Dickinsonian, October 1882

Over summer break, improvements are made to student residences.  A porch on the north side of East College is also removed.  Robert Emory Pattison, the Democratic candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania, visits Dickinson.  Fraternity rush is in full swing at Dickinson.  The college baseball team plays the freshman, winning 7 to 3.


Dickinsonian, February 8, 2007

As fraternity rush season takes off, Kappa Sigma fraternity considers reapplying for recognition on campus after being suspended in 2004. The TV ad-hoc committee established recently by Student Senate releases a poll of potential cable channels to be added to Dickinson's repertoire. MOB and Delta Sigma Phi fraternity hold a CD release party for a local student band. A former technician in the biology department is charged with stealing $146,000 from the school by charging personal purchases to a department credit card and submitting false receipts for reimbursement.


Dickinsonian, December 12, 1925

The YWCA will send proceeds and dolls from their Annual Doll Show to the children of prisoners in New York City. Mr. L. F. Bower, young people's secretary of the college, has been added as a chairman to the Debating Council and try-outs will be held for two full teams. The College Glee Club will give their first concert of the year at Newville Highschool. The basketball team opens the season in an away game against the City College of New York. With rushing drawn to a close, freshman will be pledged to their chosen fraternity.


Dickinsonian, December 5, 1925

The Dickinson football team has a good season, ending the year with only 2 defeats. Women's Senate will hold a meeting to vote upon recommendations made by the Woman's Intercollegiate Association of Student Government. Fraternity rushing begins. The poll taken by the YMCA and YWCA shows that the student body favors entering the World Court. The Women's Basketball team begins practices. The YWCA will hold its annual Doll Show.


Dickinsonian, December 1, 1923

The football team closes its season with a 14-10 victory over Bucknell during the Thanksgiving day game. The freshman-sophomore football game is announced. The opening of fraternity rush is announced. Dr. Richard Burton gives a lecture entitled "Mark Twain as a Neighbor" in which he discusses his personal acquaintanceship with the author. And editorial praising cooperation between Dickinsonians and the people of Carlisle appears. The debate team elects a president and secretary and chooses 12 semifinalists for membership.

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Dickinsonian, October 5, 1939

President Corson addresses the 556-strong student body at Convocation. Belles Lettres announces that it will publish the Hornbook for the first time since 1934. Three foreign students (one Chinese, one French, and one German) are unable to come to Dickinson on schedule or at all, and another is unable to return home to France during the summer due to the escalation of World War II. The Dickinsonian, meanwhile, runs a poll whose results suggest that most students oppose U.S. involvement in the war effort and agree that the Allies will ultimately win.


Dickinsonian, October 14, 1932

Presidential candidate, William D. Upshaw, speaks to student body in Bosler Hall. The Debate Team, to begin try-outs shortly, has gotten the topics to be debated this season from Pennsylvania Intercollegiate Debating Association. The Board approved the purchase of the Mooreland Estate. The English Department has decided to support the publication of a student literary magazine. Governor Gifford Pinchot decides to celebrate the 200th anniversary of John Dickinson's birth on November 8th.

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Dickinsonian, October 6, 1932

Professor of History, Leon C. Prince, seeks re-election to state senate. Rushing continues for potential new fraternity pledges, while sorority rushing ends. Dickinsonian celebrates 60th anniversary. Dickinson Law School has 54 new men enrolled. The Football team is to open the season with a game against Ursinus . Dickinsonian to conduct straw vote for US Presidential Election.

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Dickinsonian, September 22, 1927

Freshman class enrollment is a record high. Practices begin for what is promised to be "Dickinson's greatest football team of the present decade." Fraternities commence rushing for new members. The College is left a large sum by Robert Weaver, class of 1875. Faculty changes this year bring May Morris as head librarian, Frances A. Janney as Women's Athletic Director, Henry W. Monyer as lab assistant, and Herbert L. Davis returns after two years to the chemistry department.


