The "Miami Triad" of Beta Theta Pi, Sigma Chi, and Phi Delta Theta, throws a dance featuring Don Peebles and his Orchestra.  Mr. Vinton Zeigler, minister, speaks on the state of Brooklyn slums.  Belles Lettres reviews modern literature.  The Dramatic Club continues to prepare "The Shining Hour."  Scientific fraternity Lambda Sigma Pi hears a paper by new member Neihl Williamson.  A fraternity entertains a wandering "poet," and are then informed a day later by police that they entertained a fugitive from the law.  The Dickinsonian staff writes an editorial criticizing the student senate election process.  Colonel William Addleman Ganoe will address the student body on Founder's Day.  Professor A Gerberich gives speech on Hitler in Latin America at the International Relations Club.  The Chapel Program Committee plans future student participation in exercises.  14 Dickinson students view the insane in a mental hospital in Harrisburg.  Professor Ralph Schecter speaks to the Mohler Scientific Club at the Tome Scientific Building. Pi Phi wins the interfraternity women's  basketball tournament; ping pong is in a three way tie for first.  Phi Epsilon Pi wins the intramural men's basketball tournament with victory over Kappa Sigma.  Dickinson loses to Gettysburg in basketball at home; finishes the season 2-13.   

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