Dickinsonian, June 6, 1959

Frederic W. Ness becomes humanities chair. Gilbert Malcolm elected president of college. Mermaid Players Sue Murray and Doug Wert receive Gould Awards for outstanding dramatic arts. Twelve outstanding seniors selected for Who's Who. Danforth experiment to continue with freshman discussions of values in next school year. George Shuman reveals Development Council's building plan. Microcosm meets approval. Interfraternity Council plans modified rushing program for next school year. Commons Club ceases to exist.

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Dickinsonian, May 15, 1959

Faculty vetoes proposed rushing plan. Robert Frost receives first Dickinson College Arts Award. Colin Kelly III is appointed to West Point. Fraternities and Sororities elect presidents. Richard A. Weiss speaks at Omicron Delta Kappa banquet.

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Dickinsonian, May 8, 1959

Chi Omega wins Zeta Tau Alpha Song Fest. Mermaid Players and Interfraternity Council elect new officers. Avocado Mock Rocks is (hat society for troublesome female students) founded. Mathematics and chemistry departments reorganize courses. Lewis M. Hatter, successful alumnus, to speak at banquet. Dr. Oscar Cargill, chairman of the English department at New York University's Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, gives an informal lecture in Memorial Hall on Ernest Hemingway.

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Dickinsonian, May 1, 1959

Professor Daniel McDonald receives research grant from National Institute of Health. Philip B. Secor becomes political science instructor. Music department presents opera "Hansel and Gretel" in Carlisle Opera House (aka The Bucket). Mermaid Players present "Uncle Vanya". Possibilities for college radio station explored. ROTC faculty are reassigned. Professors Asa W. Climenhaga, Freidrich Sandels, and Mary B. Taintor retire. Events planned for Mother's Weekend. Professor George H. Frogen teaches local children Russian. Music classes added to summer session.


Dickinsonian, April 10, 1959

Student Senate requests its members declare their party affiliations. Dean of Contemporary American Poets Robert Lee Frost receives first Dickinson College Arts Award. Dean of Women Victoria Kathryn Hann resigns. Students extinguish fire in Gibbs House. Howard C. Long becomes physics professor.

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Dickinsonian, March 20, 1959

Honor Code is not ratified in student election. Tuition is raised. Dickinson joins Institute for American Universities' Junior Year in France Program. Jack Yahraes (Action Party) is elected Student Senate president. Changes in rushing season and girls' hours discussed at Communications Committee meeting. Raphael Hays succeeds his father as tennis coach.


Dickinsonian, March 6, 1959

Candidates for Student Senate elections announced. United Party's platform. Dickinson Follies perform "Katy Did", a modern adaptation of "She Stoops to Conquer". Dickinson Aero Club plans to purchase second plane. Wrestling competes in Middle Atlantic States Wrestling Championships. Swimming places fourth at Middle Atlantic championships. Dean Frederic W. Ness speaks about recruiting faculty at meeting of the National Education Association's Association of Higher Education.

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Dickinsonian, February 27, 1959

Parents Association plans to encourage informal faculty-student relations. Tension between Student Senate and college president and deans. Creation of college radio station considered. Franklin Clark Fry, president of the United Lutheran Church in America, speaks in chapel. National Science Foundation awards large research grant to Dr. Barbara B. McDonald for study of protozoan nuclei. Mermaid Players plan show of Twelfth Night. Franklin & Marshall defeats men's basketball.


Dickinsonian, February 20, 1959

Willard F. Libby receives Priestley Memorial Award. Planetarium completed in Tome Scientific Building. Italian classes are reinstated. Education and Psychology department plans move from Church House to new Reed Hall. Seven memorial plaques dedicated in Durbin Oratory. Fraternities and Sororities announce 1959 pledge class. Phi Epsilon Pi adopts dog, Thumper. Dickinson joins National Defense Student Loan Program, receiving loans to give to students who plan to become science or mathematics teachers.


Dickinsonian, February 13, 1959

President William Edel consents to extended term. Admissions plans class of '63 to be smallest in many years. Fire in kitchen of Phi Epsilon Pi house. Student Senate questions faculty changes. Frank A. Miller becomes history instructor; Jacqueline Smith Olin becomes chemistry instructor. Men's swimming defeats Gettysburg. Professor William L. Taylor embarks on lecture tour of Near East and Far East on American way of life for State Department.

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Dickinsonian, December 16, 1959

Dr. Gilbert Malcolm announces his 1961 retirement. He will remain, serving as Provost. Professor John Dixon resigns from Student-Faculty Judicial Council, stating that it needs reforms. The Board of Trustees holds several meetings, overseen by Boyd L. Spahr. Service fraternities host Christmas parties for children. A five-dollar fine is to be charged to students for cutting class on the days proceeding or following vacation. An annual Christmas fashion show is held. Problems with fraternity housing are investigated. Poor conditions and lack of space are studied.

