Dickinsonian, January 19, 1940

Samuel McCartney is tapped to replace Paul Gorsuch as editor-in-chief of the Dickinsonian. The General Alumni Association publishes its annual report, revealing that there are 5,161 living Dickinson graduates--at least one in every U.S. state and 27 foreign countries. A plan for all fraternities to cancel their spring formals and donate all money to be used for them to an all-College inter-fraternity ball is rejected outright.


Dickinsonian, January 12, 1939

College Social Committee brings Claude Hopkins and his orchestra to campus for a concert.  Greek Club holds a meeting devoted to "Idylls of Theocritus," its last meeting of the semester.  William Nicklets writes a piece bemoaning the female gender's attachment to the need for male chivalrous attention even as it demands equal legal and political rights.  Dickinson Glee Club holds first rehearsal of 1939.  Co-chairmen of the Inter-collegiate Newspaper Association's semi-annual convention at Dickinson College, George S. McGill and Christian V.

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