Dickinsonian, December 13, 1934

The Dickinson Players presented the play “Death Takes a Holiday” in the Carlisle High School Auditorium. Rev. Phillips Packer Elliot will be the Week-of-Prayer speaker at the chapel exercises. A history of the Doll Show is reported. The Greek Club presents a program on Greek music. The College will observe the first week back after vacation as a Week-of-Prayer. The students produce a new student publication called The Dickinson Devil. The Debate Squad begins their season with the Debate Forum at Juniata. Dickinson eliminates the ice hockey team.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, April 19, 1928

The Mohler Scientific Society plans a series of meetings: C. C. Bowman will speak on the Alpha Rayin the Tome Scientific Building; Dr. John Frederick Mohler will provide students an opportunity to view the moon through a telescope; and Dr. Brown of Bucknell University will speak on liquid air.  On Monday the 16th, two girls, Mary McCrone and Nancy Reese, were injured in an explosion in the chemistry lab.  The Dickinson Players announce that they will perform the three-act farce "Honor Bright" at Commencement.


Dickinsonian, March 29, 1928

A large audience enjoyed the presentation of the comedic play "The Patsy" by the Dickinson Players dramatic club in Bosler Hall.  The Patton Troupe, a trio composed of Lowell Patton, Johann Qualin, and Edward Qualin, performed a series of original musical pieces entitled "Six Episodes and an Epilogue" in the Chapel.  G.M. Steinmetz, editor of the Harrisburg Telegraph, commends the work and journalistic dignity of The Dickinsonian.  


Dickinsonian, March 22, 1928

Students await the performance of the Patton Troupe musical trio in the chapel.  The Dickinson Players dramatic club plan a three-act play entitled "The Patsy" in Bosler Hall.  G.M. Steinmetz, editor of the Harrisburg Telegraph, is secured by the Alpha Gamma fraternity to speak about and in favor of collegiate journalism.
