Dickinsonian, November 8, 1905
Members of the sophomore class take a straw ride and play games. President George E. Reed returns from vacation and is greeted by a cheering crowd, a good demonstration of college pride.
Members of the sophomore class take a straw ride and play games. President George E. Reed returns from vacation and is greeted by a cheering crowd, a good demonstration of college pride.
Seniors present Dr. and Mrs. Reed with brass candlesticks in honor of their 21st year at the College. Freshmen win the cap scrap agains the Sophomores by ingeniously concealing their caps in their shoes. The day long Senior Ride up to Doubling Gap is a success. Dickinson competes in annual Pennsylvania relay races in Philadelphia. Student body is called to encourage the Senate to more activity and involvement. Annual Dewey Night celebrations carried off more tamely than usual with a smoker in the gym.
The YWCA holds a very successful night of entertainment, including musical and theatrical acts. The editors complain of the incorrect reports and anti-Dickinson attitude in the Carlisle newspapers and the Carlisle community of "know-it-alls" at large. The last Comus Club dance of the year is planned. Sigma Alpha Epsilon holds a dance at the Armory. YMCA holds its officer elections. Belles Lettres and Union Philosophical Society celebrate their anniversaries with a lecture by Dr. W. V.
Freshmen successfully post their posters on the tower of old West College. Faculty Club holds first meeting. Freshmen hold a feed. Freshmen girls host a reception. The Law School opens with one of its largest classes ever. Alumni honor Dr. Reed. Professor Super's paper on President Durbin is continuted from the previous week.
Dickinson begins its 127th year with an assembly in chapel, including a speech by Dr. Reed. Sophomores successfully put up their posters, unmolested by Freshmen. Sophomore girls hold a reception for the Sophomore boys in Assembly Hall. The YMCA holds its annual all college reception in Chapel Hall. Freshmen posters must be up by October 14th. Freshmen win agains the Sophomores in the annual rush. Second Section holds a feed. The subject for intercollegiate debate is announced. Phi Delta Theta gives an informal dance.
Dickinson defeats Swarthmore in intercollegiate oratorical contest. American Flag and set of silver presented to President George Edward Reed to mark his 22nd anniversary as president of the college. Professor Filler attended the annual meeting of the Classical Association of the Atlantic, found other Dickinsonians in attendance. Phi Kappa Sigma held spring dance. Carlisle held its annual spring festival. Harman Literary Society announces programs about women's suffrage. Long opinion piece about exploitation and conservation.
The Skitchagenee Sophomore club held a dance at the Phi Kappa Psi house. President Reed told a story about improper youthful behavior, but the moral is lost on the student body. The Mohler Scientific club held a discussion of the Busch Magneto. A list of novels worth reading. Long essay titled "What Scared Belshazzer. The Varsity Show to be postponed until fall.
Former Dickinson Professor Major James Evelyn Pilcher dies in Georgia, President Reed leads funeral. Deutcher Verein hold first meeting of the semester. Doctor Crider treats the band to a banquet. Student writes his "Thoughts of Mark Twain" Student saves a robin whos feet had been tangled in string.
Combined musical clubs, including Glee Club, Mandolin Club, complete a tour giving performances throughout Central Pennsylvania. Roy M. Dunkleberger, class of 1906, marries in India while serving as a Missionary. Alumni Gatherings to take place in New York City and Bloomsburg, PA. President Reed and Mrs. Reed host evening gathering of the senior class. Old-time fair held in the Gymnasium for the benefit of the Athletic Assiciation. Comul Club dance rescheduled in observance of Lent.
Freshman Banquet held in Harrisburg. Skull and Key society holds meeting. Annual fundraising for the Library Guild successful. Money for an academic prize donated to the economics department. Washington Alumni look to form permanent organization. President George Edward Reed submits letter of resignation. An essay on classic mythology in Milton's poetry.
Inter-society debate held, presided over by Professor Hitchler, Union Philosophical Society wins. Dr. Reed gives lecture on socialism. Mr. Irving E. Vining gives a lecture to Belles Lettes on "The Art of Knowing and Influencing Men". Day of prayer for colleges observed.
Smoker all arranged. Student Senate criticized. Major William Eccleston Stewart, class of 1859, dies of typhoid. Alumni send letter from Panama. President Reed explains resons behind procedure for paying term bill.
