Dickinsonian, February 4, 1922

Kenneth Bixler obituary. Edgar C. Raine to give lecture on Alaska in Bosler Hall. Dr. Ira Landrith of the Intercollegiate Prohibition Association will address the college. Union Philosophical Society defeats the Belles Lettres Society in the inter-society contest. Update on Week of Prayer. Miss Mary Anderson address. Dr. Robert William Rogers lecture. Mr. Biddle addresses the Mohler Scientific Club in Denny Hall. Freshmen class has walk around to celebrate liberties. Annual meeting of college presidents from Pennsylvania.


Dickinsonian, May 21, 1921

Fred Holmes '24 wins first prize in the annual Freshman Oratorical Contest. The Dickinsonian attends a meeting of the Intercollegiate Newspaper Association at Gettysburg. The Freshman class votes 168-43 in favor of the Honor System. The Sophomore and Junior classes, Union Philosophical Society, McIntyre Literary Society, Harmon Literary Society, and Greek Club elect new officers.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, November 4, 1908

Kappa Sigma throws a Halloween party in the Assembly Hall. Harmon Literary Society debate. Obituary for Mrs. Hutchinson, wife of Dr. W. A. Hutchinson. International Bible Study Conference in Columbus, Ohio. Update on 1910 Microcosm. Article on how smoking effects intelligence.



Dickinsonian, May 8, 1926

Founders Day and May Day will be celebrated Thursday of this week. The annual Senior Picnic will be held at Medowbrook Park this year. Mr. G. R. Hemminger presents the College with a rare stuffed "Duckbill" (a platypus) through Prof. B. Floyd Rinker of the English department. The Track team prepares to meet their Gettysburg rivals. Results of a poll by the Dickinsonian show that students favor the current prohibition law. Ohio State Senator Simeon D. Fess will be this years Commencement speaker.

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Dickinsonian, January 23, 1926

Dr. Ray, noted explorer, will lecture on his experiences in South America in Chapel on Wednesday. The Junior Prom is planed for March 25th. Photography for the Microcosm has finished. President James H. Morgan was the first speaker on the program of the conference of the Educational Association of the Methodist Episcopal Church and spoke on "What Standards Shall Govern the Admission of Freshman?". The Harmon Literary Society focuses their most recent meeting on Shakespeare. The Basketball team takes an easy win over Blue Ridge.


Dickinsonian, December 8, 1932

Approximately 40 sentences were given out to Freshmen by the Men's Student Tribunal for various infractions. Board of Trustees decides to offer 5 scholarships (full tuition for the students' first year) to those students with the best essays about John Dickinson. Article recounting the Phi Delta Theta convention at Dickinson, held the previous weekend. The first issue of the new literary magazine came out with much success. The Athletic Association has a new constitution proposed--article includes the proposal.

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Dickinsonian, November 6, 1941

Alpha Sigma Gamma, the honorary journalistic fraternity, taps two new members. President Corson encourages students to read more often. An article outlines the schedule for the new freshmen class "How to Make Good in College." Dickinson students campaign for J. Pearson Miller for burgess of Carlisle. A council is created for Conway Hall. Editorial on issue of female cheerleaders: the article calls for male and female involvement in cheerleading. Editorial on recent changes to relationship between students and the Carlisle police.
