Dickinsonian, September 22, 1909

Dickinson begins its 127th year with an assembly in chapel, including a speech by Dr. Reed.  Sophomores successfully put up their posters, unmolested by Freshmen.  Sophomore girls hold a reception for the Sophomore boys in Assembly Hall.  The YMCA holds its annual all college reception in Chapel Hall.  Freshmen posters must be up by October 14th.  Freshmen win agains the Sophomores in the annual rush.  Second Section holds a feed.  The subject for intercollegiate debate is announced.  Phi Delta Theta gives an informal dance.

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Dickinsonian, October 1893

The editors write on starting the new year off well and liberal education.  Rev. Robert W. Rogers, English Bible Chair, leaves Dickinson.  His courses are to be distributed among other professors, and so the editors propose establishing a Chair of History to fill his place.  Seventy-five freshmen matriculate.   The YMCA holds its annual reception for the whole college to start the academic year in Chapel Hall. 


Dickinsonian, March 13, 1909

Glee and Mandolin Club's annual spring tour. Belles Lettres Society and Union Philosophical Society election results. Union Philosophical Society wins the debate against the Belles Lettres Society. Dr. Prettyman lectures the Shakespeare Club. Belles Lettres Society anniversary. Sigma Alpha Epsilon dance. Phi Kappa Psi reception. Minstrel show will be given. Pi Beta Phi entertains in the Assembly Hall. Dr. Abbee address in Chapel Hall. Dickinson loses to Swarthmore in an oratorical contest. Summary of James N. Brown's address to the college.


Dickinsonian, October 21, 1908

School trip to Gettysburg. Formation of the Press Club. New rules are placed upon Freshmen. Republican Club mass meeting in Chapel Hall. Phi Kappa Sigma Founders' Day anniversary ride to Dillsburg. Civic Club concert. Sigma Alpha Epsilon Inter-Fraternity Smoker. H. H. Mercer to speak at Bryan League meeting. Phi Delta Theta smoker.


Dickinsonian, February 3, 1900

The Union Philosophical Society and the Belles Lettres Society debate in Bosler Hall, the latter the victor. The J. Herman Bosler Library is opened. The Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. has a missionary meeting in Chapel Hall. First section of Senior Foresnsics is held. Announcement of the annual Mid-Winter sports cup.

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Dickinsonian, September 14, 1901

Dickinson banquet is held at the beginning of the year. Athletic Association meeting. New Dickinson College Preparatory School building. Memorial service for President McKinley. Annual reception for the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. in Chapel Hall. List of new students.

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