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Dickinsonian, December 8, 1959

The Dickinsonian takes third place in national competition. Alpha Psi Omega admits three top drama students. Eero Saarinen receives Dickinson Art Award. A holiday concert will be given by the college choir. Thirty attend a leadership gathering given by Omicron Delta Kappa. Student Senate seeks the results of a survey regarding a new grading system. Catholic Club sponsors an interfaith discussion. Fall athletic recognition assembly was held. Wrestlers hope for an improvement this season. Bob Worthington posts best offensive yardage in '59 season.

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Dickinsonian, November 20, 1959

In this issue it is announced that Dr. Martin Luther King is to be the guest speaker at a college chapel service. Mermaid Players to present "Blithe Spirit." Freshman class officers are announced. Campus "Ugly Man" contest is presented by Phi Mu as a fundraising service project. Miscellaneous "Little News" stories are reported by the Student Senate. A dorm raid results in disciplinary action. Students react to the investigations of quiz show contestant Charles Van Doren. Professors Paul Smith and Carl Kerr receive Doctoral degrees.


Dickinsonian, November 13, 1959

Stories in this edition include an announcement that architect Eero Saarinen will speak here. Religion-in-Life organization announces presentation that will include talks by Rabbi Bennett, Reverend Durham, Monsignor Schmidt and Reverend Evans. The cheerleading squad adds five new members. Follies tryouts are announced. Dean Ness commends the IFC for raising the pledging average. Homecoming queen Barbara Duvall is crowned. Dickinson loses homecoming game to Lebanon Valley, 15-6. Social service projects are sponsored by Chi Omega and Pi Mu. A new reading program is announced.

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Dickinsonian, November 6, 1959

Homecoming plans are announced. Dean Ness is selected as Humanities Chair. Jazz trombonist J. J. Johnson to perform on November 7. Phi Kappa Psi celebrates centennial. The Microcosm is used to investigate graduates. The music department will present "Amahl" and "Die Fledermaus." Three seniors are selected by ROTC to be top ranking officers. A new art exhibit, "The Heroic Encounter", will be presented. Freshman class officer nominations are announced. Historian Basil King gives talk on the history of New Zealand. New placement services are announced.


Dickinsonian, October 30, 1959

This issue reports highlights of the Military Ball and the Mermaid Players' presentation of "The Miser." The annual Chest Drive begins, Dr. Gilbert Malcolm is honored at Alumni Dinner. An appreciation of Denny Hall is reported. The Christian Association is formed by combining four existing campus organizations. Sigma Chi celebrates 100 years on campus. The Dickinson Flying Club purchases a new plane. Inter-fraternity and Freshman league football seasons end. G.M. Scholarship winners are announced. Pi Delta Epsilon admits four new members. The winter sports schedule is announced.


Dickinsonian, October 23, 1959

This issue contains an article about the Military Ball. An upcoming lecture by Alistair Cooke is announced. Results of class elections are announced. Barbara Stevens, Dean of Women, attends IFC meeting to clarify social rules. A student essay draws parallels between Communism and the U.S. Armed Forces. The Dean of Men addresses the problems of water battles and unregistered cars. An extension of library hours is proposed. Dr. Gilbert Malcolm is honored by ROTC. Parents council meets and approves five projects. Henry Fellowships for study in England are offered.


Dickinsonian, October 16, 1959

This issue contains articles about plans for parents weekend. Lt. Col. William Pinson is appointed new head of Military Science Department. A performance of the Joffrey Ballet is reviewed. Lloyd Ultan, head of the Music Department discusses the formation of a band. Class officer elections are planned. A group from Dickinson attends the Vienna Youth Festival.

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Dickinsonian, October 9, 1959

This edition includes articles about a $50,000 gift for a new language center. The IFC announces rush period program. Senate loans funds to establish a radio station. Distinguished Military Students for 1959-1960 are announced by ROTC. The student housing shortage is discussed. Band organizers discuss a lack of interest in the formation of a band.


Dickinsonian, October 2, 1959

The first issue of the 1959-60 school year includes articles on the members of the class of 1963 moving in and receiving orientation. Barbara Stevens is appointed the new Dean of Women, and she changes the curfew hours for female students. Nineteen new faculty members are announced. Dr. James Leslie leads the Danforth Experiment at Dickinson. Panhellenic Council sponsors a Panhellenic Weekend. Faculty in Psychology and Biology receive grants. New Raven's Claw members are announced. Students who made the dean's list at the end of spring 1959 are announced.
