Dickinsonian, February 28, 1906

Members of the Phi Beta chapter of Alpha Chi Rho attend the fraternity's annual convention. A meeting of the Association of College Presidents of Pennsylvania is called to discuss the recent controversies surrounding football, as well as the state's medical schools. The Civic Club closes a successful season with a performance at the Carlisle Opera House. The freshman class holds a smoker in celebration of the termination of the rule which restricted them from smoking on campus. Phi Kappa Psi's Founder's Day is celebrated with a smoker. 


Dickinsonian, April 29, 1922

Annual Tug-o'-War between Freshmen and Sophomores. The War Department requests that the college form a rifle club. The Greek Club will perform in Old West. Officers for all women organizations are chosen. Preparations for Alumni Day. Preparation for commencement activities. Dickinsonian Managerial Board elections. Belles Lettres Society and Law Club debate postponed. Professor Prince speaks at the Harrisburg Teachers' Association. Proposed Budget System was approved by student senate. John Hays will give a radio concert. Obituary for Miss Mary Dillon. Sophomore Oratorical Contest.


Dickinsonian, November 26, 1921

Adelaide Fisher performance at the Orpheum Theater of Harrisburg. Winners of the "D" will receive certificates. Announcement of Dramatic Club productions. Dramatic Club productions. Professor Baumgartner lectures on health. Thanksgiving day reunion of the Camp Moosilauke Lads. Good-English week. Phi Kappa Sigma, Phi Kappa Psi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Beta Theta Pi, Kappa Sigma, and Theta Chi all have Thanksgiving dances. Alpha Chi Rho has a luncheon.


Dickinsonian, February 4, 1910

"Minna Von Barnheim" play is a great success.  Comus Club holds its midwinter dance.  Day of Prayer is observed.  Freshmen hold banquet.  Passed Dickinsonians compiled, some found to be missing.  Speaker Elbert Hubbard is entertained by Alpha Chi Rho after delivering an excellent lecture o the College.  Phi Kappa Psi holds a dance in the Armory.  Sophomores and Freshman have a scrap, which ends in a tie. 

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Dickinsonian, November 3, 1909

Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity holds a smoker.  The Halloween Masquerade Carnival is a great success.  Delta Chi hosts an evening at Holly Inn.  Beta Theta Pi holds a Halloween dance in Assembly Hall.  YMCA prepares for Week of Prayer.  Phi Kappa Psi holds a Halloween dance in Armory Hall.


Dickinsonian, May 3, 1911

Freshmen win sophomores in annual cap scrap. Flag in college colors presented at chapel. Lecture to be given by Mr. Irving E. Vining about the " Types and tendencies of men". Phi Kappa Psi hosts housewarming to mark the remodeling of their house. Comus CLub dance postponed. Dr. W. A. Hunsberger resigns from post of assistant to the president. Short story titled "The Caterpiller" published in entirety.


Dickinsonian, April 19, 1911

The Skitchagenee Sophomore club held a dance at the Phi Kappa Psi house. President Reed told a story about improper youthful behavior, but the moral is lost on the student body. The Mohler Scientific club held a discussion of the Busch Magneto. A list of novels worth reading. Long essay titled "What Scared Belshazzer. The Varsity Show to be postponed until fall.


Dickinsonian, February 26, 1913

The Annual College Banquet was held in the gymnasium on the anniversary of George Washington’s birthday. The sophomore class continues to win every game in the Inter-class series. The Dramatic Club is to perform “The Comedy of Errors” by Shakespeare during Commencement week. The Phi Kappa Psi fraternity held its annual Founder’s Day dance in Mentzer Hall. Paul G. Smith will be the new baseball coach for the upcoming season.


Dickinsonian, July 1890

Incorporators of the Law School meet. Highlights of Commencement Week. Mr. Crowder wins Walkley Senior Oratorical Prize. Belles Lettres Society and UPS hold their annual general meetings. Account of Class Day. Mr. M. P. Sellers and Mr. C. A. Terhune win the freshman oratorical contest. Freshmen hold the annual burlesque. Professor Muchmore resigns as physical instructor; Professor Willard G. Lake replaces him. Beta Theta Pi celebrates its 20th anniversary. Chi Phi holds annual banquet. Phi Kappa Psi holds annual symposium. Sigma Chi holds annual banquet.


Dickinsonian, July 1889

Commencement is held.  Bishop Foss holds a sermon for the YMCA.  The Junior Oratorical Contest is held is Bosler Hall.  Class Day is celebrated by the Class of 1889.  The Belles Lettres and Union Philosophical Societies elect officers and honorary members.  The Alumni Association also elects officers.  An inter-class baseball


Dickinsonian, July 1888

A harmonious and progressive year ends for the college with the 105th Commencement Ceremony.  The Junior Class Oratorical Contest is held.  Theta Nu Epsilon, Phi Kappa Psi, and Chi Phi hold their annual banquets.  Dr. Himes photographs students in the gymnasium.  The classes of 1890 and 1891 play baseball, with the freshmen winning the day 28 to 18.  The freshmen lose a baseball game to the preparatory students, 21 to 11.  Dickinson’s baseball team also wins against teams from Carlisle, Harrisburg, and Pennsylvania College.

