Dickinsonian, December 19, 1968

Student Mobilization Committee forms to protest a number of academic and social rules. Linus Pauling wins Priestley Memorial Award. Afro-American Organization presents rebuttal to Prof. Clarke Garrett's paper on Discovery Week, claiming black students felt "quite insulted" by it. Possibility of Miss Dickinson contest discussed. Pete Tamburro defends Greek seating and rush against minority report of Campus Affairs Committee. Prof. Benjamin James engages in veteran counseling service. Dr. Vytautas Kavolis explains social context of "student rebellions."

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Dickinsonian, December 13, 1968

Senate amends motion to abolish College fraternity system by authorizing a committee formation to consider alternatives to present system. Black students begin "Discovery Week" which seeks to uncover "racist" nature of College administration. Senate-sponsored Forum on SDS features comments from faculty, students, and members of Carlisle community. Freshman performance of six plays "approaches repertory excellence." Student survey reveals preference for rock, progressive, and folk music on WDCV. Examination of social structures endorsed by Campus Affairs Committee minority report.


Dickinsonian, December 6, 1968

Faculty members express "disappointment" in the decision to place the new Cultural Center auditorium behind the library. Campus Affairs Committee Open Hearing considers Henry Sorett's resolution to abolish fraternity system. Judy Collins to appear in concert. The Social Committee to present The Happenings and Patti La Belle & The Blue Belles at weekend concert. In order to protest social rules, Morgan Student Mobilization Committee organizes. College signs contract with J.E. Hurley construction company for the renovation of Bosler. College set to debut International Studies major.

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Dickinsonian, November 22, 1968

Nina Simone to perform at Cultural Affairs concert. SVHB (Social Violations Hearing Board) continues trials, voting to suspend Rick Mater of SDS for his "detrimental" conduct at anti-ROTC demonstration. College seeks to require Morgan Hall residents to pay for damages to hall. Students voice skepticism over fraternity hat organizations. Prof. Neil Wolf addresses American Physical Society on "peaceful fusion power uses."


Dickinsonian, November 15, 1968

Social Violations Hearing Board charges SDS member Jerry Weiler guilty of disruption at anti-ROTC rally, but suspends sentence. Violinist Igor Oistrakh to perform for Cultural Affairs program. Representatives of Afro-American Organization meet with Admissions Dean David R. Jefferson with several race-related demands. Senate adopts resolution to restructure campus government into a College Senate which would combine student and faculty participation. Faculty performs "The Menaechmi." Cultural Affairs Committee to put on Aashish Khan concert.

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Dickinsonian, November 8, 1968

Disqualifications of two members on Social Violations Hearing Board defer trial of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) demonstrators. Students react to the U.S.'s bombing halt in Vietnam. Dean of College Richard Wanner explains current trial of SDS members at weekly press conference. The Critters to perform in Social Committee concert. Violinist Igor Oistrakh to perform in Cultural Affairs concert. "Playboy dinner" held in dining hall. Roten Gallery of art opens in Union. WDCV receives positive feedback toward its election coverage.

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Dickinsonian, November 1, 1968

Social Violations Hearing Board to try four SDS demonstrators for disrupting ROTC class; SDS assumes common guilt. Actor Rob Ingles to present Cultural Affairs performance. Richard Nixon and Richard Schweiker win Presidential and Senatorial contests, respectively, in student mock election. Linda Dalrymple, Robert Kahn, and Sandra Shulman nominated for Danforth fellowships. Senator Kit Volz heads evaluation of fellow senators. Alexander Schmemann to preach in the College Church. The Critters to perform at pre-Military Ball weekend concert.


Dickinsonian, October 25, 1968

Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) stages controversial Anti-ROTC demonstration. Sabicas and Malcolm Frager to present Cultural Affairs concerts. Coalition of Democratic and Independent Voters, along with Young Democrats and SDS (at first), urges students to boycott grapes in dining hall so as to bring attention to California workers' union controversy. Design of Tuvin Cultural Center revealed. Professor Larry Warner pledges to Sigma Chi. Professor Vytautas Kavolis discusses sociological connections to art in recent book "Artistic Expression - A Sociological Analysis."


