Dickinsonian, October 1893

The editors write on starting the new year off well and liberal education.  Rev. Robert W. Rogers, English Bible Chair, leaves Dickinson.  His courses are to be distributed among other professors, and so the editors propose establishing a Chair of History to fill his place.  Seventy-five freshmen matriculate.   The YMCA holds its annual reception for the whole college to start the academic year in Chapel Hall. 


Dickinsonian, December 12, 1896

The YMCA raises money for missionaries.  The results of the Athletic Association's annual officer election are announced.  Students are strongly encouraged to buy tickets for future Star Course events.  The Belles Lettres Literary Society elects officers for the year.  Students skate on the frozen creek.  The completion of Denny Hall is authorized by the board of trustees.  Dr. Prince is elected to the chair of History and Political Science.  A ladies literary society, the Harman Literary Society, is organized, and officers elected.


Dickinsonian, November 2, 1951

Wine Hats extend period in which they act to enforce freshmen rules. Student Senate requests meeting with President Edel and Board of Trustees concerning Homecoming. Herbert Wing receives Robert Coleman Chair of History. Freshman class officers are elected. Juniors win intramural girls hocky season.


Dickinsonian, February 13, 1959

President William Edel consents to extended term. Admissions plans class of '63 to be smallest in many years. Fire in kitchen of Phi Epsilon Pi house. Student Senate questions faculty changes. Frank A. Miller becomes history instructor; Jacqueline Smith Olin becomes chemistry instructor. Men's swimming defeats Gettysburg. Professor William L. Taylor embarks on lecture tour of Near East and Far East on American way of life for State Department.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, December 10, 2004

Ben Folds musical concert rescheduled for Spring term. Description of the Dickinson Cheerleaders. Advice on managing exam stress. Alumnus profile on Allen Bell, Class of 1968. Biographical piece on College photographer, A. Pierce Bounds. Outline on the Music and Arts Expo put on by the Arts Haus, Treehouse, and Student Music Society. Professor profile on Steven Lichtman, assistant professor of political science. Spotlight on the Ski Club. Letters to the Editor respond to oppose previous Dickinsonian articles on U.S. History course offerings and the limitations of the Study Abroad Program.


Dickinsonian, November 19, 2004

This issue consists of articles regarding Rachel McCool's ('07) success in the JEOPARDY! game show. Discussion of the limited amount of U.S. History classes offered at Dickinson College. The College warns of strict regulation against electronic file sharing amongst students. A security camera is placed on East College to monitor the Benjamin Rush statue and prevent vandalism. Weiss Prize recipient, Cassie Gurbisz '05 describes her project of working with roadkill in art. Dickinson students led by Maureen Conly '05 start a Girl Scout Troop in Carlisle.


Dickinsonian, October 1, 1987

Condoms to be distributed at the health center. College Police called to the Quad, shut down parties for underage drinking, uncooperative behavior. Faculty concerned about Greek life and sciences. Panel of experts discuss affirmative action. Disputes about smoke detectors in the townhouses between students and maintenance. Dickinson Choir to sing with the Harrisburg Symphony. David Commins hired to teach mid-east studies and Arabic. Students study at Dickinson from Japan. Jonathan Spence to speak at the Morgan Lecture Series.


Dickinsonian, January 13, 1961

In this issue of the Dickinsonian the Middle States Association cites a need for a balance between social and academic activities. The Mermaid Players present Crime and Punishment. Dickinsonian staff elects Ken Bowling as editor-in-chief. History Dept. plans re-organization. Fred Gilbert elected chairman of the All-School Social Committee. Belles Lettres present "Rififi". Foreign students discuss the Laos crisis. Thomas H. Young Jr. appointed alumni secretary and editor of the Dickinson Alumnus. Douglas Johnson gave the first student music recital of the semester.
