Dickinsonian, July 22, 1976

Prof. Leon Fitts offers History and Archaeology of Roman Britain. The Washington Redskins, currently training in Carlisle, strive to continue their "winning formula." Adams Basement Committee begins work on new campus social gathering place. Prof. Clarke Garrett to teach summer course Witchcraft. Introductory Social Work to be taught by Robert Mutzel. Doug Marcello of WDCV recalls experience at Democratic National Convention.


Dickinsonian, April 23, 1976

Students plan picket for Other Players' show, claiming it is "in poor taste and pointless." Freshman Karen Smith to run as delegate to Democratic National Convention. As part of National Student Symposium on the Presidency, senior Steve Joseph is to meet Pres. Gerald Ford. The HUB will hold a forum on nuclear fusion power. In a decision that has College community "upset," Social Violations Hearing Board overturns a suspension toward two Beta Theta Pi brothers who "allegedly used smoke bombs" on two independents. Senior Ron Reisman relate Egyptian travels.

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Dickinsonian, May 5, 1972

The Senate defeats a resolution to censure the Black Hats. Sen. Fred Harris gives Mock Convention speech. The Convention sees the ticket nomination of George McGovern-Shirley Chisholm. Freshman Vic Laws bids for a Maryland delegate position to the Democratic National Convention. The College Store Fine Arts Award goes to Holly Maxson. Featured is a Student Senate Evaluation Committee report. Students Dave Martini and Mike Morrison plan to open a Carlisle restaurant.


Dickinsonian, September 14, 1968

Record-breaking number of students - 1530 - begin classes. New personnel listed including Richard Wanner, Acting Dean of the College, and Merle F. Allshouse, Associate Dean of the College. Head librarian Yates Forbis plans to combat accelerating book losses by installing book checkers and turnstiles. Senior Wayne Sunday recounts his experience at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

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Dickinsonian, August 23, 1968

Dean Merle Allshouse revealed that he believes Dickinson is far behind other schools in terms of using visual media, such as television, as a teaching aid. Pete Tamburro wrote a satirical peace that fabricated an interview he conducted with Stephen A. Douglass during his presidential campaign against Abraham Lincoln in 1860. Wayne Sunday wrote about his expectations for the true Democratic National Convention that he will be attending. The college and community participate in a drive to help feed hungry migrant workers on their way through the area.
