Dickinsonian, December 13, 1928

The Alumni Gymnasium plans to open on January 9th for a basketball game against the University of Pennsylvania.  "Brother Bill" Simpson, a lecturer on living a "Christ-like life today", roused the student body with his explanation of the Sermon on the Mount.

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Dickinsonian, December 6, 1928

The Sigma Tau Phi Jewish fraternity requests recognition by the college as a national fraternity.  Fred A. Lumb, president of the Dramatic Club, predicts "Children of the Moon" Christmas performance to be a great success.  Professor C.W. Prettyman defends new fashions of coeds, remarking "the pendulum of college activity may be swinging back to the Puritanical as far as Dickinsonians are concerned."  Following the resignation of Professor C. Ennis Wass as Glee Club leader, Mooredeen Plough has taken up responsiblities.

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Dickinsonian, November 22, 1928

The Men's Senate condemns the scheduling of ten games in the upcoming 1929 football season, claiming that games begin prematurely and that they are too condensed.  The Belles Lettres Society hosts an art contest for original pieces with a $10 prize.  Dr. George Kartzke, Minister of Education in Berlin, lectures on the intellectual freedom within the German education system and youth movements.  German World War I Naval Commander Count Felix von Luckner, nicknamed 'Sea Devil', to give lecture.


Dickinsonian, November 15, 1928

Dickinson College observes Armistice Day with a program in the Chapel.  Professor Mohler prepares a demonstration of the effects of liquid air on plants and animals.  The Men's Senate requires that all students wishing to attend the upcoming football game take part in the parade to Biddle Field.  The Alumni makes their plans of holding the Homecoming football game and ceremonies in Carlisle in the following year are made known.


Dickinsonian, November 8, 1928

Fraternities forbid use of intoxicants and begin to lead weekly YMCA meetings.  The Dickinsonian reports that Professor Leon C. Prince and alum Russel R. Kohr are elected as State Senator and Assemblyman, respectively.  Despite rain, Dickinson College hosts its largest Homecoming yet, with six hundred at the reception.  Alumni, however, ask that the Homecoming contest be held in Carlisle in years to follow, as opposed to Harrisburg.  The Dramatic Club chooses the cast for its December rendition of the melodramatic play "Children of the Moon".

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Dickinsonian, October 25, 1928

Professor Leon C. Prince will speak at the upcoming Homecoming pep rally at Bosler Hall before the football team's game against Gettysburg.  Dickinson alumnus Reverend Edmund Davison Soper, D.D., class of 1898, is elected president of Ohio Wesleyan University.  Pacifist Dr. Frank W. Norwood, minister of the City Temple Church in London, England, to speak at Allison Methodist Episcopal church.  The Scientific Club begins meetings at the Tome Scientific Building with talks by Professor J.D. Hardy.


Dickinsonian, October 18, 1928

Dickinson College is to be represented in the American Association of University Women's Founders' Book.  The Union Philosophical Society and Belles Lettres Society continue their  "stunt" of selective rushing.  Professor Benjamin Wilbur Folsom takes charge of the Dickinson Debate Council.  Studies on student ill-adjustment to higher education are made by the Joint Committee of the Association of Pennsylvania Presidents, the Pennsylvania State Department of Public Instruction, and the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.  The student body enjoys thei

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Dickinsonian, October 11, 1928

The All-College Social committee has changed the date of the college picnic, much to the chagrin of the students.  The Senior Blazer committee calls upon seniors to be measured for their jackets.  New rules lightening the strict regulations regarding social privileges and required classes for coeds at Metzger Hall are proposed by Dean Josephine B. Meredith and enacted by a 75% vote.  The Union Philosophical Society will select its candidates from among the new freshmen class.

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Dickinsonian, October 4, 1928

Professor E.A. Vuilleumier, head of the Chemistry Department, speaks on his goal to invent an air dehumifidication machine that will induce silence among a garrulous student body.  The "Romance and Adventure" of Cave Hill is advertised.  Former professor Hazel Jane Bullock writes of her travels in Paris and Madrid.

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Dickinsonian, September 27, 1928

The Dickinsonian begins its 56th year of publication, noting its roots as a literary magazine under the Belles Lettres and Union Philosophical Literary societies.  Mervin Grant Filler is elected 18th president of the college, filling the vacancy of the newly resigned Dr. James Henry Morgan, while Professor Montgomery Porter Sellers takes deanship.  William Trickett, who served as Dean of the Law School for 38 years, dies of influenza.  Metzger Hall is modernized, both inside and out.  The football team prepares to start their season with scrimmages on Biddle Field.

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Dickinsonian, June 2, 1928

In the last Dickinsonian of the academic year, eighty-five seniors graduate with eight elected to the Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society.  The Belles Lettres Exhibit of Historic Dickinson and other exhibits are reopened in Bosler Hall for returning alumni. Furthermore, under the direction of librarian May Morris, over 700 books were added to the library and more than 2400 volumes relocated from the inaccessible old sections to the new through the previous year.  Dickinson is called upon to finish its new gymnasium.


