Dickinsonian, December 9, 1905

Dickinson defeats Franklin and Marshall in the first debate of the season. The manager of the 1907 Microcosm develops a plan which will require students to lay a down payment on their yearbooks, hoping that this will make the book more financially successful than in previous years. Students gather with the intent of forming a College Minstrel Club to fill the void created when the Dramatic Club disbanded a few years earlier.


Dickinsonian, November 15, 1905

The Dickinson branch of the YMCA will present the annual Week of Prayer November 20-24. For the first time in several years a home football game is celebrated with a parade, following the team's victory over Lehigh. Saturday morning chapel is cancelled to allow students to travel to Williamsport to support the football team in their game against State College. The Damage Committee holds a meeting to clarify its rules and policies. 


Dickinsonian, November 1, 1905

The Freshmen hold a Freshmen Banquet in the fall term for the first time. Corrections are made to the membership list of the Belles Lettres Literary Society. The obituary for Miss Carolyn Eppley, '05, is published. An announcement is made for Jacob A. Riis' upcoming lecture titled, "The Battle with the Slums," the lecture is hosted by the Civil Club. Ye Philadelphia Club met in East College to elect its officers. 


Dickinsonian, October 25, 1905

In their first meeting in three years, Dickinson College loses the football game against the Carlisle Indian School with a final score of 36-0. Dickinson Alumni Claud M. Stauffer, class of 1905, leads the Carlisle Indian School band during the Dickinson-Indian game. False reports of a brawl between the Dickinson and Carlisle Indian School students published by the Philadelphia Press are rejected. The class of 1870 holds a reunion in Philadelphia. The Faculty is encouraged to make important announcements through The Dickinsonian instead of at Chapel.


Dickinsonian, October 18, 1905

Every student is encouraged to attend the first football game in three years between Dickinson College and the Carlisle Indian School where souvenir programs will be distributed. A large meeting is held in Bosler Hall to practice yells and songs for the Dickinson-Indian game. The constitution and by-laws of the Pan-Hellenic League of Dickinson College are published.


Dickinsonian, October 11, 1905

Improvements are made to the athletic fields to keep the crowd from surging onto the field. Students are encouraged to attend the upcoming football game against the  Carlisle Indian School and ticket prices are reduced so more students can attend. Freshman are reminded to obey the rules set by the upper classes. The first Sophomore-Freshman football game of the year ends in a tie. The Treasurer's Report for the Dickinson College Athletic Association is released. The Epworth League of the Methodist Church hosts a reception for students.


Dickinsonian, April 26, 1905

Dickinson observed the 16th year of Dr. Reed's presidency. The bell atop Old West is taken down and placed in the bell tower of Denny Hall.  Upon doing so it was found to be cracked.  Dickinson College hosts the annual convention of the Intercollegiate Prohibition Association of Pennsylvania

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, April 12, 1905

Andrew Carnegie gives $14,000 for improvements to Conway Hall.  The college prepares for the Track and Field season.  The lack of knowledge of Dickinson's songs is discussed.  The junior and senior classes meet to discuss the new rules concerning freshman rules.  The 1906 Microcosm is highly anticipated.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, February 22, 1905

The Mid-Winter Sports Contests will take place, but without girls basketball.  Kappa Sigma holds a Banquet to celebrate the third year of its founding. Alpha Chi Rho attends its annual convention in Philadelphia.  Pi Beta Phi held a well attended reception. The Baltimore Alumni Association holds their annual Banquet.  The sophomore co-ed class entertains the sophomore male class.  The Freshman class hosts a smoker.  Fraternity rules change, no freshman is allowed to rush before January 1st or live in the fraternity house their first year.


Dickinsonian, March 8, 1905

The first annual Northeastern Pennsylvania Alumni Association of Dickinson College banquet was held in Scranton.  President Reed discusses his travel experiences as he attempted to increase the endowment of the college. Phi Kappa Psi holds a dance.  The first anniversary of the Denny Fire is observed.  Samuel W. McDowell '06 and Willard L Amthor '07 are elected Dickinsonian editors for the coming year.  Captain A.


Dickinsonian, February 15, 1905

Dr . Gooding hosts a talk on German Education and University Life.  Belles Lettres celebrates its 119th anniversary.  The Freshman Class receives their banquet. The debate between Belles Lettres and Union Philosophical Society is to take place.
