Dickinsonian, February 23, 1910

Washington's Birthday banquet a successful evening.  Fresmhan smoker is held.  Kappa Sigma holds a dance in Assembly Hall.  Some upperclassmen respond to the Band's article of the previous week.  The trustees hold their usual midwinter meeting in Philadelphia.


Dickinsonian, February 16, 1910

All college feed planned for February 22nd.  Mr. John F. Howard to give a recital of "Julius Caesar."  Civic Club holds a lecture on "Storm Heroes of our Coast" by the Hon. Arthur K. Peck.  The college band announces it will now require payment for playing at non-athletic events and rebuffs accusations of lack of school spirit.  New college bulletin is issued.  Any interested are invited to participate in the Carlisle Oratorio Society's production of "Samson and Delilah". 

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, October 6, 1909

Freshmen successfully post their posters on the tower of old West College.  Faculty Club holds first meeting.  Freshmen hold a feed.  Freshmen girls host a reception.  The Law School opens with one of its largest classes ever.  Alumni honor Dr. Reed.  Professor Super's paper on President Durbin is continuted from the previous week.


Dickinsonian, September 22, 1909

Dickinson begins its 127th year with an assembly in chapel, including a speech by Dr. Reed.  Sophomores successfully put up their posters, unmolested by Freshmen.  Sophomore girls hold a reception for the Sophomore boys in Assembly Hall.  The YMCA holds its annual all college reception in Chapel Hall.  Freshmen posters must be up by October 14th.  Freshmen win agains the Sophomores in the annual rush.  Second Section holds a feed.  The subject for intercollegiate debate is announced.  Phi Delta Theta gives an informal dance.

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Dickinsonian, October 5, 1910

Dickinson beat by Carlisle Indians in footbal.  Law School opens for the semester.  Delta Chi holds a smoker.  Lack of encouragement for debating and public speaking on campus. Third and Second Section hold their annual late night "feeds".  Harrisburg lawyer Mr. Loeser, Esq. gives lecture on "The Loan Shark."  Green Freshmen caps delivered and widely worn on campus.  The Freshmen class elects officers.


Dickinsonian, January 1894

The Orchestra and Octette have a "phenomenally successful trip" over the break.  A lecture series including lectures by Mr. Phoelus W. Lyons, Rev. James Morrow, J. Smallwood, Dr. P. S. Thorpe, and various Dickinson faculty, is announced.  Despite various offers of "flattering positions", President Reed stays at Dickinson.  The Prohibition Club elects new officers.  Fund raising for a new recitation building progresses.  The Senior class elects officers.  Feed held for West College just before the holidays. 
