Dickinsonian, May 13, 1922

Reverend Ismar J. Peritz will speak to the college. Arrangements for Founders' Day finalized. Cremation will be held on Biddle Field. Dr. William B. Lindsay, former professor, dies from grief. Philomel Club is to perform for commencement. Freshmen plan to burn dinks. Beta Theta Pi banquet. Update on 1923 Microcosm. Prizes awarded for French. Dean Smith of Bryn Mawr College speaks to students. Annual outing of the Senior Class in Bellaire Park. Orchestra returns from second strike. MacIntire Society elections.


Dickinsonian, September 29, 1909

Biddle Memorial Field opened with football victory over Western Maryland.  The YWCA holds its annual reception.  The football season looks unpromising unless there is greater dedication from players.  Play "The Climax" comes to Harrisburg.  An update is given on the recently graduated class of 1909, on "where and what they have landed."  Article on new football rules is reproduced from Yale Collegian.  Paper on former president John Durbin submitted by Professor Super.  New athletic quarters at the Carlisle Indian School are completed.

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Dickinsonian, September 28, 1916

The new academic year opens with a ceremony; Professor Leon C. Prince gives matriculation sermon. Wilbur H. Norcross ’07 and G. Lafayette Cram join faculty. Miss Helen Burns ’12 becomes college librarian. Sophomores win annual flag scrap. YMCA holds annual reception for new students. Metzger Hall is renovated and fitted with electric lights; has highest occupancy yet. The deceased Professor William Lambert Gooding is remembered. Conway Hall, South College, and Biddle Field are renovated.

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Dickinsonian, April 22, 1914

The baseball team loses to both Bucknell and Penn State. The senior class wins the Bosler Cup at the Inter-Class Track meet on Biddle Field. A successful Chautauqua Week comes to a close. Francis A. Dunn, a senior football star and the most popular man at Dickinson, secretly marries Miss Mary Mentzer.

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Dickinsonian, March 5, 2008

Dickinson's study abroad program based in Yaoundé, Cameroon continues despite civil unrest within the country.  Biddle Field renovations are scheduled for the summer.  After an unprecedented number of applicants, the off-campus-living lottery stirs controversy.  An increasingly number of Dickinson students participate in the Fulbright Scholarship program.


Dickinsonian, October 28, 1922

$1,250,000 fund-raising campaign to improve and modernize the college to come to an end. Athletic Association discusses the building of new enlarged grandstands at Biddle Field. Student Band to play for the rest of the football season. Greek Club to hold Doll Show.


Dickinsonian, September 30, 1922

Alumni plan publication of "The Dickinson Alumnus", a new alumni paper to be published monthly. Three women from the College as well as two other Carlisle residents suffer injuries after assault by "acid throwers". Dramatic Club plans season. Professor Norcross elected head of Pennsylvania Kiwanis. Sigma Alpha Epsilon buys Sadler Mansion, to be used as new chapter quarters. Negotiations pending for purchase of a new athletic field house near Biddle Field. Renovated space in West College to be used by college organizations.

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Dickinsonian, September 30, 1937

The Spencer Fullerton Baird  Biology Building is dedicated at opening chapel services. College purchases five lots for new athletic fields. Dr. Howard Thurman gives talk to Young People's Fellowship. Postmaster General James A. Farley visits Carlisle post office, greeted by crowd of several hundred. Football team wins first game of the season.


Dickinsonian, November 15, 1928

Dickinson College observes Armistice Day with a program in the Chapel.  Professor Mohler prepares a demonstration of the effects of liquid air on plants and animals.  The Men's Senate requires that all students wishing to attend the upcoming football game take part in the parade to Biddle Field.  The Alumni makes their plans of holding the Homecoming football game and ceremonies in Carlisle in the following year are made known.


Dickinsonian, September 27, 1928

The Dickinsonian begins its 56th year of publication, noting its roots as a literary magazine under the Belles Lettres and Union Philosophical Literary societies.  Mervin Grant Filler is elected 18th president of the college, filling the vacancy of the newly resigned Dr. James Henry Morgan, while Professor Montgomery Porter Sellers takes deanship.  William Trickett, who served as Dean of the Law School for 38 years, dies of influenza.  Metzger Hall is modernized, both inside and out.  The football team prepares to start their season with scrimmages on Biddle Field.

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Dickinsonian, May 10, 1928

Seniors H.G. Stutzman and Betsy Ann Cloud take the lead roles in the Commencement play "Honor Bright".  Donald Smith is elected leader of the college band. Phi Psi wins the inter-fraternity track event for the second year in a row.  The orchestra announces a surprise symphony by Haydn on May 16th in the chapel.  Rabbi S.S. Wise of the New York Free Synagogue gives a rousing liberal speech questioning the purpose and legitimacy of American colleges.


Dickinsonian, April 12, 1928

Several sports teams begin their campaigns: the track team in a dual meet against Schuykill at Biddle Field; the tennis team against the netmen of Franklin and Marshall; and the baseball team away against Penn State University.  It is announced that United States Commissioner of Education John James Tigert, L.L.D., will be the commencement speaker on June 4th.  Professor Leon C. Prince becomes set to deliver a series of addresses throughout Pennsylvania and Maryland following his March 29th address on "Modern Axes and Ancient Landmarks".  Professor Paul H.


