Dickinsonian, May 13, 1903
Spring Sports event is held. The Dickinsonian publishes its annual business report. Dramatic Club holds its annual reception.
Spring Sports event is held. The Dickinsonian publishes its annual business report. Dramatic Club holds its annual reception.
Baseball defeats Franklin and Marshall. Distinguished alumnus Alexander Ramsey dies. Spring Sports event planned. Louis Heib donates specimens to college mineralogical collection. Carlisle physicians team up to purchase an induction coil for use with the Dickinson x-ray machine.
Nine distinctive figures to receive honorary degrees at Commencement: Governor John S. Fine, Harold E. Stassen, Robert E. Woodside, and Bishop John S. Stamm. President Edel to travel to Carlisle, England, to celebrate the city's bicentennial. Outline of Commencement day activities. Dickinson College and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute agree on a five year plan of engineering study. Overview of the spring athletics season. Professor John S. Steckbeck writes a book about the athletic prowess of the famous Carlisle Indians.
The Agency for International Development held an interview with President Rubendall and Editor-in-Chief of the Dickinsonian David Totaro, during which Totaro was allowed to see the inside of the "White Building" next to South Campus. AID confirmed that the building was being used as a safe house for the Agency should a national security emergency occur. The Cultural Affairs committee is set to present the folk duo Ian and Sylva at the Gymnasium on Wednesday, March 20. Thomas Fornwalt will direct The Follies April presentation of "Kiss Me Kate".