Dickinsonian, October 18, 1968

College receives bequest of $750,000 from Hugh Woodward. Campus Affairs Committee clears newspaper of charges made by Student Senate-IFC liaison Mike Bloom and Senate President Tom Martin. Dr. James Robinson to deliver Faith and Society lecture. Student Senate passes resolution to restructure committees. Wayne Sunday analyzes positions of the three major presidential candidates - Hubert Humphrey, George Wallace, and Richard Nixon - on issue of law and order. Bob Kahn urges non-polarizing political engagement. Draft registration information discussed for student deferment purposes.

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Dickinsonian, October 11, 1968

George Wallace debate draws various reactions from overflow crowd. Speakers at Fraternity Criticism Symposium urge fraternity reform. IFC Senate liaison Mike Bloom levels attack at Dickinsonian. Dave Totaro reflects upon touring Hubert Humphrey's Pennsylvania campaign with Sue Storer, four other college students, and Muriel Humphrey. Upcoming renovation of East College discussed.

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Dickinsonian, October 9, 1968

Senior Wayne Sunday faces possible anti-draft charge in conjunction with his signing a pacifist group statement. SDS demonstrates at the opening of George Wallace's campaign headquarters in Carlisle. Political Science department airs negative views towards Wallace. Chaplain Paul Kaylor critiques student life. President Rubendall questions legality of Congressional resolution seeking to restrict student aid to law-breaking college demonstrators. Shoplifting problem in college store is discussed. Faculty to vote on adding International Studies major.


Dickinsonian, September 27, 1968

Student Senate to recommend major constitutional revision due to "inadequacies." Chapel Committee takes retreat to discuss the theme of "Despair." Students participate in Carlisle Racial Relations Workshop. Professor William Dornemann praises Workshop in Letter to the Editor. Pete Tamburro, Jr. sees Students for Democratic Society (SDS) as headed toward "death-wish." Wayne Sunday backs local SDS against charge of violence. IFC passes amended clause on fraternity discrimination. Young Democrats disagree with Coalition of Democratic and Independent Voters over supporting Hubert Humphrey.


Dickinsonain, September 20, 1968

Faculty changes qualifications and format of independent studies. Bosler Hall to reopen with "Turn-On" night of entertainment. IFC meeting introduces amendment to ban fraternity discrimination. Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) meeting plans study groups and off-campus activity. Pete Tamburro, Jr. discusses the current American political scene. Evaluation Committee report to faculty at Allenberry retreat argues the student should be the "focal point of all College functions." "The Conservative Group" forms on campus to challenge SDS and Coalition of Democratic and Independent Voters.

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Dickinsonian, September 14, 1968

Record-breaking number of students - 1530 - begin classes. New personnel listed including Richard Wanner, Acting Dean of the College, and Merle F. Allshouse, Associate Dean of the College. Head librarian Yates Forbis plans to combat accelerating book losses by installing book checkers and turnstiles. Senior Wayne Sunday recounts his experience at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

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Dickinsonian, August 23, 1968

Dean Merle Allshouse revealed that he believes Dickinson is far behind other schools in terms of using visual media, such as television, as a teaching aid. Pete Tamburro wrote a satirical peace that fabricated an interview he conducted with Stephen A. Douglass during his presidential campaign against Abraham Lincoln in 1860. Wayne Sunday wrote about his expectations for the true Democratic National Convention that he will be attending. The college and community participate in a drive to help feed hungry migrant workers on their way through the area.


Dickinsonian, August 16, 1968

Students for a Democratic Society planned their fall schedule, focusing on "positive goals". The PEER program visited several important Washington D.C. landmarks, including the National Cathedral and the White House. Dickinson summer school students disapproved of the Republican Party's decision to nominate Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew for president and vice president, respectively. The Chapel Committee committed 20% of their income via offerings this year to help children in war-torn Biafra.


