Dickinsonian, June 5, 1943

Tau Delta Pi holds farewell banquet for seniors; Elizabeth Keen, Helen Kretschmar, Edith Ann Lingle, Jane Treyz, and Jo Ann Wilson are initiated into Tau Delta Pi; Elinor Derr and Estelle Mumford become Tau Delta Pi officers. Phi Kappa Sigma and Zeta Tau Alpha hold spring formals. Wheel and Chain taps eight new members: Marion Bender, Edith Ann Lingle, Kathleen Briner, Elinor Derr, Goldie Kunkle, Jane Treyz, Doris Bacastow, and Catherine Stern. Second summer session to be held. President Fred P. Corson speaks at Easter Sunrise Service at Arlington National Cemetery.

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Dickinsonian, May 8, 1941

The Salvation Army is expected to receive a new high of $2,600 from a drive held in Carlisle to which several Dickinson students and faculty have contributed. Skull and Key and Wheel and Chain tap their new members for the coming semester. Bernard Keating, Dickinson senior, signs with the Boston Red Sox and will join them immediately after graduating. The track team ties the Albright team, something that almost never happens and will likely not happen for many years to come.

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Dickinsonian, May 3, 1941

Wheel and Chain and Omicron Delta Kappa hold the third annual song fest on the steps of Old West. All the fraternities and sororities are expected to attend. The new pastor of Allison Methodist Church, a Dickinson alumnus, will be serving as the student religious advisor. The track team has the highest win percentage of any Dickinson team over the past three years.


Dickinsonian, May 2, 1940

The Province Convention of Sigma Alpha Epsilon comes to Dickinson for the first time, with an expected attendance of nearly 200 delegates and alumni. Little Jack Little is announced as the entertainment at the annual Senior Prom. Skull and Key taps nine sophomores for membership, while Wheel and Chain picks eight juniors. The demolition of certain parts of Bosler Hall, now complete, reveals the location of a long-forgotten College cistern and unearths two lost pieces of administrative documentation.

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Dickinsonian, May 9, 1935

The Debate Team will end the season with a debate later in the week. The golf team loses to Johns Hopkins. The Dramatic Club begins try-outs for the play “Lady Windermere’s Fan.” The tennis team loses to Bucknell. Forty new books are added to the library. Wheel and Chain taps nine new members. The Men’s Glee Club gives a concert. The Women’s Athletic Association elects new officers. Sororities hold their spring elections. The Greek Club spoke about Greece and the Christian Church. The Junior swimmers on the Women’s swim team placed first in a meet.


Dickinsonian, May 14, 1936

The rising junior class holds elections for the upcoming year, already beginning to discuss such events as the 1937 Junior Prom. Wheel and Chain, the women's honorary senior fraternity, selects its new members. Belles Lettres Literary Society plans its sesqui-centennial celebration. Charles R. Gay, president of the New York Stock Exchange, is announced as commencement speaker. Five members of the Debate Squad are inducted into Tau Kappa Alpha, an honorary forensic fraternity. 


Dickinsonian, March 18, 1937

Plans for a Pan-Hellenic Week continue, and it is said that if successful, it will become a Dickinson tradition. The Belles Lettres Society discusses three modern novelists, Undst, Lewis, and Mann. Gettysburg beats Dickinson at a swim meet. The Debate Team wins against Ursinus and Ashland in the debate over the minimum wage question. Guest Day, the day where prospective students and their families come to visit the school, is scheduled. Wheel and Chain requests that alumnae donate books to the College Library.


Dickinsonian, May 21, 1954

Dickinson Summer School to open in June, first session since 1951. Prof. Pflaum presides over open hearing on new social rules. ROTC presents annual awards. Wheel and Chain to initiate eight for the '54-'55 academic year. Captain Kennedy, Assistant Professor of Military Science and Tactics, awarded the Bronze Star. Contemporary Cuban paintings on display in Art Gallery.


