Dickinsonian, May 16, 1940
Omicron Delta Kappa taps six juniors for membership. Union Philosophical Society, Belles Lettres, Wheel and Chain, and Lambda Sigma Pi (honorary scientific society) elect officers.
Omicron Delta Kappa taps six juniors for membership. Union Philosophical Society, Belles Lettres, Wheel and Chain, and Lambda Sigma Pi (honorary scientific society) elect officers.
Over 200 guests and perspective students visited on Guest Day. Fraternities register for sugar rationing and individual registration will begin soon. Article on the history of Metzger Hall. Many Dickinson athletes enlist in the Marine Corps.
Colonel Mathews brought in to teach the 'Pre-Induction Training Courses." Two Dickinson graduates begin aviation training. Dr. Landis, professor of Mathematics, dies. College staff member, George Shuman Jr, asks alumni for old issues of the Freshmen Handbook. A national survey discovers that fraternity members have higher grad averages than non-fraternity members.
Lambda Sigma Pi elects eight new members. Union Philosophical Society to discuss "war aims" in their next meeting. A Student Opinion Surveys of America poll reveals that three of every five women are volunteering with civilian defense activities, but less than three of ten men, not already in the Armed Services, are helping with defense duties. Mid-Winter Ball was attended by 130 couples or 260 students. Three seniors elected to join Phi Beta Kappa.
The "Miami Triad" of Beta Theta Pi, Sigma Chi, and Phi Delta Theta, throws a dance featuring Don Peebles and his Orchestra. Mr.
Alpha Sigma Gamma, the journalism fraternity, elects seven new members. Professor of American History Hiram Herr Shenk speaks before Young People's Fellowship. Dr.
Three students, Edward E. Knauss, Leon M. Robinson, and Robert H.
Dickinson College Religious Association decides to embrace Protestantism, Catholicism, and Judaism as the tree faiths represented on campus, and to restrict membership to only those who demonstrate interest in religion and sign up on the membership roll. The French Club plans to show the French film "Mayerling." Tau Kapp Alpha fraternity sponsors an interfraternity debate tournament. Two men join Lambda Sigma Pi, the scientific fraternity. Dean Hoffman, editor-in-chief of the Harrisburg Patriot and Evening News and a graduate and trustee of Di
Charles W. Boote, city judge of Yonkers, New York, plans to speak at Dad's Day program. Union Philosophical Society elects twenty-four new members. The Halloween Barn Dance succeeds socially and financially. The Greek Club is set to re-enact an ancient Greek wedding. Prof. Mulford Stough becomes a member of the Council of the Pennsylvania Historical Association. Microcosm wins First-class honor rating and an All-American award by the National Scholastic Press Association. Freshman football set to meet Blue Ridge Junior College. Harold E.