Dickinsonian, December 19, 1968

Student Mobilization Committee forms to protest a number of academic and social rules. Linus Pauling wins Priestley Memorial Award. Afro-American Organization presents rebuttal to Prof. Clarke Garrett's paper on Discovery Week, claiming black students felt "quite insulted" by it. Possibility of Miss Dickinson contest discussed. Pete Tamburro defends Greek seating and rush against minority report of Campus Affairs Committee. Prof. Benjamin James engages in veteran counseling service. Dr. Vytautas Kavolis explains social context of "student rebellions."

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Dickinsonian, September 27, 1968

Student Senate to recommend major constitutional revision due to "inadequacies." Chapel Committee takes retreat to discuss the theme of "Despair." Students participate in Carlisle Racial Relations Workshop. Professor William Dornemann praises Workshop in Letter to the Editor. Pete Tamburro, Jr. sees Students for Democratic Society (SDS) as headed toward "death-wish." Wayne Sunday backs local SDS against charge of violence. IFC passes amended clause on fraternity discrimination. Young Democrats disagree with Coalition of Democratic and Independent Voters over supporting Hubert Humphrey.


Dickinsonain, September 20, 1968

Faculty changes qualifications and format of independent studies. Bosler Hall to reopen with "Turn-On" night of entertainment. IFC meeting introduces amendment to ban fraternity discrimination. Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) meeting plans study groups and off-campus activity. Pete Tamburro, Jr. discusses the current American political scene. Evaluation Committee report to faculty at Allenberry retreat argues the student should be the "focal point of all College functions." "The Conservative Group" forms on campus to challenge SDS and Coalition of Democratic and Independent Voters.

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Dickinsonian, August 23, 1968

Dean Merle Allshouse revealed that he believes Dickinson is far behind other schools in terms of using visual media, such as television, as a teaching aid. Pete Tamburro wrote a satirical peace that fabricated an interview he conducted with Stephen A. Douglass during his presidential campaign against Abraham Lincoln in 1860. Wayne Sunday wrote about his expectations for the true Democratic National Convention that he will be attending. The college and community participate in a drive to help feed hungry migrant workers on their way through the area.


Dickinsonian, July 26, 1968

Presidential candidate Senator Eugene McCarthy drew thousands of dollars to his campaign speech in Baltimore. 206 students earned the Dean's List honor over the last semester. Dickinson professor Enrique Martinez is set to take a trip to Spain, the "mother country". State Senator Van Sant claims that student scholarships will continue. An article by John Harley profiles Dr. Henry Yeagley, a former physics professor at Penn State and an "outstanding personality" at Dickinson at the present time, and his 1932 pronouncement that seatbelts would revolutionize car safety.
