Dickinsonian, December 19, 1930

Men's fraternities receive their pledges. Eighty men are pledging the eight fraternities. The Athletic Council draws up new requirements for achieving a letter in cross country which mainly require the runner to place first, second or third in some kind of race or meet. The freshmen class gets stopped by the fire department for having a bonfire outside Conway Hall. A group of Dickinson alumni meet in Philadelphia weekly to discuss problems with the world and Dickinson in general.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, January 13, 1961

In this issue of the Dickinsonian the Middle States Association cites a need for a balance between social and academic activities. The Mermaid Players present Crime and Punishment. Dickinsonian staff elects Ken Bowling as editor-in-chief. History Dept. plans re-organization. Fred Gilbert elected chairman of the All-School Social Committee. Belles Lettres present "Rififi". Foreign students discuss the Laos crisis. Thomas H. Young Jr. appointed alumni secretary and editor of the Dickinson Alumnus. Douglas Johnson gave the first student music recital of the semester.
