Dickinsonian, February 28, 1906

Members of the Phi Beta chapter of Alpha Chi Rho attend the fraternity's annual convention. A meeting of the Association of College Presidents of Pennsylvania is called to discuss the recent controversies surrounding football, as well as the state's medical schools. The Civic Club closes a successful season with a performance at the Carlisle Opera House. The freshman class holds a smoker in celebration of the termination of the rule which restricted them from smoking on campus. Phi Kappa Psi's Founder's Day is celebrated with a smoker. 


Dickinsonian, April 17, 1980

Omicron Delta Kappa and Blue Hats tap members. Junior Scott Mumma awarded the Presidential Scholarship by President Samuel A. Banks. Junior Bill Hill III receives 1902 Award. Alpha Chi Rho and Sigma Alpha Epsilon organize a 24-hour marathon volleyball game to raise money for UNICEF. Ted Kennedy visits Harrisburg. Professor Neil Weissman speaks of strive for immortality. State police investigate fraternity vandalism. English poet Gavin Ewart reads his poetry in a presentation in Memorial Hall. Golf Team remains undefeated. Bill Koltnow receives national collegiate boxing title.


Dickinsonian, March 11, 1922

Miss Mary Buttorff to be featured in the Philomel concert. All college miniature circus event. Microcosm story winners are announced. The shifters appear on campus. Sophomores are allowed to choose punishments for Freshmen guilty of violating rules. The common cold is spreading through campus like wildfire. Banquet to be held for basketball players. Alumni of the College has two banquets. Sigma Alpha Epsilon formal. Phi Delta Theta informal. Kappa Sigma informal. Alpha Chi Rho stunt and dinner. Beta Theta Pi St. Patrick's Day event. Phi Mu banquet.


Dickinsonian, November 26, 1921

Adelaide Fisher performance at the Orpheum Theater of Harrisburg. Winners of the "D" will receive certificates. Announcement of Dramatic Club productions. Dramatic Club productions. Professor Baumgartner lectures on health. Thanksgiving day reunion of the Camp Moosilauke Lads. Good-English week. Phi Kappa Sigma, Phi Kappa Psi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Beta Theta Pi, Kappa Sigma, and Theta Chi all have Thanksgiving dances. Alpha Chi Rho has a luncheon.


Dickinsonian, February 4, 1910

"Minna Von Barnheim" play is a great success.  Comus Club holds its midwinter dance.  Day of Prayer is observed.  Freshmen hold banquet.  Passed Dickinsonians compiled, some found to be missing.  Speaker Elbert Hubbard is entertained by Alpha Chi Rho after delivering an excellent lecture o the College.  Phi Kappa Psi holds a dance in the Armory.  Sophomores and Freshman have a scrap, which ends in a tie. 

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Dickinsonian, October 26, 1910

Essay on the position of the law man (law student) on the athletic committee. Freshman class takes a straw-ride to Mechanicsburg. Sophomore Class holds outing in Mount Holly Springs. Class to be offerred on the principles of debate. Senate passes a resolution on the treatment of underclassmen by upperclassmen. Organ recitals to be given at Allison Methodist Church.


Dickinsonian, February 8, 1917

Dr. Ira Landrich, Prohibition candidate for president in 1916, gives well-received speech in chapel.  The annual intersociety debate to be on compulsory arbitration of labor vs. capital disputes.  Alpha Chi Rho holds 12th anniversary banquet.  J.H. Atkinson urges Dickinson to adopt military training in case the U.S. enters WWI.

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Dickinsonian, October 12, 1916

Dr. Prettyman ‘72 gives speech to YMCA on freedom at college. Pi Beta Phi pledges new members. College band elects officers; Frank Adams '18 is president. Kappa Sigma receives Wiener trophy for tennis. Alpha Chi Rho receives Kappa Sigma cup for track. Interfraternity council revises rushing rules.

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Dickinsonian, February 18, 1914

A complete layout for the proposed Honor System is to be voted upon by the student body. The Phi Delta Theta Fraternity held its annual dance in Metzger Hall. The Contemporary Club attempted to take a sleigh ride, but unfortunate circumstances caused them to return. Alpha Chi Rho had a similar tragedy, upon which they returned to the Fraternity house and celebrated there.  

