Dickinsonian Newspaper

International Relations Club

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International Relations Club planned. Dramatic Club performs "The Millionaire".

Dickinsonian Front Page

Cyril F. Hetsko elected editor-in-chief of Dickinsonian. Description of 1931 Doll Show. International Relations Club is planned in accordance with Carnegie Foundation for International Peace. YMCA plans Intercollegiate Seminar on Inter-Religious Harmony to be held at Dickinson. James H. Morgan...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Professor Leon Cushing Prince plans to run for re-election to state senate. International Relations Club begins, plans meeting on Sino-Japanese question. Professor Horace E. Rogers presents paper to Society of Rheologists. Sophomore dance planned. Bishop Ernest G. Richardson, '96, is elected...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Freshmen kidnap sophomore president; sophomores rescue him and kidnap freshman president. International Relations Club holds second meeting on Japanese activities in Manchuria. Tribunal punishes three freshmen. Annual freshman dance held.

Dickinsonian Front Page

President Waugh becomes involved in the Athletic Association's attempts to establish a new constitution. Microcosm will hold beauty contest for 5 best looking girls. Dickinson students will go to Bucknell to attend the Regional Conference of International Relations Clubs. Annual Doll Show will...

Dickinsonian Front Page

The Student Social Committee has finished its report on social rules at Dickinson and it will be considered at the next meeting of this committee and the Faculty Social Committee. Parents are especially invited to visit on Mother's Day. More work is put into the plans and preparations of the...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Juniors will be allowed to take classes at the Law School. Letters given out to 11 men, including 9 Freshmen. President Waugh puts forth a plan to delay rushing before the Interfraternity Council. Article on Dickinson in the Philadelphia Inquirer. Club members abolish the International Relations...

Dickinsonian Front Page

The International Relations club brings in a speaker from France. Norman Thomas, the county’s leading Socialist, speaks to the college. The Freshman begin a revolt against class rules, but the event quickly dies out. Joseph H. McCormack, the college’s football coach, resigns. Dickinson beats...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Changes in The Dickinsonian staff are announced. The Debate Team loses to Lafayette and will soon face off with Muhlenberg. The prom chairman announces the date of the Junior Prom. President Corson issues a budget for student groups. Professor Parlin perfects a portable intensitometer...

Dickinsonian Front Page

William Pearson Tolley, President of Allegheny College, gave a talk warning about the abandonment of land and a regression to wilderness, in contrast to the establishment of civilization. Clarence B. Hendrickson was given the award as All-Around Dickinsonian. The first baseball practice of the...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Henry C. Hill, warden of the Federal Penitentiary in Lewisburg, gives speech on "The Problem of the Criminal" before the Young People's Fellowship at the Allison Memorial Methodist Church.  Johnny Bruner organizes a jazz band on campus composed of seven undergraduates.  The Dramatic Club...

Dickinsonian Front Page

The Upsilon Circle of the Omicron Delta Kappa chose five new members to its regular meeting, and elected Christian V. Graf and Leon M. Robinson as the delegate and alternate delegate, respectively, to the national convention of the fraternity.  Dickinson alumn Governor Arthur H. James appointed...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Alpha Sigma Gamma, the journalism fraternity, elects seven new members.  Professor of American History Hiram Herr Shenk speaks before Young People's Fellowship.  Dr. Reinhard Beutner of the Hahnemann Medical College speaks before the Mohler Scientific Club.  Alvin Blumberg to play part of David...

Dickinsonian Front Page

The "Miami Triad" of Beta Theta Pi, Sigma Chi, and Phi Delta Theta, throws a dance featuring Don Peebles and his Orchestra.  Mr. Vinton Zeigler, minister, speaks on the state of Brooklyn slums.  Belles Lettres reviews modern literature.  The Dramatic Club continues to prepare "The Shining Hour...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Committee recommends that college end its policy on extra-curricular activities requiring participation with limits on number of activities as student may participate with. The thirty-one students arrested last week have each been ordered to pay a fine of $1.62. Dickinson's first all-college...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Alpha Sigma Gamma, the honorary journalistic fraternity, taps two new members. President Corson encourages students to read more often. An article outlines the schedule for the new freshmen class "How to Make Good in College." Dickinson students campaign for J. Pearson Miller for burgess of...

Dickinsonian Front Page

President Edel to tour Israel with American Christian Palestine Committee delegation. Dr. Elmer Charles Herber's paper on pregnancy tests conducted on frogs to be published by Pennsylvania Academy of Science. International Relations Club delegates attend largest Model UN conference at University...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Dickinson College Band to play open-air concert; community sing to be part of concert. High School seniors to compete for Trustee Scholarships. Student musicians Robert Johannes and Joseph Rosenthal present concert in Bosler Hall. Pi Beta Phi wins Songfest competition. New plans for rushing have...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Sophomore Class picnic successful, despite threatening weather. Various campus organizations, including Theological Society, Spanish Club, Russian Club, and International Relations Club host last meetings of year and elections for upcoming year. Track team hands Bucknell first defeat in two...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Young People's Fellowship accepted to the Student Christian Association of the Middle Atlantics Region. Hester Cunningham '29 featured in art exhibition over Commencement Weekend. Faculty approve changes to Social Rules for women, extending curfews and extended permissions. John Shumaker to head...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Professor John C. Pflaum speaks at the first meeting of the International Relations Club about his trip to Europe over the summer. Senate President Morrad G. Mooradian addresses students at a recent chapel meeting. Profile on student athlete, John "Punky" Lyter.

Dickinsonian Front Page

Famous trumpeter, Hank Hoffman will play in the band during Homecoming.The International Relations Club sponsors a U.N. display in the window of the Kronenberg clothing store. Professor Frank Ayres , Jr., announces his publication of a new math book. Dickinson alum General James G. Steese, a...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Thomas McCready is elected the Editor-in-Chief of the Dickinsonian. Student Moorad G. Mooradian talks to the International Relations Club about his attendance at the Second West Point Conference on United States Affairs. Architect Talbot Hamlin speaks about Benjamin H. Latrobe at the Sixth Boyd...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Joseph Priestley Day and the Priestley Award are created. Student demonstration results in student-faculty-administration meeting that determines to improve the class dean system and create a student-faculty committee to make recommendations on cultural activities. International Relations Club...

Dickinsonian Front Page

Details regarding the first Senate-sponsored chapel meeting. Dr. Horace Rogers awarded the DuPont Chair of Chemistry. Professor John C. Pflaum to deliver a talk on European-American political relations at the next meeting of the International Relations Club. Profile on student athlete, Gordon...


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