Dickinsonian, October 27, 1909

Halloween Masquerade Carnival to raise money for the band is to be held.  The Music department to hold its annual concert.  Philadelphia Club initiates its new members.  The Geology class, under the direction of Dr. and Mrs. Mohler, take a field trip to Boiling Springs.  Sophomores take trip to Mt. Holly.


Dickinsonian, October 2, 1897

The YMCA holds two special, well attended events, with speakers.  Professor emeritus Dr. Harman passes away.  The board of The Dickinsonian moves into a new room in West College.  Dr.


Dickinsonian, November 15, 1928

Dickinson College observes Armistice Day with a program in the Chapel.  Professor Mohler prepares a demonstration of the effects of liquid air on plants and animals.  The Men's Senate requires that all students wishing to attend the upcoming football game take part in the parade to Biddle Field.  The Alumni makes their plans of holding the Homecoming football game and ceremonies in Carlisle in the following year are made known.


Dickinsonian, May 3, 1928

Professor J.F. Mohler leads the Scientific Club in studying the heavens via powerful telescopes.  Professor Leon C. Prince thanks the school band for their assistance in a campaign visit to Duncannon.  Senior William R. Smith and his Sigma Chi fraternity brothers direct traffic and return a deer to Mooreland Park after a blizzard on the previous Friday, April 27th.


Dickinsonian, April 19, 1928

The Mohler Scientific Society plans a series of meetings: C. C. Bowman will speak on the Alpha Rayin the Tome Scientific Building; Dr. John Frederick Mohler will provide students an opportunity to view the moon through a telescope; and Dr. Brown of Bucknell University will speak on liquid air.  On Monday the 16th, two girls, Mary McCrone and Nancy Reese, were injured in an explosion in the chemistry lab.  The Dickinson Players announce that they will perform the three-act farce "Honor Bright" at Commencement.
