Dickinsonian, October 11, 1905

Improvements are made to the athletic fields to keep the crowd from surging onto the field. Students are encouraged to attend the upcoming football game against the  Carlisle Indian School and ticket prices are reduced so more students can attend. Freshman are reminded to obey the rules set by the upper classes. The first Sophomore-Freshman football game of the year ends in a tie. The Treasurer's Report for the Dickinson College Athletic Association is released. The Epworth League of the Methodist Church hosts a reception for students.


Dickinsonian, February 11, 1922

Week of Prayer held by Dr. John R. Edwards. Glenn Killinger signs a contract with the Athletic Association to coach the 1922 Dickinson College football team. Update on up and coming entertainment for students. Dickinson seniors may be allowed to gain teaching experience in Carlisle High School. Farewell party for Dr. John R. Edwards. Women receive challenge to debate Juniata College. Opening of new women's room in Denny. Establishment of Forum Club. Social center planned by the college church.


Dickinsonian, February 4, 1922

Kenneth Bixler obituary. Edgar C. Raine to give lecture on Alaska in Bosler Hall. Dr. Ira Landrith of the Intercollegiate Prohibition Association will address the college. Union Philosophical Society defeats the Belles Lettres Society in the inter-society contest. Update on Week of Prayer. Miss Mary Anderson address. Dr. Robert William Rogers lecture. Mr. Biddle addresses the Mohler Scientific Club in Denny Hall. Freshmen class has walk around to celebrate liberties. Annual meeting of college presidents from Pennsylvania.


Dickinsonian, October 7, 1908

Bryan League organized in Prettyman Hall. Installation of Mergenthaler Linotype Machine for the Dickinsonian. Third Section banquet. Preliminaries for Inter-Collegiate Debate Team held in Denny Hall. Pr0fessor Charles Hilliard lecture. Female members of the Carlisle Indian School entertained the women Dickinson's Y. W. C. A.. Old West banquet. Phi Delta Theta dance. Intercollegiate Lawn Tennis Association tournament.


Dickinsonian, February 1893

Mrs. Mary O'Hara Spring and Miss Matilda W. Denny of Pittsburgh donate two properties on Main Street to the college; President Reed hopes to build a recitation hall on the O'Hara Spring property, which becomes Denny Hall.  The Denny property is sold to fund the construction. A floor is added to the gymnasium above the bowling alley for the purpose of indoor baseball practice, boxing, wrestling, and fencing. YMCA observes day of prayer.


Dickinsonian, April 26, 1905

Dickinson observed the 16th year of Dr. Reed's presidency. The bell atop Old West is taken down and placed in the bell tower of Denny Hall.  Upon doing so it was found to be cracked.  Dickinson College hosts the annual convention of the Intercollegiate Prohibition Association of Pennsylvania

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, March 8, 1905

The first annual Northeastern Pennsylvania Alumni Association of Dickinson College banquet was held in Scranton.  President Reed discusses his travel experiences as he attempted to increase the endowment of the college. Phi Kappa Psi holds a dance.  The first anniversary of the Denny Fire is observed.  Samuel W. McDowell '06 and Willard L Amthor '07 are elected Dickinsonian editors for the coming year.  Captain A.


Dickinsonian, January 18, 1905

Philadelphia Club holds banquet.  The annual Day of Prayer will be observed.  Trustee Alex H. Patton, leaves $10,000. Phi Kappa Sigma attends convention in Baltimore. The old piano in Bosler hall is replaced.  Sigma Alpha Epsilon attends its national convention in Memphis, Tennessee. Phi Delta Theta attended their convention in Indianapolis and holds their banquet in Harrisburg. The roof of Denny Hall is completed.


Dickinsonian, November 30, 1904

John Paul Davis is elected captain of the football team for the 1905 season. The Y.M.C.A attends the district convention.  Construction continues on Denny Hall and a new brick walk way is laid between West College and East College.  Delta Chi holds their fall banquet.


Dickinsonian, May 11, 1904

New plans for Denny Hall are released and indicate that the new Denny Hall will be far superior to the original. The senior class outing was a great success. Freshmen receive new caps and tussle with sophomores who try to steal them. A fine portrait of President William Neill (president 1824-1839) is presented to the college by his granddaughter Miss Sophia Neill Howell.


Dickinsonian, May 4, 1904

New plans for Denny Hall are released and promise that the new building will be far superior to the original structure. The senior class outing to Pine Grove is a great success. Miss Sophia Neill Howell, granddaughter of the Rev. William Neill, D.D., President of Dickinson College 1824-1839 presents the college with a portrait of her grandfather for the Chapel Hall. The freshmen obtain new caps and proceed to tussle with sophomores who steal them. 


Dickinsonian, April 27, 1904

Several generous donations, including $10,000 from Carlisle resident Sarah Todd, ensure that Denny will be rebuilt with a clock tower. The Musical Clubs give a concert in the Chambersburg Opera primarily attended by Wilson College students. Rhey T. Snodgrass '02 shares "Warsaw Spike: A Dickinson Tale." The ladies of the Omega Psi fraternity offer generous donation to the college endowment.


Dickinsonian, September 20, 1911

Eugene Allen Noble assumes the presidency. Beginning of the year reception. Simon F. Pauxtis resumes his position as football coach. President Noble sets up office in Denny Hall. Freshmen and sophomores engage in flag scrap and poster scrap. List of the freshman class and its hometowns.
