Dickinsonian, September 21, 1910

Doctor Reed gives year opening address.  German professor Dr. Prettyman to take a year off for study and travel.  Ladies of the class of 1913 host informal reception for the Sophomore men in Assembly Hall.  First meeting of Student Assembly held in Bosler Hall, addressed by Dr. Reed.  Plan to add subscription to The Dickinsonian to all students' bill proposed by President Clarkson and passed.  Sophomores successfully hang their poster, after a scrap with Freshmen.  Samuel Brown to temporarily replace Dr.

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Dickinsonian, February 3, 1916

A visiting evangelist leaves Dickinson after a week’s stay.  The track schedule is completed for this year’s season, as is next year’s football season schedule.  A proposed amendment to the student assembly’s constitution that would have only allowed men to serve was shot down, much to the pleasure of the women on campus.  Six freshmen are convicted of breaking freshmen rules, but the issue of abolishing such rules is tabled.  Dickinson’s faculty redrafts the eligibility rules for student athletes.  


Dickinsonian, October 14, 1908

Notes on the progress of the Student Assembly. A class letter from the class of '98. Comus Club election results. Civic Club announces its entertainment course. Republican Club meeting. Update on the 1910 Microcosm.


Dickinsonian, February 21, 1912

Conference Committee of the Faculty denies Student Assembly's request that members of the college band be exempt from gym class. A defense of Student Senate's usefulness. Kappa Sigma gives third annual mid-winter dance. The Women's Suffrage League meets often. 

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Dickinsonian, May 6, 1970

Students vote to strike in protest of the "ever-widening war in Indochina," specifically the expansion of U.S. troops into Cambodia and the resumption of U.S. bombing of North Vietnam. They will strike for an indefinite period and students will gather for a review in two days. A Referendum survey is also published for all students to fill out. Students receive a permit for a march past the War College. Some 75 students block the main entrances to Denny Hall while the planning committees meet. President Rubendall will call a faculty meeting to discuss student anti-war strikes.

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