Dickinsonian, February 4, 2016

The 2016 Iowa Caucus watch party draws a large crowd, student activists present the administration with proposals to improve the student experience, the Board of Trustees met with more than 100 students during the annual on-campus meeting, and superstorm Jonas drops 28.6 inches of snow. 

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Dickinsonian, October 26, 2011

Trustees discuss drinking at Dickinson. Dickinson holds International Poetry Week. Goodyear Gallery opens new digital lab. National Archaeology Day celebrated on Campus. Office of Religious Life and Community Services hosts First Annual Dickinson Day of Service.

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Dickinsonian, February 17, 2011

General David H. Patraeus informs the college that he cannot make it to campus to speak at Commencement, and Allan Goodman, President of the Institute of International Education, takes his place. Students launch a Dickinson blog. Trustees create new "Young Alumni" seats. Profile on student athlete Jason Adams. Women's Basketball defeats Bryn Mawr. Track breaks records at Susquehanna Invitational.


Dickinsonian, November 8, 1979

Students create a paper recycling program. Both the editor-in-chief and associate editor of the Dickinsonian suddenly resign due to a "clash of principle." William S. Masland is appointed president of the Board of Trustees. An explosion and subsequent fire during an organic chemistry class causes the evacuation of Althouse and sends one student to the hospital for minor injuries. The college hosts the Trinidad Folk Festival. A feature on the college's sports teams' propensity for losing appears.

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Dickinsonian, October 18, 1979

Former ambassador to the European Community J. Robert Schaetzel visits Dickinson. The Interfraternity Council votes to ban upper-class Independent men from the Quads. The proposed $500 tuition increase is formally approved by the board of trustees. A new portrait of alumnus Horatio C. King is gifted to the Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity to replace one that has been missing since 1976. The field hockey team enjoys an extremely successful season, matching their record from last year with four games still to go.

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Dickinsonian, June 4, 1910

Skull and Key holds initiation.  Professor Leon Prince marries Miss Julia Delavan, class of 1913.  Dr. William Lindsay retires due to declining health.  Troutman Gougler selected as new field coach.  Musical clubs have successful year and tour.  Conway Hall holds commencement exercises.  Oratorical department and Library Guild have successful years.  Skitchagenee holds annual banquet and initiates new members.  Traditional Commencement Play forbidden by Trustees.  Press Club holds second annual banquet and elects new officers.  Dr. C. W.


Dickinsonian, February 23, 1910

Washington's Birthday banquet a successful evening.  Fresmhan smoker is held.  Kappa Sigma holds a dance in Assembly Hall.  Some upperclassmen respond to the Band's article of the previous week.  The trustees hold their usual midwinter meeting in Philadelphia.


Dickinsonian, July 1891

Account of commencement. Junior Oratorical Contest is followed by a Junior Promenade. Board of Trustees meets, decides to purchase the athletic field, and authorizes the construction of a new building for offices, recitation rooms, and literary society halls as soon as funding is secured. UPS and Belles Lettres hold annual general meetings. Frank Moore wins and George Edward Mills receives second place in Senior Oratorical Contest for Walkley prize. President Reed holds a reception for the senior class in his mansion. Phi Kappa Psi holds its annual symposium.


Dickinsonian, October 1885

The junior class decides to publish a Microcosm, the first in many years to do so.  The Jacob Tome Scientific Building is opened.  The college is taking athletics more seriously, and the number of enrolled students increases.  With the opening of the Scientific Building, Professor Himes takes up specialty in Physics instruction and Professor Lindsay in Laboratory and Chemistry instruction.  The Trustees decide that students can enter the societies without pause once they enter the college.  The Seniors defeat the Juniors in baseball on October 3 with a scor


Dickinsonian, November 27, 1897

The Honorable Theo. G. Knauff gives an illustrated lecture to the campus on Mexico.  John Herman Bosler, member of the class of 1858 and trustee, dies.  The Oriental Troubadours to give a concert in Bosler Hall, sponsored by the YMCA.


Dickinsonian, July 1, 1873

Commencement week is detailed. J. Richard Parkison and E. H. Conklin win Pierson Prizes in Junior oratorical contest. Class Day is detailed. First Class Spread is a success. Board of Trustees meets. Alumni Association holds annual meeting. J. W. Wetzel, G. H. Miller, J. R. Parkison, and W. L. Gooding are elected Dickinsonian editors. J. Y. Dobbins and C. F. Robbins are elected secretaries; E. F. Hilton is elected treasurer. Senior D. M. Graham holds class party. Henry Thomas wins Union Philosophical Society's sophomore oratorical contest. Jno. F.


