Dickinsonian, April 17, 1980

Omicron Delta Kappa and Blue Hats tap members. Junior Scott Mumma awarded the Presidential Scholarship by President Samuel A. Banks. Junior Bill Hill III receives 1902 Award. Alpha Chi Rho and Sigma Alpha Epsilon organize a 24-hour marathon volleyball game to raise money for UNICEF. Ted Kennedy visits Harrisburg. Professor Neil Weissman speaks of strive for immortality. State police investigate fraternity vandalism. English poet Gavin Ewart reads his poetry in a presentation in Memorial Hall. Golf Team remains undefeated. Bill Koltnow receives national collegiate boxing title.


Dickinsonian, January 31, 1980

The members of Alpha Delta Epsilon sorority decide to affiliate instead with Gamma Phi Beta. Action is taken after "special effects" powder causes an explosion at the Sigma Chi fraternity house. President Samuel A. Banks announces the formation of the Task Force on Student Life. Professor Neil Weissman discusses overestimating Soviet aggression. Section on the construction of the Kline Center. Professors Osborne, Perinchief, and Spear will sponsor a Dickinson semester program in Britain.


Dickinsonian, February 5, 1981

Flu outbreak overloads Health Center. President Sam Banks offers non-credit course on magic for second year. "Senior Night in Carlisle" held at local restaurants and bars. All-campus Study Group on Minorities created over concern of decline in the number of minority students. Bruce Wall, Dean of Residential Services, is appointed new director of alumni relations. Malfunction in sprinkler system at Kline Center leads to almost an inch of water covering many areas. United States Army Field Band and Soldiers' Chorus gives rousing performance at Kline Center.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, September 18, 1980

Fraternities issued large bill for property damages and cleanup. President Banks talks about the future of Dickinson College. Alcohol Learning and Knowledge for You, ALKY, is discussed. Sorority and Fraternity rushing begins. Women's Volleyball plays first match in new Kline Center.


Dickinsonian, February 3, 1983

President Sam Banks proposes 'repositioning' and increasing tuition at "State of the College" address. Ben Bova to speak at PAS. Education included in Reagan's State of Union Address, Fire at Phi Epsilon Pi Fraternity House, Exhibit of Ms. Toshiko Takaezu opens in new Trout Gallery in the Emil. R.


Dickinsonian, September 9, 1982

President Sam Banks makes plans to renovate Bosler and Denny. The College adopts a new sexual harassment policy, which was the year's work of the Commission on the Status of Women committee. Diane Jefferson is the new counselor/coordinator of Minority Affairs at the College. Students discuss the renovation costs of Bosler and Denny Halls after the College just newly built a gymnasium and recently renovated the gym-turned-arts-building. The paper features a view inside the newly renovated Arts Center as it is due to be open soon.


Dickinsonian, January 30, 1985

Dickinson announces a 9.9% tuition increase to meet rising costs of institutional improvements. Students studying off campus run into a number of problems on return, chiefest among them the disorganization of course registration. College receives $1 million grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. $200,000 received from the Charles A. Dana Foundation for providing jobs to students in the areas of their academic interest. Parking lot formerly reserved for students re-designated as faculty and staff parking, much to students' frustration.


Dickinsonian, October 11, 1984

Interview with Dr. Michael A. Carrera highlights Sexuality Education Week, urges broader understanding of sexuality as involving more than physical intimacy. New London study abroad program established. The year-long program, offered at University College, is designed for Fine Arts, Music, Dramatic Arts, History and English students. Prof. William Harms to direct program. Dickinson reports low unemployment average, mirrors national report. Parents' Weekend profiled. Student poll to name Snack Bar taken. Four names in contention: The Atrium, Devil's Den, Union Station and The Mermaid.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, September 20, 1984

Thefts and burglaries on campus try students' patience, despite a 10% overall decrease in crime rate. Fulbright Scholar Jean-Marie Crouzatier studies at Dickinson, highlights Dickinson's new center in Toulouse. President reviews college improvements since 1980 in curriculum, social life, and constituency. Tuition hikes and freezes critiqued. Barron's rating for Dickinson foments discussion. Social Awareness Group attracts students on campus, focuses on discussion of contemporary thought. College film groups enrich campus social life. Cross country team looks forward to season.


Dickinsonian, February 11, 1988

Former college student Scott W. Sinning, '87, is suing campus administrators, the Alpha Chi Rho fraternity, the Borough of Carlisle, Carlisle Chief of Police Frank Giordano, and two Carlisle Police Officers after being shot in the right eye by a pellet gun. Students that took part in the Malaga, Spain program have brought forth complaints about the program. Men and Women's Swim Team continues to set records during the season.


Dickinsonian, November 6, 1986

The President Search Committee continues to look for a new college president to replace current president Samuel A. Banks. The card catalog at the library has now been computerized and expected to go on line in a few months. David Strine, a student at the college, went on a semester-long voyage at sea through a program called Semester at Sea or SAS. The football team faces a shocking loss to Johns Hopkins University.

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Dickinsonian, September 18, 1986

President Sam Banks has decided to take another position at the University of Richmond as their College President. The Alpha Chi Rho fraternity has been renovating their social room's floor. The Campus Activity Board promises more events for the year, more than just the coffeehouse. Dickinson plays host to two exchange students from Bremen, Olaf Andersen and Gerald Sidek.


Dickinsonian, February 14, 1986

"The Visit" play, performed by the Mermaid Players, earns mixed reviews. President Banks calls together a group, made up of the President's staff, Chairmen of the Board of Trustees and Development Finance, Student Affairs Committee, the Educational Policy Committee of the Board and various other faculty and staff members to prepare a second 10-year plan for the College. The national President of the National Organization for Women (N.O.W.), Eleanor Smeal, is coming to speak at Dickinson.

