Dickinsonian, February 5, 1981

Flu outbreak overloads Health Center. President Sam Banks offers non-credit course on magic for second year. "Senior Night in Carlisle" held at local restaurants and bars. All-campus Study Group on Minorities created over concern of decline in the number of minority students. Bruce Wall, Dean of Residential Services, is appointed new director of alumni relations. Malfunction in sprinkler system at Kline Center leads to almost an inch of water covering many areas. United States Army Field Band and Soldiers' Chorus gives rousing performance at Kline Center.

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Dickinsonian, April 27, 1978

In this edition, thirty-five students are without rooms for the next year, despite Associate Dean for Residential Services Bruce Wall who feels that there will not be tripled doubles. A Dickinson survey shows that about 72% of the students smoke marijuana or have tried it. Students debate the pros and cons of the Nisbet Scholar program. "The Dickinsonian" reviews the academic year and looks at coed housing, overenrollment, tenure, social alternatives and Greek life. The College Athletic Department has been suffering due to part-time coaching.


Dickinsonian, November 10, 1977

In this issue, the new coffeehouse in the Kisner-Woodward round room has opened under the jurisdiction of the Adams Basement Coffeehouse (ABC) Steering Committee. Bruce Wall Jr. was named the new Dean of Residential Services. The idea of a 14-meal, no breakfast plan in addition to the 21-meal plan is discussed among students, Food Services. Russian and computer science minors are now offered. Women's Volleyball and Women's Field Hockey teams takes third place in the Middle Atlantic Conference tournament.

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