Dickinsonian, November 5, 2009

The H1N1 vaccine arrives to the Dickinson Health Center. Two students, Jillian Laux and Erica Hartz, present their research work in Harrisburg. The future of Phi Psi is uncertain. Women's Lacrosse team adopts a stray puppy. Men's Soccer wins against McDaniel College and ties with Franklin and Marshall in order to head to the Postseason. Women's Soccer defeats Washington College. Cross Country performs well in the Centennial Conference Championships, allowing them to compete at the NCAA Mideast Regionals. Football defeats Muhlenberg.


Dickinsonian, November 19, 1921

Anniversary of the signing of the Armistice. Speaker Colbert N. Kurokawa visits. Resignation of Miss Hartman from women's athletic. Stuckenrath and Weist prizes are awarded. Article on the Women's Athletic Association organized hiking. Collegiate Disarmament Conference in Chicago. Raven's Claw meeting in the Phi Psi house. Press Club smoker in the Theta Chi house. Phi Mu and Pi Beta Phi violated rules.


Dickinsonian, April 1884

The annual school catalogue is released, with numerous printer mistakes.  The Union Philosophical Society alters its constitution.  The Phi Psi's hold their annual reception.  Construction continues for the gymnasium.  The Belles Lettres Society plans its annual Sophomore Contest.  The Freshman play a chosen baseball team from the entire college population and lose to them, 28 to 16.  The Microcosm is not to be printed this year. 


Dickinsonian, November 1887

The Dickinsonian criticizes students for poor behavior during chapel exercises, and chastises the freshman class for not acting as a better "police force" to keep unwanted visitors off campus, as was custom at this time.  Emory Hall falls into disuse and ruin, prompting requests for some purpose to be made for the facility.  Issues of disrespect arise between Dickinson's students and fraternity members and the greater Carlisle police force.  The Sophomore class refuses to participate in a cane rush with the Freshmen, a pleasing sign to the Dickinsonian about


Dickinsonian, November 18, 1904

Dickinson loses to Williamsport, Phi Psi holds a dance, semi-finalists are chosen to represent Dickinson in the intercollegiate debate against State College.  Belles  Lettres and Union Philosophical Society finalize their teams for the Inter-Society Debate. The Civic Club prepares a course of lectures and entertainment. The Y.W.C.A attends the State Convention


Dickinsonian, May 10, 1928

Seniors H.G. Stutzman and Betsy Ann Cloud take the lead roles in the Commencement play "Honor Bright".  Donald Smith is elected leader of the college band. Phi Psi wins the inter-fraternity track event for the second year in a row.  The orchestra announces a surprise symphony by Haydn on May 16th in the chapel.  Rabbi S.S. Wise of the New York Free Synagogue gives a rousing liberal speech questioning the purpose and legitimacy of American colleges.


Dickinsonian, October 19, 1956

Girls are encouraged to take the initiative in inviting boys to the events of Panhellenic Weekend. The first Student Leader Training Conference for leaders on the Dickinson campus to be held at Camp Michaux; sponsored by the Student Senate. Dr. William Bell Dinsmoor, a professor of archeology of Columbia University, to receive an honorary degree from Dickinson College. Articles on the upcoming presidential election. Phi Psi and Theta Chi remain undefeated as the halfway mark of the inter-fraternity football season approaches.

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Dickinsonian, May 4, 1951

Dr. Clarence Little was awarded an honorary degree of Doctorate of Humane Letters at the Founder's Day event. Profile on Professor Ralph Schetcher. The tennis team wins three matches and loses one. Dickinson lacrosse defeats Franklin & Marshall, but loses its first ever game in a match against West Chester. The baseball team wins against Susquehanna. Phi Psi remains undefeated in the Inter-Fraternity League.

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Dickinsonian, April 13, 1951

"D" Club lacrosse seeks recognition as a intercollegiate varsity sport. Details of the Spring Formal. Renowned young violinist, Joyce Renee to give a concert in Bosler. Three teams remain undefeated in the Inter-Fraternity League: Beta Theta Pi, Phi Epsilon Pi, and Phi Psi. Dickinson Baseball win their first game of the season. Dickinson Tennis defeats Juniata.

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Dickinsonian, March 16, 1951

Honorable Irving H. Saypol, United States Attorney for the southern district of New York, will speak at the Omicron Delta Kappa Leadership Banquet. President Edel dedicates the cornerstone for the women's dormitory. Phi Delta Theta receives the Interfraternity Cup during Interfraternity Weekend. Phi Psi wins the league title in the Inter-Fraternity Basketball League.


Dickinsonian, March 2, 1951

The College helps with event plans for the celebration of the bicentennial of Cumberland County and the Borough of Carlisle. Omicron Delta Kappa, National Honorary Leadership fraternity, will hold its First Annual Leadership Dinner in April. The Dickinson Debate Team receives an invitation to the National Debate Tournament. Profile of Dickinson faculty member, Dr. Eric Barnes. Beta Theta Pi and Phi Psi remained tied in the inter-fraternity basketball league.


Dickinsonian, February 23, 1951

The Student Senate hears of the Board of Trustees refusal for the establishment of a campus radio statement. The Inter-Fraternity Council receives independence from the Student Senate. Profile on Dr. Milton W. Eddy. Dickinson Swimming beats Drexel University. Beta Theta Pi and Phi Psi remain undefeated in the Inter-Fraternity League.


Dickinsonian, April 27, 1978

In this edition, thirty-five students are without rooms for the next year, despite Associate Dean for Residential Services Bruce Wall who feels that there will not be tripled doubles. A Dickinson survey shows that about 72% of the students smoke marijuana or have tried it. Students debate the pros and cons of the Nisbet Scholar program. "The Dickinsonian" reviews the academic year and looks at coed housing, overenrollment, tenure, social alternatives and Greek life. The College Athletic Department has been suffering due to part-time coaching.


Dickinsonian, February 28, 1969

All-college moratorium set for March 5. Report making governance proposals submitted to Policy Committee. Phi Psi withdraws from Interfraternity Council. Mrs. Daniel Crofts to deal with conscientious objectors through draft counseling. Utilization of black recruiters proves successful. Transcript of Policy Committee's statement on Grading System featured. C.A. Partrides presents lecture in Holland Union Building. Student Senate issues statement concerning "confidential" files controversy. Gamma Phi Epsilon hosts forum on grading system.

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