Dickinsonian, November 15, 1905

The Dickinson branch of the YMCA will present the annual Week of Prayer November 20-24. For the first time in several years a home football game is celebrated with a parade, following the team's victory over Lehigh. Saturday morning chapel is cancelled to allow students to travel to Williamsport to support the football team in their game against State College. The Damage Committee holds a meeting to clarify its rules and policies. 


Dickinsonian, November 11, 1903

President George Reed encourages Methodists to donate money to existing Methodist colleges instead of starting new colleges. Pi Beta Phi enters Dickinson. Reports come in from Heib '95 and Pemberton '03 about their mission work in Ceylon & India. Request from the editors for alumni to submit any old copies of the Dickinsonian they may have so that "a complete file of these volumes may be bound and preserved for reference in the future." William A. DeGroot '97 elected as a member of the General Assembly of New York.


Dickinsonian, October 4, 1901

Rev. J. Ross Stonesifer re-elected as pastorate of the Church of God. Establishment of the Reed Literary Society and the Gamma Epsilon Literary Society in the Dickinson College Preparatory School. Damage Committee members appointed. Sophomore class elections.

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