Dickinsonian, February 18, 1937

Robert L. Myers gives a talk on the newly enacted Social Security Act and unemployment in the country. After buying the adjacent properties, Dickinson plans to enlarge Biddle Field. The Debate Team schedule is posted. Fraternities and Sororities induct new members. In an effort to make peace between the two schools, an article suggests that Gettysburg students be allowed to attend Dickinson’s Junior Prom. The French Club holds a Winter Tea Dance. The Social Service Club works on mending books for a Salvation Army library.


Dickinsonian, October 24, 1936

The football team will face Swarthmore in the Homecoming game. The Joint Society dissolves in order to reform its two original parts: the Union Philosophical and Belles Lettres Societies. An All-College Halloween party will be held in the gym. The school plans for the enlargement of Biddle Field. The last train has gone through West High Street. A Dickinsonian poll reveals that Landon is in the lead for the presidential election and is more often favored by students. The football team loses to Lafayette.


Dickinsonian, November 5, 1954

It is Homecoming Weekend and the 100 anniversary of the birth of John Philip Sousa. The halftime entertainment for the Homecoming Game will be a Sousa tribute highlighting some of his most famous marches with many piccolo solos and displays of national symbols. There will also be a pep rally Friday on Biddle Field for Homecoming, an alumni luncheon on Saturday afternoon and the dance later that night featuring a 12 piece band. There is a push for an alumni organization that will support the athletic program at Dickinson.


Dickinsonian, August 30, 1989

Select Committee proposes major changes to Greek Life in regard to housing and length of the rushing and pledging periods. Freshman injured on crosswalk outside of HUB. Maryland Congresswoman speaks at convocation, receives honorary degree. Biddle House basement is deemed an unsuitable living space and several members of Sigma Alpha Epsilon are forced to move out. Class of 1993 is second only to that of 1988 in size. Biddle Field track is resurfaced.


Dickinsonian, August 27, 2004

This issue includes articles on the Freshmen Orientation. Interview with Dean Ricardo Surita on Michael Moore's upcoming public lecture. Update on Dickinson College's national rankings. Holland Union Building, Waidner-Spahr Library, Old West, Biddle Field Complex, Kline Center, and residence hall renovations. Library and Information Services organization created, with Robert Renaud appointed as Vice-President of LIS. In Memoriam dedicated to the late Doug Fryling '04. Outline of upcoming Hope 2 Hunger events. Greetings and update from Dean Ricardo Surita.

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Dickinsonian, August 30, 1984

New construction on campus, completion of 'Townhouses' on Louther. Housing shortage on campus results from larger freshman class, improved retention rate. College changes alcohol policy regarding kegs on campus, restricting them to fraternity housing only. Denny Hall completely renovated for first time since 1905, while additions to Snack Bar (Snar) lag behind schedule. Phi Kappa Sigma suspended for two years. Review of campus alcohol policies nationwide and on campus. Music review of Bruce Springsteen's "Born in the U.S.A." and accompanying concert tour.


Dickinsonian, April 26, 1979

In this issue, College Chaplain John S. Reist has resigned to take up a teaching job in Kansas City. In light of Chaplain Reist's departure, a search committee has been formed to find another chaplain. The Special Olympics was held on Biddle Field this year, and fraternity Beta Theta Pi helped with the event. The Men's Lacrosse team earns its first victory after six previous loses.


Dickinsonian, February 1, 1974

Pres. Rubendall's retirement is announced. Business Manager John Woltjen outlines College's energy-saving measures for Spring semester. Rubendall's letter of retirement intent is featured. Following the College's controversial decision to expand Biddle Field, the Washington Redskins agree to return for summer training. Public Affairs Symposium brings Hon. Tom Clark. Cultural Affairs Series features Edward Villella performing in Carlisle High School Auditorium. Environmental Policy Commission aims at innovative recycling techniques.

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Dickinsonian, October 9, 1970

The facts and figures of the revised budget are presented to faculty. SAE allows women to be social members in a fraternity for the first time. Student Senate will contribute to the tree fund by matching one quarter of the student funds raised with senate funding. The Senate voted to allow $100 to the Pennsylvania Environmental Study Team (PEST). SDS formulates a plan of action for this coming school year. Plans for the dedication of ATS begin. There is a two page spread on the EYE program complete with pictures of excursions.

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Dickinsonian, September 22, 1967

Librarian Yates Forbis completes plan for a student book walk to transfer books from Bosler Hall to the new Spahr Library. Jerry Weiner reports on Six Day War in Israel after three and a half week tour of Sinai Peninsula. $7,000 worth of type-setting machinery purchased by The Dickinsonian to reduce publishing costs and improve typographic quality. President Rubendall opened 195th school year with speech regarding the power of youth and the changing nature of college life and society as a whole. Dean of Men N.

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Dickinsonian, September 30, 1966

Ford Foundation grants college $2 million, most of which will be used to renovate buildings. President Howard Rubendall opens academic year with speech urging students to "get involved" in world affairs. Professor M. Benton Naff unexpectedly resigns. Students bothered by "needlessly boring" registration procedures. Dr. Gabriel Vahanian to speak in "Death Of God" lecture series. Anonymous culprit returns Tom Schmitt's paintings. Construction to begin on two new dorms, library, and a face-lift of Biddle Field. Dana Biology Building opens.

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