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Dickinsonian, July 1886

The 103rd annual Commencement Week is held.  Bosler Memorial Library Hall is formally presented to the Board of Trustees in an elaborate ceremony.  Professor Lindsay is elected to a full professorship position for Chemistry.  The baseball team loses to a  Harrisburg team 12 to 6, with complaints regarding a biased umpire.  Chi Phi, Sigma Chi, Theta Delta Chi, and Phi Kappa Psi hold their annual banquets. 


Dickinsonian, April 1894

Professionalism in athletics is condemned as destructive of the ends of intercollegiate athletics.  The editors discuss what one should get from a college course.  Phi Kappa Psi, at its Grand Arch Council, resolves to discourage hazing.  The new Dickinsonian managers and board are chosen.  The establishment of a Trophy Room is proposed.

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Dickinsonian, November 1893

The process of competing for membership on The Dickinsonian board is explained, and the types of submissions wanted are described.  Training in oratory is lauded.   Participation in YMCA is encouraged.  The editors respond to the Lutheran Church's condemnation of college's "senseless infatuation for so brutal a species of sport," football.  Phi Kappa Psi takes their annual fraternity ride to Mount Holly Springs and Boiling Springs.  Sigma Alpha Epsilon visit the Gettysburg battlefield.  Deans and officers of the classes are selected.  Dr.


Dickinsonian, April 1877

The Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity holds a reunion in Carlisle. Slight changes are made to the landscaping around campus in preparation for Commencement. The Sophomores and Freshman hold a baseball game, won by a score of 36 to 12 for the class of 1879. A baseball game is also held between a group of college students and members of the local community, won by the student with a score of 34 to 12. 3 students have an egg-eating competition, with 18 eggs a piece.


Dickinsonian, April 1876

James Beaumont Spenser, student, dies. A Central Pennsylvania Alumni Association is formed. The science lecture room is outfitted with cases and new apparati. Phi Kappa Psi holds 17th annual symposium in Carlisle.  James Strong, D.D., Professor of Exegetics at Drew Theological Seminar, pays the school a visit.

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Dickinsonian, May 5, 1909

Senior class ride to the Doubling Gap Springs. Freshmen win the annual Freshmen-Sophomore scrap. Annual dinner of the Philadelphia Alumni. Inter-Fraternity baseball games. Phi Kappa Psi convention. Alumnus recounts story of late night dance held in Old West, circa 1865.


Dickinsonian, April 28, 1909

President Reed's twentieth anniversary as president of the college. Organization of a fraternity baseball league. Inter-class track meet. Update on the Minstrel show.  Comus Club dance. Judge Ben B. Lindsey lecture. Phi Kappa Psi convention.

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Dickinsonian, March 13, 1909

Glee and Mandolin Club's annual spring tour. Belles Lettres Society and Union Philosophical Society election results. Union Philosophical Society wins the debate against the Belles Lettres Society. Dr. Prettyman lectures the Shakespeare Club. Belles Lettres Society anniversary. Sigma Alpha Epsilon dance. Phi Kappa Psi reception. Minstrel show will be given. Pi Beta Phi entertains in the Assembly Hall. Dr. Abbee address in Chapel Hall. Dickinson loses to Swarthmore in an oratorical contest. Summary of James N. Brown's address to the college.


Dickinsonian, February 10, 1909

Washington's Birthday banquet. German scholar Dr. Abbee visits the college.  Dramatic Club play in the Carlisle Opera House. Union Philosophical Society's anniversary. Phi Kappa Psi dance. Concert given by the Brandon Trio Club. Lincoln's Birthday celebration. Tewaina, of the Carlisle Indian School, wins a ten mile race from Obermyer and See. Bostonia Opera Co. performance.


Dickinsonian, November 18, 1908

Old athletic field sold to the Cumberland Valley Railroad. Comus Club dance. Union Philosophical Society election results. Mrs. John Linder obituary. Phi Kappa Sigma party. Notes on the boys of Conway Hall. Phi Kappa Psi dance. Problems of the timing of Mission Study Classes.


Dickinsonian, June 1893

Multiple pages of notes about this year's commencement. Alumni banquet is held. Phi Delta Theta banquet. Sigma Alpha Epsilon banquet. Phi Kappa Psi's annual reunion and Symposium. Beta Theta Pi banquet. Sigma Chi banquet. Announcement of Y. M. C. A.'s annual conference in Northfield. Belles Lettres Society held a contest in Bosler Hall. The semi-annual meeting of the Inter-Collegiate Press Association of the Middle States was held in Philadelphia. Results of the Belles Lettres Society and Union Philosophical Society are announced.

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