Dickinsonian, August 9, 1968

Students on the year-long Bologna program returned to campus with resident director Prof. Eugene Rossi, while a new group is sailing to Bologna to start their year-long program with Prof. Paul Angiolillo. Charlotte's Web, a rock band made up of Dickinson students is receiving acclaim for their work in New York. The article from last week regarding the Community Action Program and Ferdinand Jones continues to this week's issue. Lynn Myers wrote a seemingly joking article regarding a thief in the Biology Building being caught by a man clad in green underwear.

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Dickinsonian, August 6, 1968

The story from the previous week's issue regarding Jeri Yaverbaum's trip to ROTC camp continues. Prof. Richard Wanner assumed the position of Dean of Dickinson College. Members of the Dickinson community were hoping that their Community Action Plan would improve town-gown relations for the coming year. The Summer Theater productions, including "23" and "Impromptu", achieved critical aclaim.


Dickinsonian, August 2, 1968

Students and Faculty traveling to India stop over in London before flying Air India to India. Coeds at the college opposed the pope's ruling against contraceptive pills. The National Science Foundation granted $171,500 to Dickinson for research. Carlisle residents were split over the issue of stricter gun controls. A Coed goes to the ROTC training camp in Fort Indiantown Gap to report on the conditions and practices of the camp. Mayor Lindsay is still vying for the Republican Nomination.


Dickinsonian, July 26, 1968

Presidential candidate Senator Eugene McCarthy drew thousands of dollars to his campaign speech in Baltimore. 206 students earned the Dean's List honor over the last semester. Dickinson professor Enrique Martinez is set to take a trip to Spain, the "mother country". State Senator Van Sant claims that student scholarships will continue. An article by John Harley profiles Dr. Henry Yeagley, a former physics professor at Penn State and an "outstanding personality" at Dickinson at the present time, and his 1932 pronouncement that seatbelts would revolutionize car safety.


Dickinsonian, July 23, 1968

Participants in Dickinson's India Institute Program gear up for their trip east. Senator Van Sant spoke out regarding student scholarships. The Redskins roster for training camp is published. ROTC cadets at Fort Indiantown Gap are profiled. The story about the Language Lab development project is carried over from the previous week's issue.


Dickinsonian, July 19, 1968

The language lab has incorporated electronic audio equipment into their space at Bosler Hall. The renovations for the Durbin Oratory in Old West have been delayed due to a lack of funds. The administration is considering a plan that would allow graduate students from Pennsylvania State University to become involved in undergraduate intern teaching at Dickinson. Ada Perry, a secretery for 6 consecutive Deans of Men and one Dean of Women, was honored by her colleagues at her retirement.


Dickinsonian, July 16, 1968

The PEER group for underprivileged Carlisle children visited Gettysburg battlefield, where they re-enacted Pickett's Charge, and the State Capitol as part of their summer program. Professor Henry Hanson's geology students traveled to Iceland to study volcanic sedimentation. The grant the college received from the Ford Foundation, which guarantees a dollar for every three dollars donated to the college, is nearing its mark. Dr. Vytautas Kavolis, a Dickinson Anthropology professor, finished work on a Sociology text. The ROTC heads at Dickinson departed for duty overseas.


Dickinsonian, July 12, 1968

Professors Peter J. Lardner and Marvin Meyer will run an "Upward Bound-type program" that introduces children in the Carlisle community to nature, in a program called "Adventures in the World of Plants and Animals". President Rubendall announces four changes in administration personnel. The NCAA awarded Jerry Weiner a $1,000 scholarship for his proficiency in the Discus throw. The Dickinson Fund exceeded expectations in the amount of money it raised during the school year.


Dickinsonian, June 24, 1968

Chuck Horewitz writes an article profiling the Poor People's March on Washington. The Freshman Pre-Orientation Weekend plans are outlined in the headline article. Dickinson will have to look to its own funds for renovating the old library building, Bosler Hall. The Board of Trustees and the administration will meet in the Hershey Hotel for a Thursday and Friday retreat. Kathy Wasilewski spoke before the Alumni Council meeting during Commencement Weekend, where she explained the effects that "trends" are having on the College.
