Dickinsonian, December 1893
The editors ask the student body to remember that the reputation of Dickinson is in their hands. Rev.
The editors ask the student body to remember that the reputation of Dickinson is in their hands. Rev.
Rumors that the girls of the college will form their own fraternity. Organization of Baltimore Alumni Association. Kappa Gamma initiations. Phi Delta Theta banquet. Criticism of the Athletic Association. Announcement of a new recitation hall.
Multiple pages of notes about this year's commencement. Alumni banquet is held. Phi Delta Theta banquet. Sigma Alpha Epsilon banquet. Phi Kappa Psi's annual reunion and Symposium. Beta Theta Pi banquet. Sigma Chi banquet. Announcement of Y. M. C. A.'s annual conference in Northfield. Belles Lettres Society held a contest in Bosler Hall. The semi-annual meeting of the Inter-Collegiate Press Association of the Middle States was held in Philadelphia. Results of the Belles Lettres Society and Union Philosophical Society are announced.
Announcement of the new editors of the Dickinsonian. Criticism of the course selection policy and process. Criticism of library procedure. Article on "Dickinson Catalogues of 1813-1890. 5 vols. 218 D.". The Middletown District convention was held. Phi Delta Theta's annual banquet will be held during commencement week. Phi Kappa Psi will hold it's Annual Symposium in June. Beta Theta Pi attended their annual Dorg of New England with many other universities. Sigma Chi was represented at the Provincial Convention of the First Province.
Philadelphia Club holds banquet. The annual Day of Prayer will be observed. Trustee Alex H. Patton, leaves $10,000. Phi Kappa Sigma attends convention in Baltimore. The old piano in Bosler hall is replaced. Sigma Alpha Epsilon attends its national convention in Memphis, Tennessee. Phi Delta Theta attended their convention in Indianapolis and holds their banquet in Harrisburg. The roof of Denny Hall is completed.
The walls of Denny are demolished and rebuilding begins following the successful start of a fundraising campaign. There is a senior physics excursion to visit Daniel Drawbaugh who is attempting to invent a wireless telephone.
Alumni banquet held in Philadelphia. Phi Delta Theta held a banquet. Debate between Dickinson and State College, the former the winner. The first annual banquet of the Dickinson College Alumni Association of the Central Penna. Conference was held. Update on the progress of the Microcosm.
Delta Chi holds a banquet. The new Scientific Course is announced and its requirements and curriculum detailed. A lecture series is announced. The results of the Senior Class Day and Union Philosophical Society elections results announced. Low attendance at the YMCA Star Course's first event is lamented. Donations to support athletics at Dickinson are encouraged. The establishment of a trophy room is proposed. The class of 1899 elects its athletics committee. Science facilities are improved with new laboratory space and an aquarium. 
Summary of the mid-winter sports. Glee and Mandolin clubs' concert. Banquet for the Dickinson Alumni Association in Philadelphia. Karmarian Club holds a phantom party. Play on the Reformation held in the Carlisle Opera House. Phi Delta Theta banquet. Y. M. C. A. meeting. Belles Lettres Literary Society election results.