Dickinsonian, October 27, 1938

Henry C. Hill, warden of the Federal Penitentiary in Lewisburg, gives speech on "The Problem of the Criminal" before the Young People's Fellowship at the Allison Memorial Methodist Church.  Johnny Bruner organizes a jazz band on campus composed of seven undergraduates.  The Dramatic Club continues to rehearse for "the Bat," set to perform the play on November 10.  Professor Horace E.


Dickinsonian, October 13, 1938

The editorial board of the Dickinsonian publishes an open letter to the Board of Deans regarding the findings of a report conducted by the Faculty committee on Extra-Curricular Activities.  The Debating Association of Pennsylvania Colleges selects three topics for the coming debate season, with delegates from Dickinson making key contributions.  Charlis Alvin Jones, graduate of Dickinson Law School and democratic candidate for the office of governor of Pennsylvania, visits Dickinson for the annual Homecoming football game.  The Student Library Committee submitted req


Dickinsonian, October 6, 1938

The All-College Social Body plans a series of events for the coming year, including a Dad's Day, a barn dance, and an open house.  President Corson announces the new  heads of ten committees.  Judge Karl Richards is selected as speaker for the annual Homecoming chapel service.  Dale O. Hartzell writes a short piece detailing Revolutionary leader Jams Wilson's interaction with Carlisle int eh mid to late 18th Century.  The Dickinson college Religious Association holds a meeting in Memorial Hall of Old West, featuring Howard A.


Dickinsonian, May 2, 1947

Wheel and Chain, Skull and Key tap new members. Founders Day is celebrated. Dwight Fickes wins ODK outstanding sophomore award. Weston C. Overholt, Jr. wins Skull and Key outstanding freshman award. Mary Jeanne Reynolds receives Wheel and Chain outstanding senior ring. Theta Chi hosts convention. Frankie Noonan receives Jack Dempsey Athletic Trophy. Johnny Hopper receives Phi Epsilon Pi Basketball trophy. Seventeen athletes receive varsity letters in football or swimming.


Dickinsonian, February 25, 1949

Sophomores to participate in Sophomore Testing for second year. After two year absence due to objections over hazing, Wheel and Chain returns and taps new members. Religion-in-Life Week encouraged positive discussion and adherence to religious principles. Johns Hopkins University Professor Carl Brent Swisher to deliver annual Boyd Spahr Lecture; 1795 alumnus Brooke Taney will be focus.

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Dickinsonian, May 2, 1958

The Wheel and Chain Society tapped seven new members. President Edel has announced upcoming improvements to the College, approved by the Board of Trustees, that will cost as much as $200,000. These improvements will include: Physics Department facilities work, alterations of the library with the ultimate goal of it filling up Bosler Hall entirely, the move of the Music Department to the Psychology Building and of the Psychology Building to the former Church House.

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Dickinsonian, December 14, 1956

The College shares plans to open a nature laboratory. Dickinson presents a television series over a Harrisburg channel. The Wheel and Chain offers a book trading service. Mildred Herrick serves as the College's guest librarian. The Dickinsonian begins a contest for students to write a caption for a photograph of some of their classmates. Phi Kappa Signma leads the Inter-Fraternity Volleyball Leagure.

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Dickinsonian, May 5, 1950

The Dickinson Follies production "Out of the Red" will open the following Thursday, with huge crowds anticipated. The Inter-Fraternity Council adopts a new constitution. Nine junior women are tapped to join the Wheel and Chain Society. Popular pianists Ozan Marsh and Patricia Benkman give a free recital to Dickinson students. The D Club will hold an evening of wrestling and boxing, featuring the "Masked Marvel" the night of publication.


Dickinsonian, April 6, 2001

President Durden announces the graduation speaker for this year, Dr. David Kessler, M.D. Women's Studies earns a status as an official major. The borough of Carlisle is discussing putting in street-level flashing lights at the high street cross walk between the Weiss Center and the main campus. Dr. Mark Gilbert will come to campus to discuss the upcoming General Elections in Europe. An editorial criticizes the signs in the HUB featuring famous Dickinson alumni. Adam Ferullo writes a column on President Bush's decision to federally fund faith-based initiatives.
