Dickinsonian Newspaper


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Philadelphia Club holds banquet.  The annual Day of Prayer will be observed.  Trustee Alex H. Patton, leaves $10,000. Phi Kappa Sigma attends convention in Baltimore. The old piano in Bosler hall is replaced.  Sigma Alpha Epsilon attends its national convention in Memphis, Tennessee. Phi Delta...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Omega Psi hold their annual reception and Phi Kappa Psi holds a dance.  The Dickinsonian reports on a bill that would create a state and industrial school for African Americans.  The construction of the Molly Pitcher monument is discussed. Alpha Chi Rho is installed at Dickinson.  The...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Dr. Reed is elected head of the Anti-Saloon League. Sigma Chi holds a banquet.

Dickinsonian Front Page

Union Philosophical Society celebrates 116 years.  The Alumni Record is completed.  Students worry they will not have their annual banquet.

Dickinsonian Front Page

Dr . Gooding hosts a talk on German Education and University Life.  Belles Lettres celebrates its 119th anniversary.  The Freshman Class receives their banquet. The debate between Belles Lettres and Union Philosophical Society is to take place.

Dickinsonian Front Page

The Mid-Winter Sports Contests will take place, but without girls basketball.  Kappa Sigma holds a Banquet to celebrate the third year of its founding. Alpha Chi Rho attends its annual convention in Philadelphia.  Pi Beta Phi held a well attended reception. The Baltimore Alumni Association holds...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Union Philosophical and Belles Lettres had their annual debate, Union Philosophical was declared the winner.  The topic was "That the Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution should be repealed."   The Lyric Club will hold a concert in Bosler Hall.

Dickinsonian Front Page

The first annual Northeastern Pennsylvania Alumni Association of Dickinson College banquet was held in Scranton.  President Reed discusses his travel experiences as he attempted to increase the endowment of the college. Phi Kappa Psi holds a dance.  The first anniversary of the Denny Fire is...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Pennsylvania makes hazing a crime.  Dr. Shumkoff, a citizen of Macedonia, gave a talk in Chapel Hall on his country. Dickinson changes rules regarding absences. The Y.W.C.A. candy shop attempts to raise money for the Silver Bay Conference.

Dickinsonian Front Page

Robert A. Judy withdraws from Dickinson vacating his position as football manager.  C.P. Lingle '07 replaces him. Dickinson prepares to meet Swarthmore in April for the Intercollegiate debate.

Dickinsonian Front Page

The preparations for the Intercollegiate debate continue, and baseball prospects are discussed.  The Sophomore Bible Class has a pleasant time at Professor Filler's house.  Professor F. E Downes becomes superintendent of Harrisburg High School. Harry R. Isaacs is selected as a Rhodes Fellow.

Dickinsonian Front Page

Andrew Carnegie gives $14,000 for improvements to Conway Hall.  The college prepares for the Track and Field season.  The lack of knowledge of Dickinson's songs is discussed.  The junior and senior classes meet to discuss the new rules concerning freshman rules.  The 1906 Microcosm is highly...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Swarthmore wins Intercollegiate Debate.  The performance of the college yell is criticized. The artwork to appear in the Microcosm is characterized at excellent

Dickinsonian Front Page

Dickinson observed the 16th year of Dr. Reed's presidency. The bell atop Old West is taken down and placed in the bell tower of Denny Hall.  Upon doing so it was found to be cracked.  Dickinson College hosts the annual convention of the Intercollegiate Prohibition Association of Pennsylvania

Dickinsonian Front Page

The Mandolin and Glee Clubs perform at Irving College.  The first recitations are held in Denny Hall.  The seniors take their class trip to Doubling Gap. The Easter Dance was held and students from the surrounding colleges attended.

Dickinsonian Front Page

The stone fence around the Academic Quad is discussed. Athletic relations with the Carlisle Indian School are resumed.  The grandstand was burned during the annual "off night." 

Dickinsonian Front Page

The Microcosm will be a week late. A lecture by Dr. Prettyman was given to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Fredrich Schiller's death. The benches in Denny are to be kept free of defacement. Sigma Chi gains a new house.

Dickinsonian Front Page

The Dickinson Combined Musical Clubs performed at the Chambersburg Opera House and were well received.  William D. Robinson'08 is elected Captain of the Track team.  An article extolling Benjamin Rush is published in this issue.

Dickinsonian Front Page

 A summary of the history of Denny Hall and the features of the new building.  Conway Hall is formally dedicated. A Music Club concert is held in Bosler hall

Dickinsonian Front Page

The new school year begins with a large freshman class, and publication of the names of those who matriculated.  Physical Director, Professor Forrest E. Craver resigns and is replaced by John W. Williams, '04.  A list of the prizes awarded at the 1905 Commencement, both college and law school,...

Dickinsonian Front Page

The Seniors, Juniors, and Freshmen elect their officers for the  year.  Electric lights to be installed in East College.  The editors exhort all to pay the optional athletic fee in support of the athletic teams.  Professor Harry W. Smith is the new football coach.  The ladies of the Freshman and...

Dickinsonian Front Page

The members of the Glee and Mandolin clubs are selected from a large group of interested and talented men.  The YMCA procures new hymn books.  The editors write on the worth of small colleges.  An inter-fraternity meeting is held.  The Freshmen are reminded to obey the rules, and the Sophomores...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Improvements are made to the athletic fields to keep the crowd from surging onto the field. Students are encouraged to attend the upcoming football game against the  Carlisle Indian School and ticket prices are reduced so more students can attend. Freshman are reminded to obey the rules set by...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Every student is encouraged to attend the first football game in three years between Dickinson College and the Carlisle Indian School where souvenir programs will be distributed. A large meeting is held in Bosler Hall to practice yells and songs for the Dickinson-Indian game. The constitution...

Dickinsonian Front Page

In their first meeting in three years, Dickinson College loses the football game against the Carlisle Indian School with a final score of 36-0. Dickinson Alumni Claud M. Stauffer, class of 1905, leads the Carlisle Indian School band during the Dickinson-Indian game. False reports of a brawl...


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