Dickinsonian, October 14, 1942

The Freshman Annex (formerly the Parker House) on S Hanover St opens to house twelve female students. Colonel Henry E. Smith, John C. Hepler, Dr. Bernice K. Grubb, Charles H. B. Kennedy, and Jane L. Evans join faculty. Dr. Elmer C. Herber publishes two papers on parasitology. Professor Horace E. Rogers leads Community Chest drive; changes to the way the drive is performed. Robert S. Whitman, Jr., '38, dies at Battle of Midway; Calvert S. Foote, '44, is MIA. Football team is largest in Dickinson history. The Navy V-1 Plan is established at Dickinson.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, December 1, 1932

The chapter of Phi Delta Theta will host a convention on December 2 and 3 for several chapters of the fraternity. Discussion over the college's short wave radio broadcasting station and the messages it is able to send out and receive. Ping Pong becomes popular on campus. The very successful coach of Colgate's football team graduated from Dickinson. Holiday dance o be held December 16th. Summary of football season.


Dickinsonian, March 5, 1931

Former Dickinson student and Dickinson Law School alumni Judge Sylvester Baker Sadler dies. Dr. Horace Rogers, associate professor of chemistry at Dickinson, is invited to submit his biography for inclusion in the next edition of American Men in Science. The Dickinson basketball team defeats its last two opponents to become champion of the Central Pennsylvania conference. The Athletic Association proclaims that Dickinson will not be joining a new basketball league of small Pennsylvania colleges including Drexel, Ursinus and Gettysburg among others.


Dickinsonian, February 4, 1932

Professor Leon Cushing Prince plans to run for re-election to state senate. International Relations Club begins, plans meeting on Sino-Japanese question. Professor Horace E. Rogers presents paper to Society of Rheologists. Sophomore dance planned. Bishop Ernest G. Richardson, '96, is elected president of Anti-Saloon League of America. YMCA meeting discusses racial prejudice.


Dickinsonian, October 24, 1952

Details regarding the first Senate-sponsored chapel meeting. Dr. Horace Rogers awarded the DuPont Chair of Chemistry. Professor John C. Pflaum to deliver a talk on European-American political relations at the next meeting of the International Relations Club. Profile on student athlete, Gordon Haney. Article review on the upcoming Presidential election.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, October 17, 1952

Dr. Horace E. Rogers will address chapel with a lecture entitled "Analytical Chemistry - Past and Present" in formal recognition of his receival of the DuPont Chair of Chemistry. New portrait of James Buchanan to hang in the Bosler Hall Alumni Gallery. Plans underway for the development of a rifle team. Article on the prohibition of political demonstrations at the American University in Cairo, Egypt. Profile on student athlete, Jack Smith. Kappa Sigma remains undefeated in the Inter-Fraternity Football League. New book by Dr. Frank Ayres, Jr., Professor of Mathematics.


Dickinsonian, October 27, 1938

Henry C. Hill, warden of the Federal Penitentiary in Lewisburg, gives speech on "The Problem of the Criminal" before the Young People's Fellowship at the Allison Memorial Methodist Church.  Johnny Bruner organizes a jazz band on campus composed of seven undergraduates.  The Dramatic Club continues to rehearse for "the Bat," set to perform the play on November 10.  Professor Horace E.


Dickinsonian, March 7, 1952

Joseph Priestley Day and the Priestley Award are created. Student demonstration results in student-faculty-administration meeting that determines to improve the class dean system and create a student-faculty committee to make recommendations on cultural activities. International Relations Club holds auction to benefit tuberculosis sanitarium near Tokyo. Profile of Professor Horace E. Rogers. Basketball season ends with no Dickinson wins.


Dickinsonian, October 26, 1956

The Student Senate moves to increase its membership. A testimonial to Miss May Morris, recently retired librarian of Dickinson College, to be held. Dickinson finally bipartisan with the forming of College Democrats - College Republicans plan to a rally. Dr. Horace Rogers of the Chemistry Department named chairman-elect of the Southeastern Pennsylvania section of the American Chemical Society.


Dickinsonian, June 12, 1970

A review of Commencement is given. Dr. Daniel R. Bechtel, chairman of the department of religion, receives the 1970 Lindback Distinguished Teaching Award. Dr. Horace E. Rogers , senior member of the College faculty and the Alfred Victor duPont Professor of Analytical Chemistry, is elected president of the Dickinson chapter of Phi Beta Kappa. The Red Cross campaigns to assist American POWs.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, March 4, 1960

The Student Senate candidates announce their platforms. The Senate campaign is recounted. A student survey reveals mixed feelings from students about Senate. Professors James, Rogers, and Bowden plan sabbaticals. The Mermaid Players announce their production of "Major Barbie." Dennis King gives presentation about Benjamin Franklin. A new Geology Club is established. Belles Lettres Society presents the British film "Fame is the Spur." Professor Bell receives honorary degree from Franklin College of Indiana. Swim team completes their season undefeated.
