Dickinsonian, May 20, 1922

James L. Beighle is elected president of Student Senate. Juniors select officers in final class elections. The town members of Carlisle plan to decorate the town for commencement. Athletic Association is considering making an athletic club house. Skitch-a-Genee initiations. Dramatic Club production. Inter-Fraternity Council elections. Belles Lettres Society elections. Tau Kappa Alpha initiations. Carlisle loses to Harrisburg in chess. Debating conference at Penn State. Mohler Scientific Club elections. The Tennis Team may compete in championships. Update on Greek Club production.


Dickinsonian, April 22, 1922

The Carlisle Chamber of Commerce supports the college's fundraising campaign. Nina Morgana will give a performance at the Carlisle Opera House. Updates on commencement. Notes on J. Stitt Wilson lecture. Eight Freshmen are chose in the Declamation Contest preliminaries. School superintendent election results. Belles Lettres Society and Law Club debate. Former athletic trainer at the Carlisle Indian School accepts position at Leland Stanford University. Pinchot for Governor Club is organized. Professor Mohler gives demonstration on liquid air. Greek Club will present play. Theta Chi formal.


Dickinsonian, January 21, 1922

Lewis S. Sadler obituary. Mr. Shedd will address the College Press Club. Preparations for the Week of Prayer. The Freshmen and Sophomore classes win the second round of the interclass basketball games. Belles Lettres Society election results. Notes on Norman Angell address. Reverend Mudge address. Dr. John W. Handcher is placed in charge of the college fundraising campaign. Professor Norcross address on "The Psychological Effects of Adequate Street Lighting". Tryouts for the Dramatic Club's production of "Officer 666". College Orchestra refused financial remuneration.


Dickinsonian, November 26, 1921

Adelaide Fisher performance at the Orpheum Theater of Harrisburg. Winners of the "D" will receive certificates. Announcement of Dramatic Club productions. Dramatic Club productions. Professor Baumgartner lectures on health. Thanksgiving day reunion of the Camp Moosilauke Lads. Good-English week. Phi Kappa Sigma, Phi Kappa Psi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Beta Theta Pi, Kappa Sigma, and Theta Chi all have Thanksgiving dances. Alpha Chi Rho has a luncheon.


Dickinsonian, April 23, 1920

New plan for Student Senate is accepted by Student Assembly.  Dramatic Club prepares to produce "Sherwood" under the direction of Mildred Little from Irving College.  Phi Kappa Sigma holds annual spring dance.  Program for Commencement Week.  Students of the Greek department perform Aristophanes' "The Birds". 


Dickinsonian, March 5, 1913

The sophomores remain in first place in the Inter-class series. Everyone is encouraged to audition for the Dramatic Club play “The Comedy of Errors.” The Sigma Chi fraternity held their annual mid-winter dance in Mentzer Hall. The winners of the Freshmen Declaration Contest are announced. Dickinson considers adopting the honor system.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, February 26, 1913

The Annual College Banquet was held in the gymnasium on the anniversary of George Washington’s birthday. The sophomore class continues to win every game in the Inter-class series. The Dramatic Club is to perform “The Comedy of Errors” by Shakespeare during Commencement week. The Phi Kappa Psi fraternity held its annual Founder’s Day dance in Mentzer Hall. Paul G. Smith will be the new baseball coach for the upcoming season.


Dickinsonian, February 22, 1917

Annual banquet in honor of Washington's birthday is held along with annual freshman parade.  Belles Lettres celebrates its 131st anniversary.  Dramatic Club performs "What Happened to Jones".  YWCA holds annual masquerade party.  The Dickinsonian is proud to be considered yellow journalism. 


Dickinsonian, February 15, 1917

Union Philosophical Society wins inter-society debate.  Freshmen defeat sophomores in annual button game of interclass basketball tournament.  Dramatic Club performs "What Happened to Jones".  Senior banquet is held.  Phi Kappa Psi holds its annual Founders' Day Dance.  Junior banquet is held.


Dickinsonian, February 10, 1909

Washington's Birthday banquet. German scholar Dr. Abbee visits the college.  Dramatic Club play in the Carlisle Opera House. Union Philosophical Society's anniversary. Phi Kappa Psi dance. Concert given by the Brandon Trio Club. Lincoln's Birthday celebration. Tewaina, of the Carlisle Indian School, wins a ten mile race from Obermyer and See. Bostonia Opera Co. performance.


Dickinsonian, December 16, 1908

Dickinson loses to Franklin and Marshall in debate. Dickinson College Alumni Association of New York dinner. Freshmen win against the Juniors in inter-class basketball. The Seniors tie with Sophomores in inter-class basketball. Belles Lettres Society election results. Dramatic Club election results. Theta Lambda Phi banquet. Athletic Association election results.


Dickinsonian, February 28, 1912

Preview of "The Private Secretary". Annual Washington's Birthday College Banquet is held. Gettysburg defeats Dickinson in last game of basketball season. Annual Mid-Winter Sigma Chi dance is held. Annual freshman smoker and parade occurs.
