Dickinsonian, April 11, 1906

The annual banquet of the Alumni Association of New York is held. The association's president Horatio King distributes new college songbooks to the attendees and President Reed speaks about the college's current state. The 1906 Microcosm procures a profit for the first time in the publication's history. 

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Dickinsonian, February 7, 1906

President Reed addresses the campus, speaking out against the current state of football and threatens to abolish it if major amendments are not made to the nature of the game. The college catalog for 1905-1906 is published. The Dickinsonian requests writing samples from those students who wish to join the publication's editorial staff. The greatly-anticipated freshman-sophomore basketball game is played. The sophomore class elects their Microcosm officers. 

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Dickinsonian, December 9, 1905

Dickinson defeats Franklin and Marshall in the first debate of the season. The manager of the 1907 Microcosm develops a plan which will require students to lay a down payment on their yearbooks, hoping that this will make the book more financially successful than in previous years. Students gather with the intent of forming a College Minstrel Club to fill the void created when the Dramatic Club disbanded a few years earlier.


Dickinsonian, March 11, 1922

Miss Mary Buttorff to be featured in the Philomel concert. All college miniature circus event. Microcosm story winners are announced. The shifters appear on campus. Sophomores are allowed to choose punishments for Freshmen guilty of violating rules. The common cold is spreading through campus like wildfire. Banquet to be held for basketball players. Alumni of the College has two banquets. Sigma Alpha Epsilon formal. Phi Delta Theta informal. Kappa Sigma informal. Alpha Chi Rho stunt and dinner. Beta Theta Pi St. Patrick's Day event. Phi Mu banquet.


Dickinsonian, May 18, 1910

YWCA and YMCA jointly hold a fete in the gymnasium.  Intercollegiate Debating teams are restructured.  A new department for the teaching of oral composition and debating is proposed.  Senate for 1911 elected.  Department of Oratory announces final contest.  1911 Microcosm published.  The Union Philosophical Society, the College Band, and the Harman Literary Society hold officer elections.  Halley's comet passes by.


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Dickinsonian, March 16, 1910

Dickinson defeats Swarthmore in the Fourth Intercollegiate Oratorical Contest.  The Junior physics class went to study the organ in Allison M. E. Church.  Rev. Samuel Parkes Cadman gives an excellent lecture.  The combined musical clubs give a concert at Shippensburg.  Dr. W. V. Kelley's lecture on Browning is a success.  Mid-winter sports exhibition held.  New Dickinsonian board announced.  Editor responds to hazing controversy.  1912 Microcosm board members announced. 


Dickinsonian, June 3, 1911

End of the year issue. Summaries of recent Baseball, Tennis, and Track Results. German Exchange teacher visiting Dickinson for six weeks. Annual reports of student clubs. Essay on Christian Science by Horatio Collins King. Listing of the Class of 1911 with student's activities. Pictures of class officers and other students in important positions.


Dickinsonian, May 24, 1911

Results of baseball games against Ursinus and Washington and Jefferson. Glee Club performs ar Irving College. Final round of the oratorical contest held. Several students and professors to spend the summer abroad. Annual Track trophies presented. Literary section features poetry contest with student contributions. Female students learn more about women's suffrage.

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Dickinsonian, September 28, 1910

Business manager of the 1911 Microcosm, C. Leroy Cleaver, announces impressive balance in accounts.  "Songs of Dickinson" songbook compiled by Ben Hinchman, '05, with 117 songs, available for purchase.  All students made subscribers to Dickinsonian.  Prizes for best literary contributions announced, sponsored by local businesses.  Mr.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, April 5, 1917

Musical clubs make annual spring tour.  Students sign petition requesting a drillmaster to ready the student body for military service.  Class Day is planned.  The Educational Jubilee Organization of the Methodist Episcopal Church convinces conferences to increase Dickinson's endowment.  Microcosm officers are elected.  Dickinsonian board is selected.  YWCA elects officers.


Dickinsonian, October 30, 1897

The ladies of the Ladies Hall host a reception for the seniors.  The literary societies have had unusual enthusiasm and activity this year.  At the request of Dr. Reed and with large support from the students, the Dickinson Musical Association is established, a constitution and by-laws drawn up and approved, and officers elected.  A large and convenient exit gate is installed at the athletic field, in response to complaints.  The Junior class elects its officers.  The editors of the Microcosm are chosen.


Dickinsonian, November 11, 1903

President George Reed encourages Methodists to donate money to existing Methodist colleges instead of starting new colleges. Pi Beta Phi enters Dickinson. Reports come in from Heib '95 and Pemberton '03 about their mission work in Ceylon & India. Request from the editors for alumni to submit any old copies of the Dickinsonian they may have so that "a complete file of these volumes may be bound and preserved for reference in the future." William A. DeGroot '97 elected as a member of the General Assembly of New York.


Dickinsonian, September 24, 1898

The Freshmen, Sophomore, and Junior Classes choose their class officers. The board of the Microcosm is announced. This year’s freshman class in the largest to date. Dickinson wins in the Inter-collegiate Oratorical contest at Mt. Gretna. Y. M. C. A. reception occurs.


Dickinsonian, March 24, 1900

Alumni banquet held in Philadelphia. Phi Delta Theta held a banquet. Debate between Dickinson and State College, the former the winner. The first annual banquet of the Dickinson College Alumni Association of the Central Penna. Conference was held. Update on the progress of the Microcosm.
