonian, March 12, 1931

The basketball team ends its season, perhaps its best in school history. Sophomore Milton Davidson is awarded the sophomore cup for exemplary character and achievement by Omicron Delta Kappa. The winners of the 1932 Microcosm beauty contest are decided and include both fraternity and non-fraternity girls. Student Senate makes plans for a D Club on campus which will ensure that deserving athletic teams are adequately awarded. The Interfraternity Council revises rules for rushing. A distinguished alumnus is lost with the death of Dr. Clyde Bowman Furst.

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Dickinsonian, December 4, 1930

Dickinson will play the Carlisle Army Post in a football game for charity since the community is suffering from unemployment. Dickinson students have been asked to play Santa Claus for children at the Shiremanstown Methodist Home. Last year they brought many gifts for the girls and boys much to their delight. The thirty-first annual Doll Show will be held December 19 and will exhibit two hundred dolls donated by the women of the college in addition to a play. Rushing stunts begin to wrap up the fall rush season.

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Dickinsonian, October 9, 1930

New intramural sports are introduced including wrestling, boxing and soccer to join intramural basketball, track, swimming and baseball. Twenty-seven of the thirty-six new freshmen women pledge fraternities. The cross country season is postponed until November to prevent athletes from injury. Eighty-nine new books are added to the college's library.


Dickinsonian, September 24, 1931

A complication in a medical surgery proves fatal for senior Isabel Super. Professor Gerald Burns joins the Sociology Department and Miss Janet Sinclair hired as an assistant at the library. Discussion of the selection of the new president. Eighty new books are added to the library's holdings. New rules adopted for greek life rushing process.


Dickinsonian, October 8, 1948

Plans to expand college band initiated, including adding more twirlers to the color guard and expanding repertoire. Professor John Pflaum presents talk on current situation in Berlin, highlighting the likelihood of war. Spencer Baird named as "Father of the National Museum" by the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Editorial discusses the flaws in sorority rushing rules and the Pan-Hellenic Council's responsibility to fix them.


Dickinsonian, April 27, 1951

The Dickinson Follies' play, "Fly By Night" opens. Omicron Delta Kappa, a national honorary leadership fraternity, taps twelve new members. As a result of a monetary deficit, the college snack bar will close for the remainder of the term. The Scull and Key awards Sidney D. Kline, Jr. with the annual Outstanding Freshman Award. Profile on Dickinsonian Hamlin Neely. Dickinson lacrosse ties a game with Swarthmore and defeats Western Maryland. The track team wins against Juniata. The baseball team earns a victory over Elizabethtown.


Dickinsonian, September 16, 1993

Admissions attributes the smallest freshman class in years, 487, to the recession. On September 13th, the White House serves as a neutral ground for Israeli Prime Minister Yatzhiz Rabin and Chairman of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), Yasir Arafat, to sign a peace treaty entitled "The Declaration of Principles" to end hostility between the two groups. The IFC decides to make a standard procedure for Men's Rush. Dickinson Professors discuss the Bosnian conflict. Freshmen give a review of orientation. 1975 Dickinson alum Reverend David F.


Dickinsonian, April 19, 1968

Dean Samuel Magill resigned as Dean of the College. Dick Gregory is scheduled to speak during Parent's Weekend in a College Lecture Series program. Dean Gillespie announced that Malcolm Hall will remain an independent men's dormitory. The "Sam and Dave Concert" will perform for the beginning of Spring Weekend. Arthure Hoppe wrote an opinion piece entitled "The Liberal Man Makes it to Heaven on Humility". The IFC decided to shorten the time period allotted for rush and create a hearing board for rush violations. WDCV institutes some changes as the radio station ushers in FM broadcasting.


Dickinsonian, February 9, 1968

Professor Larry Warner encourages student participation in a Labor's United Worker's strike at the on the Carlisle Tire and Rubber Company, and 30 to 75 students did participate in the participate in the protest outside of the factory. Dickinson received a loan from the Department of Housing and Urban Development for a new dormitory. Peter Frankl, the Hungarian pianist, is slated to play Friday night at Carlisle High School.


Dickinsonian, April 22, 1966

Planning and details of freshman orientation for the class of 1970 are discussed. Propositions for changes in the fraternity rush system are outlined and await faculty approval. Faculty postpone their vote on abolishing SFJC (Student-Faculty Judicial Council) in favor of an all faculty council. Dickinson will have its first sponsored Rally. The division of the philosophy department from religion is one of many academic changes coming to Dickinson. Dickinson will gain an Alpha Epsilon Pi chapter.


Dickinsonian, October 29, 1965

A compromise is proposed to for Senate Resolution No. 1 Social Rules that would consist of allowing women in men's rooms one night a week, allowing alcoholic beverages downstairs at all times and requiring strict student enforcement. Mil Ball is to be crowned "Little Colonel." The powers of the Ambassador are outlined within the U.S.I.S. Concern, a student group attempting to draw attention to social issues, plans for speakers to lecture on such controversial issues as LSD and the Vietnam War.


Dickinsonian, December 7, 1962

In this issue, Rush Week of 1962 closed with 190 fraternity affiliations, resulting in a Dickinsonian editorial praising the new rush process instituted by the Interfraternity Council. Dr. Howard L. Rubendall announced that Althouse was to receive a rooftop observatory. Dr. George Shuman, Jr., resigned as the college's development director. The Baltimore Symphony Orchestra is to play at Carlisle High School as part of Dickinson's Cultural Affair series. An agent from the Peace Corps will visit the college in order to talk to interested students.

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Dickinsonian, October 2, 1964

In this issue, changes in Student Union rules are announced. Three students-Billie Brenn, Barry Warren, and Carol Sue Dry spent eight weeks this past summer as part of Project Africa. IFC holds weekend workshop. Cultural Affairs program to begin season with a chamber music program. Students hold panel discussions on foreign study. Live programs are being transmitted to the Carlisle Theatre via "Electronovision." An article reports the history of Denny Hall. Bosler Hall to exhibit woodcuts by Dan Miller of Philadelphia. Compulsory chapel and assembly programs are debated.
