Dickinsonian, March 4, 2009

New snack place to be built in the library. Student Senate approves new sound system for the Depot. David Cook performs at Dickinson. Delta Sigma Theta celebrates Delta Week. Outing Club's trip to Utah.


Dickinsonian, October 4, 1984

Snack Bar reopens after delays in renovation push construction into October. Snack Bar exterior still uncompleted as of publish date. Controversy elicited by Red hats, in style similar to those of Wheel and Chain, Raven's Claw, given to campus R.A.s. Hats not to be worn on campus, but are to serve primarily as signs of appreciation. College kicks-off Sexual Education week with Woody Allen movie, speaker series. Dickinsonian editors among those present for briefing of College journalists by Reagan Administration officials.

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Dickinsonian, December 10, 1987

Raids by state police occur at other universities in Pennsylvania as part of a campaign to curb underage drinking. Violations Board harassment charge set aside. Dr. Riyad Mansour of the PLO discusses "Palestine problem". Senates answer questions at forum for election today. "Still Motion" well received. Student's spent the summer volunteering in Holland. Outing Club offers exciting off campus activities. Pulitzer Finalist Douglas Unger brought to campus for a reading. Bigs and Littles program provides a unique student and community interaction.


Dickinsonian, May 3, 1984

The Student Senate passed the 1984-85 budget amid much questioning with amendments proposed by the Outing Club, Inter-Fraternity Council (IFC) and Paul Sharpe. The only amendment passed was that requested by the Outing Club. The Spring Concert featuring Stevie Ray Vaughan is canceled due to lack of ticket sales. Junior Diana Miller presents a project on eyewitness reliability at the Eastern Psychological Association convention. The CIA push for recruitment of college students meets student protests. Five women produce a Men Of Dickinson Calendar to sell.


Dickinsonian, April 26, 1984

Phi Kappa Sigma will lose the lease for their house for at least the next 2 years. The Mock Presidential Convention nominates Reagan with 58.9% A variety of games, contests, foods, and entertainment will be offered this year at spring fest. Sen. Proxmire gives a fantastic speech as keynote speaker of the Mock Convention. The Arts House production of The Children's Hour receives mediocre reviews. The Outing Club sponsors a skydiving trip. The women's tennis team takes another victory. The varsity Golf team prepares for MAC Championships.

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Dickinsonian, February 2, 1984

The Board of Trustees increases tuition by 8% for a total of $11,040 for tuition, room, and board. National public relations firm Hill & Knowlton has been hired by President Banks to help position the college as a more prestigious and top liberal arts college. Presidents of the college's ten fraternities, members of the Interfraternity Council, and members of Dickinson's administration met for an all-day retreat on January 23rd to help improve relations between fraternities and administration.

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Dickinsonian, September 22, 1983

The Campus Entertainment Board comes under attack from Student Senate Treasurer who questions their use of Senate funds. The College buys Brethren In Christ Church on 301 W Louther Street. The College Republicans and the College Democrats organize and recruit members for the year. Outing Club expects its largest membership ever this year. IM Football begins, but due to a rule change, nine fraternities separate to form a new league called the United Fraternal Football League (UFFL).


Dickinsonian, September 28, 1973

Outing Club is created. In Social Hall, Dr. Barbara Varchol delivers lecture "Human Sexuality on Campus". Artist Wayne Thiebaud to visit College. Prof. K. Robert Nilsson presents paper on Nationalist revolutions at the University of South Carolina.


Dickinsonian, October 27, 1972

The Ad Hoc Committee on Student Personnel Services meets to acquire "more feedback...especially from students." Michael D. Hall and others are to participate in the Young Artists-in-Residence Program. Meyer Rheinhold will give the Morgan Lecture in Classics at an "unprecedented two-day meeting." In Dana Hall, George Beatty is to deliver a multimedia lecture on the "minute happenings of our natural world." The Outing Club gets renewed.

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Dickinsonian, October 14, 1960

This issue contains an article as well as an editorial concerning Dickinson's accreditation by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. Student Senate approved loaning money to put towards a radio station at Dickinson. Professor John C. Pflaum, who recently returned from a trip to Russia, is featured, as well as German exchange student Dirk Bothe. An interview with a Professor Gavrilovic discusses the selection of New York for the United Nations. A letter to the editor explained the policies of Fraternity rushing.

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Dickinsonian, January 15, 1965

Susan Jagiello is made the new editor-in-chief of the Dickinsonian. Three students tapped by Omicron Delta Kappa for their outstanding contributions to the college. Fifteen students to study in Bologna. "Urbanization in the American Society" to be the theme for Dickinson's second Public Affairs Symposium. Dickinson graduate Paul Murphy serves in Bogota with the Peace Corps. Annual production of the Freshman Plays performed the previous weekend. Students plan cultural trip to museums in New York. Six fraternities choose officers for coming year.

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Dickinsonian, November 6, 1964

Mermaid Players present Thornton Wilder's "Our Town". Female students collect donations in fraternities and male dorms for the Dickinson Endowment Fund for the Teaching of the Humanities and Social Sciences. Four juniors will study in Washington D.C. for spring semester in conjunction with American University. The newly-founded Outing Club is profiled. Two million out of six million already raised in fundraising drive for Dickinson. Three students and one staff member are tapped by Pi Delta Epsilon for outstanding journalism.

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