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Dickinsonian, March 3, 1909

Article on Frank Mt. Pleasant, former member of the Carlisle Indian School. Update on the inter-society debate. Union Philosophical Society anniversary in Bosler Hall. National Convention of the Alpha Chi Rho. Ben Greet players will perform at the Carlisle Opera House. Summary of Mr. James N. Brown lecture. Members of the Oratorical Team chosen. Freshmen oration contest.


Dickinsonian, January 25, 1905

Omega Psi hold their annual reception and Phi Kappa Psi holds a dance.  The Dickinsonian reports on a bill that would create a state and industrial school for African Americans.  The construction of the Molly Pitcher monument is discussed. Alpha Chi Rho is installed at Dickinson.  The Sophomore and Freshmen class have a large fight in front of West College.


Dickinsonian, September 27, 1905

The Seniors, Juniors, and Freshmen elect their officers for the  year.  Electric lights to be installed in East College.  The editors exhort all to pay the optional athletic fee in support of the athletic teams.  Professor Harry W. Smith is the new football coach.  The ladies of the Freshman and Junior class host a reception for Freshman men, with some disturbance by the members of the Sophomore class.  The Civic Club to host a lectures series.  The annual county fair to be held in Carlisle.  Alpha Chi Rho secures new rooms in the Stuart building.


Dickinsonian, October 3, 1925

Despite cold weather, the Annual College Picnic is a great success. The Belles Lettres Society received a letter from well-known minister and author Henry Van Dyke. The Interfraternity Scholarship Cup is presented to Phi Kappa Sigma. A meeting of the Interfraternity Council rejects the proposed arrangements for first year / fraternity interactions. A more moderate proposal calls for a series of gatherings in the college gymnasium where freshman will be the guests of fraternities. A novice tennis tournament is held to discover talent for next season's team.


Dickinsonian, March 29, 1934

Professor Leon Cushing Prince decides to run for lieutenant governorship. Lloyd W. Hughes wins Phi Epsilon Pi award for being the most valuable basketball player. Dickinsonian sends representatives to convention of Intercollegiate Newspaper Association. Professor C. R. Walther Thomas becomes honorary member of Theta Chi. Alpha Chi Rho house catches fire; minimal damage.

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Dickinsonian, October 18, 1934

Alpha Chi Rho resigns from the Interfraternity Council. The upperclassmen have some fun punishing the freshmen for breaking the freshmen rules. The Men’s Senate will form a permanent organization of unaffiliated students in order for them to form a more unified group. The soccer team loses to Bucknell. Alumni are urged to attend the Homecoming celebrations and the Diamond Jubilee of Sigma Chi at Dickinson. An article questions whether the Men’s Senate should be allowed to make decisions for the entire campus, as well as for the women of the college.

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Dickinsonian, March 3, 1932

Alpha Chi Rho places automobile in Bosler hall. Tribunal punishes five freshmen. Annual Dickinsonian banquet is held. Women's Student Government Association petitions President Waugh to explain ambiguous demerit system to student body. Sigma Chi wins intramural basketball championship.


Dickinsonian, May 16, 1929

The Alpha Chi Rho fraternity hosts a special reception for Mothers' Day.  "The Temple", a magazine of campus verse created by Beau Geste, the Dickinson College poetry club, is ready for print.  Harold Kline is elected as the new head of the Intra-fraternity Council.  Founder's Day celebrations take place.  Meetings are held to discuss campus politics.


Dickinsonian, May 30, 1942

Junior class, Class of 1943, elects president. Student Senate decides that Rushing will not occur during the summer session. the 169th Commencement. Approximately 120 students are enrolled for the summer session. the 1942 Microcosm comes out on time. Six high school seniors are awarded Trustee scholarships. Article describing the events and guests of Commencement. Twenty intercollegiate athletes will graduate this commencement from Dickinson. Article about four years of college by a Senior female student. Article on history of Carlisle and war.


Dickinsonian, June 10, 1955

Sixteen Dickinson seniors will be commissioned as second lieutenants in the United States Army Reserves. Eight honorary diplomas will be awarded at graduation, three of whom are Dickinson graduates from previous years. The Cultural Affairs Committee sites a successful year with many speakers and showcases coming to campus over the past months. The 182nd Commencement will be held on Benjamin Rush Campus in two days with a full day of activities planned for both that day and Senior Day, which is today.