Dickinsonian, May 10, 1928

Seniors H.G. Stutzman and Betsy Ann Cloud take the lead roles in the Commencement play "Honor Bright".  Donald Smith is elected leader of the college band. Phi Psi wins the inter-fraternity track event for the second year in a row.  The orchestra announces a surprise symphony by Haydn on May 16th in the chapel.  Rabbi S.S. Wise of the New York Free Synagogue gives a rousing liberal speech questioning the purpose and legitimacy of American colleges.


Dickinsonian, May 3, 1928

Professor J.F. Mohler leads the Scientific Club in studying the heavens via powerful telescopes.  Professor Leon C. Prince thanks the school band for their assistance in a campaign visit to Duncannon.  Senior William R. Smith and his Sigma Chi fraternity brothers direct traffic and return a deer to Mooreland Park after a blizzard on the previous Friday, April 27th.


Dickinsonian, April 26, 1928

The Alpha Gamma honorary journalistic fraternity holds an editorial contest with the subject "What Dickinson Needs Most".  A humor paper entitled "Thalia", privately owned by several Dickinson students, prepares to make its debut on May 20th.  English literature instructor B. Floyd Rinker gives up his post to pursue further graduate work.  Professor Leon C.


Dickinsonian, April 19, 1928

The Mohler Scientific Society plans a series of meetings: C. C. Bowman will speak on the Alpha Rayin the Tome Scientific Building; Dr. John Frederick Mohler will provide students an opportunity to view the moon through a telescope; and Dr. Brown of Bucknell University will speak on liquid air.  On Monday the 16th, two girls, Mary McCrone and Nancy Reese, were injured in an explosion in the chemistry lab.  The Dickinson Players announce that they will perform the three-act farce "Honor Bright" at Commencement.


Dickinsonian, April 12, 1928

Several sports teams begin their campaigns: the track team in a dual meet against Schuykill at Biddle Field; the tennis team against the netmen of Franklin and Marshall; and the baseball team away against Penn State University.  It is announced that United States Commissioner of Education John James Tigert, L.L.D., will be the commencement speaker on June 4th.  Professor Leon C. Prince becomes set to deliver a series of addresses throughout Pennsylvania and Maryland following his March 29th address on "Modern Axes and Ancient Landmarks".  Professor Paul H.


Dickinsonian, March 29, 1928

A large audience enjoyed the presentation of the comedic play "The Patsy" by the Dickinson Players dramatic club in Bosler Hall.  The Patton Troupe, a trio composed of Lowell Patton, Johann Qualin, and Edward Qualin, performed a series of original musical pieces entitled "Six Episodes and an Epilogue" in the Chapel.  G.M. Steinmetz, editor of the Harrisburg Telegraph, commends the work and journalistic dignity of The Dickinsonian.  


Dickinsonian, March 22, 1928

Students await the performance of the Patton Troupe musical trio in the chapel.  The Dickinson Players dramatic club plan a three-act play entitled "The Patsy" in Bosler Hall.  G.M. Steinmetz, editor of the Harrisburg Telegraph, is secured by the Alpha Gamma fraternity to speak about and in favor of collegiate journalism.


Dickinsonian, March 8, 1928

Students await Samuel Grathwell's fiery "Getting By Your Hoodoo" lecture.  Victories against Gettysburg and Mt. St. Mary's conclude the basketball season and the old gymnasium is retired after a 44 game win streak.  Dickinson Law School Alumnus of 1904 David E. Kaufman is nominated as President Coolidge's Minister to Bolivia.  The Dickinson undergraduate debate team is defeated by the University of Oregon team, the first round-the-world undergraduate debate team.


Dickinsonian, March 1, 1928

Raymond Bell discusses the concept of television at a meeting of the Mohler Scientific Society.  Touring lecturer Samuel Grathwell to deliver his renowned "Getting by Your Hoodoo" speech on overcoming fears.  The basketball season ends with a game against Gettysburg.  The Dramatic Club presents its "Tea for Three" comedy show, starring Claude C. Bowman, Anna May Bell, and Fred A. Lumb.  The Student Senates meet with faculty to discuss student-faculty relations and the curriculum.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, February 23, 1928

This week's Dickinsonian reports that the Medley Relay Team takes third place at the annual intercollegiate Philadelphia meet. Martha Sloan, President of the Women's Student Senate of Wilson College, will discuss "Practical Problems of Student Government" at a meeting of the Women's Student Government Association. The Dickinsonian announces a contest to establish the most popular woman, from the male standpoint, at the college. A brief history of the establishment of the Dickinsonian is published. Prof. J. Ogden Franklin speaks to the college Y.M.C.A.