Dickinsonian, July 1887

Commencement is held.  The Junior Class Oratorical Contest is held.  The Board of Trustees defends President McCauley and the actions of the Faculty regarding the Hill Case.  Sigma Chi, Chi Phi, and Phi Kappa Psi hold banquets.  Field Day is held.  Dickinson beats Letort in baseball 17 to 6.


Dickinsonian, December 12, 1896

The YMCA raises money for missionaries.  The results of the Athletic Association's annual officer election are announced.  Students are strongly encouraged to buy tickets for future Star Course events.  The Belles Lettres Literary Society elects officers for the year.  Students skate on the frozen creek.  The completion of Denny Hall is authorized by the board of trustees.  Dr. Prince is elected to the chair of History and Political Science.  A ladies literary society, the Harman Literary Society, is organized, and officers elected.


Dickinsonian, January 30, 1946

A new woman's dormitory. renovations of chemical laboratories, improvements to the College commons, and repairs to East College are approved by Trustees. Examination scheduled posted. Saturday night socials sponsored by the Men and Women's Cooperating Association. Exam hysteria sets in. Dickinson debates with Penn State and West Point.


Dickinsonian, May 17, 1924

Professor Earnest A. Vuilleumier invents a solids hydrometer, to be used in determining the specific gravity of solid substances. The Board of Trustees authorizes the drawing up of architectural plans for renovations to the college's dormitories and the building of a new gymnasium. New events to be featured during commencement are outlined, designed to include significantly more alumni involvement than in previous years. The French Club presents its two plays in Metzger Hall to overwhelmingly good reviews.


Dickinsonian, March 20, 1941

March 3, 1773 is adopted as the official date of the founding of the college by the Board of Trustees, making it the eleventh oldest college in the nation and the oldest west of the Susquehanna River. President Fred Pierce Corson presents a creed for national defense in chapel, asserting that although the United States have not yet declared war, they are a part of the war. Corson appoints a committee of four faculty members and two students to review the extra-curricular activity point system that is being challenged.


Dickinsonian, March 30, 1933

President Waugh and Dean Hitchler give alumni assurances about the direction the college is going in, even though it is a tough economic time. Dickinson's dog population continues to increase. Elections to the Board of Trustees are soon to come. Schedule of upcoming speakers at Chapel. Lindsey Richard won the annual Omicron Delta Kappa sophomore cup award. The winter edition of the Hornbook to appear March 31, 1933. New leaders elected to the YWCA and WSGA.


Dickinsonian, February 16, 1933

The Board of Trustees met and discussed modernizing the campus, the endowment, and alumni contributions. A speakers' bureaus will be formed to allow students to practice public speaking outside of debating. Plans for the Miami Triad formal dance, hosted by Beta Theta Pi, Phi Delta Theta and Sigma Chi, are almost complete. Speech on "Patriotism versus Nationalism" will occur at the next meeting of the Young People's Fellowship. Belles Lettres Society to gain new officers.


Dickinsonian, April 23, 1931

Several Dickinson men plan to go abroad this summer to western Europe and norther Africa. The Beta Psi fraternity and the Commons Club merge and now will collectively be called the Commons Club Incorporated. Edward Biddle, president of the Board of Trustees creates a committee of trustees that will consider men for the office of president of the college. The Microcosm is sent to the printers and will be ready for distribution for the price of $4.50.

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Dickinsonian, January 15, 1931

The Athletic Association elects a new president, but protests the lack of publicity regarding the elections, blaming Student Senate for the poor turnout. The Biology department, under the leadership of Elmer Herber and the Mohler Scientific Club, presents three films relating to the study of cancer but are interdisciplinary. At the faculty meeting it is decided that preliminary examinations will be done away with beginning immediately to lessen the work for both students and their professors.


Dickinsonian, October 2, 1930

The Board of Trustees organize several series of lectures on cultural and educational topics for the Dickinson and Carlisle community. They will cover "The Makers of Europe" and "Studies of Great Men." The Sigma Chi fraternity announces at the Interfraternity Council its intent to hold a contest of both scholarship and intramural sports for fraternities to participate in. The Dramatic Club will present several one act plays during Friday chapel in addition to their usual major productions.
