Dickinsonian, February 17, 2011

General David H. Patraeus informs the college that he cannot make it to campus to speak at Commencement, and Allan Goodman, President of the Institute of International Education, takes his place. Students launch a Dickinson blog. Trustees create new "Young Alumni" seats. Profile on student athlete Jason Adams. Women's Basketball defeats Bryn Mawr. Track breaks records at Susquehanna Invitational.


Dickinsonian, February 3, 2011

Pretty Lights to perform for the spring concert. Dickinson study abroad students in Egypt return. The College Farm introduces beef cattle. Miseno's now accepts declining balance. Women's Basketball beats Muhlenberg. Men's Swimming wins conference to earn top rank.


Dickinsonian, February 25, 2010

Various campus and local performing arts groups prepare for the Haiti Benefit Concert. Campus hosts the annual POSSE Plus Retreat. Author Rebecca Skloot visits campus to discuss her book. In the DuCharme Invitational for track, the men's team finished on top and women's came in third. Women's Basketball heads to play-offs after defeating Gettysburg and Franklin and Marshall. Profile on student athlete Chris Heine.


Dickinsonian, February 18, 2010

Students respond to repeated assaults by Carlisle resident, Darien Leggs, and the relationship between Dickinson and Carlisle. Art Haüs suspension upheld. Early admissions numbers rise. Details of the Public Affairs Symposium event on sports in society. Club Ice Hockey defeats Gettysburg and Johns Hopkins to win the championship. Women's Basketball wins against Washington College to clinch a spot in the playoffs. Profile on student athlete Alesha Sisco.


Dickinsonian, February 11, 2010

Arts Haüs gains support in its opposition against suspension. Tuition to increase by 3.5%. Faculty salary freeze causes controversy. Clark Forum hosts Art Spiegelman. New campus meal deals offered. Profile on student athlete Greg Smart. Brooke Muller and Alesha Sisco lead the Women's Basketball team.


Dickinsonian, February 22, 1996

Lani Guinier to give lecture through the Clarke Center. Details regarding the Latin American Symposium. Jim Hoefler, Professor of Political Science, announces his bid for a Pennsylvania State Senate seat. Debate over the use of the Depot on campus. Large centerfold on the details of the Public Affairs Symposium. Despite losing its last three games, the Women's Basketball team heads for play-offs. Three Dickinsonians are named to the All-Conference Team: Annie Guzek, Gretchen Muller, and Nate Brought.

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Dickinsonian, February 8, 1996

Charles R. Gerrow, Professor of Political Science at Dickinson, makes a bid for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. An article discusses the issue of affirmative action. Discussion of upcoming plans for the Public Affairs Symposium as it focuses on the notion of equality. Women's Basketball continues a seven-game winning streak. New records are set in Men's and Women's Indoor Track and Field.

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Dickinsonian, February 7, 1980

Professor T. Scott Smith gives his "Last Lecture." The new gym is named after the late Josiah and Bessie Kline. Students attend a seminar hosted by Dr. William J. Beeners at Princeton Theological Seminary. Junior Colleen Miller is appointed Night Supervisor of the student union building - the first time a woman has held this position. The Public Affairs Symposium plans to discuss the nuclear power, and Dr. Barry Commoner will be the keynote speaker. The Second City comedy group performs. Women's Basketball wins against Johns Hopkins.


Dickinsonian, February 15, 2007

Extreme propaganda posters are hung up in residence halls warning against being trusting of suspicious persons after a 44 year-old man was caught trespassing in Baird-McClintock. The online room-draw system is put on hold for another year until all the glitches have been worked out, sending student back into the Social Hall for the housing lottery one last time. The Women's Basketball team continues their post-season, moving up in the conference to hold second place.

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Dickinsonian, February 8, 2007

As fraternity rush season takes off, Kappa Sigma fraternity considers reapplying for recognition on campus after being suspended in 2004. The TV ad-hoc committee established recently by Student Senate releases a poll of potential cable channels to be added to Dickinson's repertoire. MOB and Delta Sigma Phi fraternity hold a CD release party for a local student band. A former technician in the biology department is charged with stealing $146,000 from the school by charging personal purchases to a department credit card and submitting false receipts for reimbursement.


Dickinsonian, March 6, 1926

Dickenson looses against Bucknell and Penn State in the annual triangular debate. The 14th annual banquet of the Dickinson Alumni Association is held in Harrisburg. Coach McAndrews issues the first call for baseball hopefulls. The Dickinson basketball team takes a 33-25 victory over Gettysburg. The Drama Club will present "The Whole Town's Talking" on March 16th. The first annual Miami Triad Dance was held by Sigma Chi, Phi Delta Theta, and Beta Theta Pi fraternities. Motion pictures on the process of film-making were shown by the Mohler Scientific club.


