Dickinsonian, December 19, 1930

Men's fraternities receive their pledges. Eighty men are pledging the eight fraternities. The Athletic Council draws up new requirements for achieving a letter in cross country which mainly require the runner to place first, second or third in some kind of race or meet. The freshmen class gets stopped by the fire department for having a bonfire outside Conway Hall. A group of Dickinson alumni meet in Philadelphia weekly to discuss problems with the world and Dickinson in general.

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Dickinsonian, December 11, 1930

Plans for the 1932 edition of the Mircocosm include a Scottish motif, professional artwork and a section about intramural sports. The German Scholarship fund collected under the guidance of the German Department will be even larger this year so that the recipient will be able to travel to Germany on it. A new electric scoreboard will be purchased for the gymnasium by the Athletic Association. The death of Frank Mt. Pleasant, as reported on in the previous issue of the Dickinsonian, turns out to be untrue as the subject was found in New York a couple of days ago. Mt.


Dickinsonian, December 4, 1930

Dickinson will play the Carlisle Army Post in a football game for charity since the community is suffering from unemployment. Dickinson students have been asked to play Santa Claus for children at the Shiremanstown Methodist Home. Last year they brought many gifts for the girls and boys much to their delight. The thirty-first annual Doll Show will be held December 19 and will exhibit two hundred dolls donated by the women of the college in addition to a play. Rushing stunts begin to wrap up the fall rush season.

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Dickinsonian, November 20, 1930

An elderly Carlisle local is released from the hospital after over a month after being injured by Dickinson freshmen during a pep parade. The undefeated freshman football team will battle another undefeated team, Gettysburg, in a game this weekend. Esther Chambers, vice president of the Women's Student Government Association, attends the annual meeting of the Women's Intercollegiate Association as one of sixty delegates from forty-two universities across the nation. Two students, Edgar Bayler and Anna Greene, are involved in an automobile accident due to wet roads.


Dickinsonian, November 6, 1930

The sophomore class captures the leader of the freshman class on the eve of the freshman Halloween party. The Macbeth performance drew a full house with more than one hundred of these guests coming from out of town. At a faculty meeting it is decided that Thanksgiving break will be extended to include the weekend after Thanksgiving, therefore omitting Saturday classes for this break. Robert Lavanture of the senior class and the Inter-fraternity Council is elected to attend the National Inter-fraternity Council.


Dickinsonian, October 30, 1930

The revolt of freshmen in response to the freshmen rules is unsuccessful in changing them for this year but they will be revised for the next freshman class. The revolt reached such a point that pamphlets were made in support of their cause. The Dramatic Club will be presenting "Square Crooks," a three-act mystery, as their next production. The sophomore class claims ten of the eleven roles. Belles Lettres brings notable speakers to campus including Leon Pearson, Maynard Williamson and Lieutenant Zeimer of Germany.


Dickinsonian, October 23, 1930

Plans for Homecoming, November 15, are underway. Two recent Dickinson graduates, John Pipa and Robert Forney, take part in local politics, running for positions in Northumberland County. The freshman class revolts against the class rules system, violating every rule but wearing the dink. This is in reaction to the disciplinary actions taken by the Tribunal in the past weeks, including hair-cuttings in the week previous. The freshmen make a list of demands and send it to the Tribunal however, all of their requests are denied by student government.


Dickinsonian, October 9, 1930

New intramural sports are introduced including wrestling, boxing and soccer to join intramural basketball, track, swimming and baseball. Twenty-seven of the thirty-six new freshmen women pledge fraternities. The cross country season is postponed until November to prevent athletes from injury. Eighty-nine new books are added to the college's library.


Dickinsonian, October 2, 1930

The Board of Trustees organize several series of lectures on cultural and educational topics for the Dickinson and Carlisle community. They will cover "The Makers of Europe" and "Studies of Great Men." The Sigma Chi fraternity announces at the Interfraternity Council its intent to hold a contest of both scholarship and intramural sports for fraternities to participate in. The Dramatic Club will present several one act plays during Friday chapel in addition to their usual major productions.


Dickinsonian, September 25, 1930

A Freshman Week is adopted for the first time in conjunction with the YMCA. Conway Hall is renovated to include some rooms to be used for dormitory purposes and to update the locker room facilities. Four freshman men are summoned by the Men's Student Tribunal for violation of freshmen rules and are charged with insubordination. 186 new books are added to the college library's collection covering such subjects as history, science, biography and art. The Women's Senate establishes and reinforces a myriad of rules for the freshmen girls to follow.


Dickinsonian, May 8, 1930

YWCA plans May breakfast for Founders' Day.  Plans for senior class picnic.  Glee club nominates officers.  Students volunteer to fight forest fires on South Mountain.  Interfraternity Council elects officers.  Student Senate passes legislation concerning election of campus organization officers.  President Filler appeals to alumni for funding for Alumni Gymnasium.


Dickinsonian, April 24, 1930

Professor W. M. Eddy and Edward Kronenberg Jr. present their paper to the Pennsylvania Academy of Science.  Class of 1895 builds memorial gate at northeast corner of campus.  Individual fraternity dances will occur in Commencement Week rather than the planned all-college dance.  Students to sit for Carnegie examinations.

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Dickinsonian, April 10, 1930

YMCA and YWCA hold a debate about Prohibition.  Senior class decides not to hold a senior ball.  An all-college dance will replace fraternity dances at commencement.  Alfred O. Keedy wins German Club scholarship to Germany.  Phi Kappa Psi wins interfraternity track.  Dickins0n-in-China drive begins.  Professor Edgar M. Bowman resigns.

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Dickinsonian, March 20, 1930

Athletic Association holds annual D dinner.  Union Philosophical Society inducts new officers.  YMCA elects officers.  Dickinson Club of Baltimore holds annual dinner.  YMCA and YWCA to joint-present forum discussions.  Dickinson loses annual triangular debate.  Edward S. Kronenburg Jr. to present results of experiment with Professor Eddy to Pennsylvania Academy of Science.


Dickinsonian, March 13, 1930

Trustee Lemuel T. Appold establishes Charles K. Zug Memorial Fund for scholarships at Dickinson.  Final exam schedule is cancelled to make room for Carnegie Foundation tests.  German Club gives exam for scholarship trip to Germany contest.  Annual Miami Triad dance to be held.  Board of Trustees approves new method of election of Alumni Trustees.  Summary of men's basketball season.


Dickinsonian, March 6, 1930

Dickinsonian to hold annual banquet.  Sigma Chi wins Interfraternity cup in intramural basketball.  A portrait of James Wilson to be purchased for the college under the leadership of Boyd Lee Spahr, Esq.  Debate team defeats Penn State.  Men's basketball finishes its season with a second defeat of Gettysburg.  Interfraternity Council reforms rushing rules.

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Dickinsonian, February 27, 1930

La Verne Casner elected as most outstanding member of junior class.  Men's Student Senate passes a bill, at the suggestion of Omicron Delta Kappa, creating a committee to audit the books of student organizations not financially supported by the college.  Interfraternity Council drafts new rushing regulations.

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