Dickinsonian, September 29, 1938

Rushing activities for women's fraternities end as freshman girls and fraternities hand in pledges to Pan-Hellenic Council.  Belles Lettres Society begins its 152nd year of existence at Dickinson with October meeting.  John Burton Nicholson, Jr., accepts position as assistant librarian.  Mathematics Professor Frank Ayres, Jr., obtains a Ph.D. degree from the University of Chicago.  Howard A.

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Dickinsonian, May 6, 1955

Dr. Milton Eddy of the biology department retires at the age of seventy. He is known for his work with identification through hair specimens. Murray Eckell, a junior on the Washington Semester, testifies before the United States Senate's Subcommittee on Charter Review and states his opinions on the United Nations' Charter. The US Marines offer a new program for seniors to learn to be a pilot for the Marine Corps. At a recent faculty meeting it's decided that women's fraternity rushing will be moved to first semester and will happen simultaneously with men's fraternity rushing.


Dickinsonian, November 5, 1954

It is Homecoming Weekend and the 100 anniversary of the birth of John Philip Sousa. The halftime entertainment for the Homecoming Game will be a Sousa tribute highlighting some of his most famous marches with many piccolo solos and displays of national symbols. There will also be a pep rally Friday on Biddle Field for Homecoming, an alumni luncheon on Saturday afternoon and the dance later that night featuring a 12 piece band. There is a push for an alumni organization that will support the athletic program at Dickinson.


Dickinsonian, October 8, 1954

Rush ends and 126 freshmen men pledge fraternities including Alpha Chi Rho, Beta Theta Pi, Kappa Sigma, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Epsilon Pi, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Kappa Sigma, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Chi and Theta Chi. The Dickinson Law School begins to require all applicants for admission to take the Law School Admissions Test. The annual trip to the UN is scheduled for October 17 and 18 which will allow students to attend a General Assembly session. A new Methodist church is being built on Benjamin Rush Campus. Parents' Day will be observed on October 16.


Dickinsonian, September 24, 1949

College Enrollment hits a record high—over 1,000 students—and some students are boarded in Carlisle to compensate for lack of on-campus housing. Ten new faculty members are added to the payroll: Phoebe Follmer is appointed new Dean of Women; Charles Coleman Sellers is appointed Curator of Dickinsonia; Rear Admiral Roger Eastman Nelson assumes professorship in the Mathematics Department; Dorothy Custer Yates is appointed Assistant Catalogue Librarian; Mrs. LeRoy H. Hagerling and Lenore Richardson Wood are appointed House Directors for East College. Eric Jonathan Josephson, Paul A.

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Dickinsonian, September 18, 1980

Fraternities issued large bill for property damages and cleanup. President Banks talks about the future of Dickinson College. Alcohol Learning and Knowledge for You, ALKY, is discussed. Sorority and Fraternity rushing begins. Women's Volleyball plays first match in new Kline Center.


Dickinsonian, September 15, 1983

Rush opens. Newly hired Professor Trevor L. McClymont is appointed Assistant Professor of Economics and teaches accounting. An interview with Associate Dean of Residential Services Stephen mason is published. A controversial debate on TMI is given. The Football team gears up for its first game of the season.


Dickinsonian, September 26, 1991

Forum addresses the "Stop the Violence" controversy surrounding fraternities. Greek students adjust to first year of sophomore rush period. Cafeteria renovations planned to occur over winter break. Parents weekend to feature a book discussion. Review of Public Enemy's "Return of the Hard", HBO's movie "The Highlander", and the band Ned's Atomic Dustbin. Record store opens in Carlisle. Editorial calls for college to place greater focus on social issues. The Gulf war causes culture shock for both Americans and Saudis. Students Participate in a summer Russian Immersion program.


Dickinsonian, February 2, 1968

The Public Affairs Symposium is bringing in four television professionals for February 4-7. The Magnificent Men are set to perform a concert to commemorate the end of rush season. An announcement for nomination for student senate is included. Representatives from the college study the curriculum of Beloit College. The Cultural Affairs Committee will sponsor a concert with opera, rock, and choral music. William Bloodgood, comptroller of the college, promises greater economy with better quality of service for the school.