Doctor Reed gives year opening address. German professor Dr. Prettyman to take a year off for study and travel. Ladies of the class of 1913 host informal reception for the Sophomore men in Assembly Hall. First meeting of Student Assembly held in Bosler Hall, addressed by Dr. Reed. Plan to add subscription to The Dickinsonian to all students' bill proposed by President Clarkson and passed. Sophomores successfully hang their poster, after a scrap with Freshmen. Samuel Brown to temporarily replace Dr.
Sigma Chi celebrates its 59th anniversary. Dr. George E. Reed returns to Dickinson to give a chapel address. German actors return to Dickinson to give two plays. The text of Dr. Filler's speech to Carlisle's Company G upon their return from military training is published. A list of all campus organization officers is published. Union Philosophical Society wins first annual debate between it and Harman Literary Society.
Account of commencement. Junior Oratorical Contest is followed by a Junior Promenade. Board of Trustees meets, decides to purchase the athletic field, and authorizes the construction of a new building for offices, recitation rooms, and literary society halls as soon as funding is secured. UPS and Belles Lettres hold annual general meetings. Frank Moore wins and George Edward Mills receives second place in Senior Oratorical Contest for Walkley prize. President Reed holds a reception for the senior class in his mansion. Phi Kappa Psi holds its annual symposium.
Professor Rittenhouse resigns. Mr. McAllister wins the Union Philosophical Society's annual oratorical contest. President Reed moves his residence from East College to the new presidential mansion. Union Philosophical Society elects officers. Field Day is held. Turpin, '90, represents Dickinson at the Intercollegiate Athletic Association's field sports competition. A new fraternity, Alpha Zeta Pi, forms. Mr. Hynson wins the Belles Lettres Society's annual sophomore oratorical contest.
The College Chapel, West College, and the outside walkways of the campus are all renovated and improved. The Seniors partake in the traditional Senior Class-Ride through the mountains. The Union Philosophical Society holds their annual sophomore oratorical contest, as does the Belles Lettres Society. President Reed holds a reception for students in the President’s House. Burglars are decried for breaking into
President Reed is inaugurated into the college. President Reed begins offering elocution lessons to each class. The Glee Club is commended for the music they furnished at President Reed’s induction. An athletic field is supplied by President Reed at the request of the students. Slight improvements and renovations are made to the College Chapel. A centennial celebra
President-elect Reed is received at Dickinson by a congregation of students, a band, and much fanfare. Religious fervor among the students is at a high after Bishop Foss’ lecture in the previous month. The Belles Lettres Society holds its 103rd annual banquet. The College is granted secretaryship of the Inter-Collegiate Athletic Association. Male and female students exhibit their gymnastic skills fo
Seniors enjoy a psychology lecture series put on by Dr. Rittenhouse. Bishop Cyrus D. Foss speaks at the well-attended Day of Prayer for Colleges. Professors Whiting and Harman host supper parties for the seniors. A profile of President-elect Dr. George E.
Dr. George E. Reed is selected as Dickinson College’s new President at a meeting of the Board of Trustees on Thursday, January 3rd, 1889. The sophomores and freshman hold a vocal contest. The Dickinson College Boarding Club is established. The Union Philosophical Society plans its centennial anniversary. The baseball team begins practices.
The Orchestra and Octette have a "phenomenally successful trip" over the break. A lecture series including lectures by Mr. Phoelus W. Lyons, Rev. James Morrow, J. Smallwood, Dr. P. S. Thorpe, and various Dickinson faculty, is announced. Despite various offers of "flattering positions", President Reed stays at Dickinson. The Prohibition Club elects new officers. Fund raising for a new recitation building progresses. The Senior class elects officers. Feed held for West College just before the holidays.
The process of competing for membership on The Dickinsonian board is explained, and the types of submissions wanted are described. Training in oratory is lauded. Participation in YMCA is encouraged. The editors respond to the Lutheran Church's condemnation of college's "senseless infatuation for so brutal a species of sport," football. Phi Kappa Psi takes their annual fraternity ride to Mount Holly Springs and Boiling Springs. Sigma Alpha Epsilon visit the Gettysburg battlefield. Deans and officers of the classes are selected. Dr.
President George Reed address for the State Epworth League. Belles Lettres Society anniversary. Baltimore Alumni Association of Dickinson College meeting.
The second of the annual Sophomore oratorical contests is held in Bosler Hall under the auspices of the Belles Lettres Literary Society. The 115th annual commencement ceremonies are planned, to include a sermon by President George Edward Reed. The track and field dual meet between Dickinson and the Carlisle Indian School is cancelled due to petty disagreements in methods of arbitration.