Dickinsonian, February 27, 1926

S. Marsh Johnson, former assistant coach at the University of Pittsburgh, is elected by the Athletic Association as Dickinson's new football Coach. Dickinson has joined a one year trial Eastern Collegiate Athletic conference with the football programs of Gettysburg, Franklin and Marshall, Muhlenberg, and Ursinus. Joe Nesbit's Orchestra will provide the music for the Junior Prom this year. The Student Volunteer Conference is a popular success. Prof. Leon C. Prince delivered the main address of the celebration of the 140th anniversary of Belles Lettres literary Society.


Dickinsonian, February 6, 1926

Dickinson considers entering into a football conference with seven other local colleges--including Gettysburg, Franklin and Marshall, Muhlemberg, Haverford, Ursinus, and Swarthmore. Try-outs are held for the Drama Club's winter production of "the Whole Town's Talking." The Dickinson Basketball team takes its 6th stright win over the undefeated Mount Saint Mary's. A three day Bible exhibit will be held at Allison Church where B. Floyd Rinker of the English department will speek on the history of the bible. Dr. G. Whitfield Ray gave a Chapel talk about life in South America.

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Dickinsonian, January 16, 1926

Dickinson's Basketball team takes down the University of Pennsylvania in a 24 to 19 victory. Plans begin for the junior Prom.  Jacob Goldberg is elected to basketball captain. Belles Lettres welcomes women to a meeting. The Dramatic Club announces "The Whole Town's Talking" as their mid-year play. Faculty judges select members for the Debating Team.

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Dickinsonian, December 5, 1925

The Dickinson football team has a good season, ending the year with only 2 defeats. Women's Senate will hold a meeting to vote upon recommendations made by the Woman's Intercollegiate Association of Student Government. Fraternity rushing begins. The poll taken by the YMCA and YWCA shows that the student body favors entering the World Court. The Women's Basketball team begins practices. The YWCA will hold its annual Doll Show.


Dickinsonian, October 10, 1925

The football team opens their season with a game against Lebanon Valley ending in a 6-6 tie. Dickinson has been chosen to hold the twenty-first annual Student Volunteer conference of the colleges and seminaries of Eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey.  Revisions are made to the plan for first year / fraternity interacting to require that each fraternity send 1-3 representatives to every other fraternity on their night for entertainment. Both the Christian Fellowship Group and the French Club receive their largest attendance ever this year.

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Dickinsonian, March 13, 1924

The Dramatic Club's production of Clarence debuts. Belles Lettres and UPS plan a contest to include informal debates and speeches. A survey of the most popular names among Dickinson students appears. The Alumni Council requests the cooperation of undergraduate students for the preparation of banquets and commencement activities for alumni due to overwhelming interest. Professor Leon C. Prince begins actively campaigning for the Republican party nomination for Congress after announcing his candidacy a week prior.


Dickinsonian, February 23, 1933

President Waugh and professors attend a hearing in Harrisburg to speak against the newly proposed bill that would end liberal arts colleges' ability to train secondary teachers. Sophomores to hold their annual dance on Saturday. Junior Prom plans are being finished. Men's Glee club to perform Sunday evening. Four new juniors are elected to the Alpha Sigma Gamma, honorary journalism award. An article about the contents of girls' waste-paper baskets. Fraternities figure out new favors to give girls that come to their dances. Belles Lettres Society elects new officers.

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Dickinsonian, February 24, 1927

The Women's Basketball team wins against Shippensburg. Degree of Master of Arts will be discontinued at Dickinson College after June 1927 - Only the degrees of Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, and Bachelor of Philosophy will be given. Dean Meredith traveled to New York to address the New York Alumnae Club on "Opportunities for the Advancement of Scholarship for Women." An anonymous Freshman female writes on the First-Years' attitude toward upperclassmen.


Dickinsonian, March 15, 1957

Thre Dickinson freshmen were killed and a fourth critically injured in an automobile accident in Carlisle. Author Dr. Karlis Leyasmeyer to come to Dickinson to speak about Russia. Newly developed Junior-Year-in-New-York Program offered through New York University. News regarding the building of the new Chemistry building. Upcoming annual Follies performance titled, "Shades of Hades." Don O'Neill elected captain of Dickinson Swimming Team. The Women's Basketball and Volleyball Teams win at Susquehanna's Sports Day.


Dickinsonian, November 17, 2005

School may take away pass-fail option. Some students would be lost without their pets on campus. Public art is lacking on campus. Trout Gallery carefully planning how to use $6.8 million dollar gift. Step team continues to bring the heat. DTG concert promises variety. Women's basketball looks to best regular season Centennial Conference title.

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