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Dickinsonian, February 2, 1984

The Board of Trustees increases tuition by 8% for a total of $11,040 for tuition, room, and board. National public relations firm Hill & Knowlton has been hired by President Banks to help position the college as a more prestigious and top liberal arts college. Presidents of the college's ten fraternities, members of the Interfraternity Council, and members of Dickinson's administration met for an all-day retreat on January 23rd to help improve relations between fraternities and administration.

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Dickinsonian, September 1, 1983

550 freshmen arrive on campus to begin orientation and their college careers at Dickinson. Alpha Chi Rho fraternity is re-issued its charter after a one-year suspension and will begin an alcohol-free pledge program. The Alumni Council endorses a resolution implementing an "alternative beverage" policy at the College where at any College event where alcohol is offered, a non-alcoholic alternative will be offered as well. The Skull and Key Society is denied reinstatement as an organization. President Samuel Banks of the College marries Joanne Trautman.

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Dickinsonian, November 5, 1981

President Sam Banks has decided to appoint a Commission on the Status of Minorities, which was recommended by the Study Group on Minorities. The College hopes to review the "current situation of the black community" and develop ways to enhance their campus experience. The old Alumni Gymnasium is currently being converted into the new Fine Arts Center and will be finished just in time for the department's 20th anniversary. Sigma Chi's intramural football team won in a championship game against Phi Kap.


Dickinsonian, March 1, 1979

In this issue, the Congress of African American Students met with President Banks to discuss the College's lack of minority students and ask him to consider recruiting more. The College claims that "minority" students receive no special preferences when they are being considered for financial aid, rather it is assigned based on family income. A resolution was passed that allowed Professor Dennis Klinge to obtain tenure after previously being rejected. The College Boxing team won their fights in a recent event.

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Dickinsonian, February 22, 1979

In this edition, a massive food fight in the dining hall resulted in a $679.09 bill to shampoo and clean the damaged rugs. The Student Senate elections resulted in Avery Leslie winning Senate President, and the students voted to keep the cafeteria closed to commuting students. President Sam Banks inducted into the athletic Hall of Fame Joseph J. Myers for basketball and football, Reno F. DiOrio for football, and G. Raymond Weaver for basketball and baseball. Bill Boucher and Mark Hash won third and fourth place respectively at the Penn State Invitational Ski Tournament.


Dickinsonian, December 7, 1978

Fund raising has begun for the new gymnasium, where a sign already stands marking the location of the site. The ad hoc Senate committee has decided to open the closed dining hall due to dissatisfaction amongst students with the program. The College's phone system has been modified due to students abusing the phones by racking up expensive phone bills. Another ad hoc committee was established by President Sam Banks to improve the College's computing systems. Men's basketball team starts the season off victorious.


Dickinsonian, October 26, 1978

In this edition, the President Banks discusses faculty unionization and how it could be stifled due to a recent ruling at another College to unionize. Phi Delta Theta has requested off-campus housing for their fraternity. Former Officer Thurston E. Cline was dismissed from his position for stealing a bicycle. The Hermitage coffeehouse in Adams Basement is undergoing restructuring to increase security and appeal. The Library and Trickett Hall are both undergoing renovations.


Dickinsonian, March 2, 1978

President Sam Banks is named consultant to Gallaudet College, the only liberal arts college for the deaf. The faculty will be voting on whether or not an extension should be added to the spring reading period for final exams. Admissions decided to set an enrollment limit to help with the problem of over enrollment the College has been facing for the past year. Former professor Dr. Benjamin D. James is still involved with campus and community events and projects.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, February 2, 1978

In this edition the College President Sam Banks discusses the "challenge of 1980s" preparation efforts to a "Town Hall" meeting. The Writing Center was recently opened for student use in the library. An increase in enrollment has led to unhappiness amongst students because of overcrowding, many rooms being converted to triples. Students speak out for and against coed housing as an alternate living situation. Women's Swim Team members Alice Reding, Christine Barbone, and Alison Kline all set new school records.


Dickinsonian, November 17, 1977

In this edition, the two social organizations on campus, the Student Independent Organization (SIO) and the Committee for Social Alternatives (CSA) are called upon to create more opportunities for students to socialize on campus. College President Sam Banks and Dean George Allan will be teaching a course together called, "Persons: Philosophical Roots of Psychological Theory." A large article focuses on the College's music scene, showing that the Hermitage, the Adams Basement coffeehouse, has been hosting different musicians every weekend.


Dickinsonian, September 15, 1977

In this edition, President Banks and senior staff members analyze the recent changes and upheaval with the College's personnel. Former College chaplain Paul Kaylor, former Associate Dean of the College Kenneth Laws, the Dean of Educational Services Robert A. Barr, the Director of Financial Aid Charles L. Twichell, the Treasurer of the College John Wotjen, and Stephen Markwood, Associate Dean of Residential Services have all resigned in the past year. ATS is noted as going through some more "attractive" changes, expected to cost around $52,000.


Dickinsonian, February 24, 1977

In this edition, the 1977-78 Senate election results are featured. The results were Steve Bartolett as Senate President, Ernie Kilpfel as Vice-President, and Kathy Kunkel as Treasurer. The Career Oriented Liberal Education or COLE program is new at Dickinson, which allows students to apply classroom theory to outside experiences. Through a grant, the program focuses in curriculum, internships and career advising. WDCV, the College's FM radio station, has plans for renovations and expansion, since it is one of the largest organizations on campus.
