Dickinsonian, July 1891

Account of commencement. Junior Oratorical Contest is followed by a Junior Promenade. Board of Trustees meets, decides to purchase the athletic field, and authorizes the construction of a new building for offices, recitation rooms, and literary society halls as soon as funding is secured. UPS and Belles Lettres hold annual general meetings. Frank Moore wins and George Edward Mills receives second place in Senior Oratorical Contest for Walkley prize. President Reed holds a reception for the senior class in his mansion. Phi Kappa Psi holds its annual symposium.


Dickinsonian, February 3, 1904

Phi Psi purchases a chapter house, the baseball season is set to begin and Phi Kappa Sigma hosts a dance. The Dickinsonian examines the life and influence of "Uncle" Noah Pinkney who was born a slave in Frederick County, Maryland and then sold pies and cakes to students outside of East College for over 20 years.
