Dickinsonian, July 1891

Account of commencement. Junior Oratorical Contest is followed by a Junior Promenade. Board of Trustees meets, decides to purchase the athletic field, and authorizes the construction of a new building for offices, recitation rooms, and literary society halls as soon as funding is secured. UPS and Belles Lettres hold annual general meetings. Frank Moore wins and George Edward Mills receives second place in Senior Oratorical Contest for Walkley prize. President Reed holds a reception for the senior class in his mansion. Phi Kappa Psi holds its annual symposium.


Dickinsonian, April 1876

James Beaumont Spenser, student, dies. A Central Pennsylvania Alumni Association is formed. The science lecture room is outfitted with cases and new apparati. Phi Kappa Psi holds 17th annual symposium in Carlisle.  James Strong, D.D., Professor of Exegetics at Drew Theological Seminar, pays the school a visit.

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Dickinsonian, April 6, 1875

Elections for the officers of the Dickinsonian for the coming year take place. Phi Kappa Psi holds their 16th Annual Symposium. Phi Kappa Sigma holds their annual session in Philadelphia. The class of 1872 holds a reunion. The history of Dickinson College is outlined “in brief,” and the editors apologize to non-alum readers for the length of the piece, defending its importance.

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