Dickinsonian, February 29, 2012

Three new programs added to College's abroad options. Senate to absorb Public Affairs Symposium. Post-baccalaureate artist-in-residence Ethan Grosso '11 presents artwork at Goodyear Gallery. Sigma Alpha Epsilon hosts Leadership School. Carrie Scott '01 returns to Dickinson as Cogan Fellowship speaker.

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Dickinsonian, February 4, 2010

Editor of Newsweek and Pulitzer-Prize-winning author, Jon Meacham to speak at Commencement. The Arts Haüs is suspended. The Public Affairs Symposium Committee makes speaker changes. Students plan a benefit concert for Haiti. Students mourn the death of recent Dickinson graduate Alex Brown. Profile on student athlete Jessica Hassinger. Article on new Men's Basketball coach, Alan Seretti. Swimming performs well, placing them high in the Centennial Conference. Men's Basketball wins against Gettysburg.

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Dickinsonian, November 12, 2009

The Public Affairs Symposium announces "Sports and Society" speakers. Dickinson to unveil website redesign. US Army War College student, Lt. Co. Richard Zoller speaks on cyber security. Johns Hopkins defeats both Dickinson's soccer teams in the Centennial Conference Championship. Football wins against Juniata.


Dickinsonian, May 4, 2006

The Public Affairs Symposium reveals next year's topic: "No Laughing Matter: Humor in a Complex World." Students lament the demolition of the James Science building, covering the walls with goodbyes and drawings. A new science building will be built in its place while the psychology, geology and environmental sciences will move to the newly renovated Kauffman building. It is revealed that Carlisle's air quality is the 24th worst in the nation.


Dickinsonian, February 16, 2006

The Health Center offers birth control options. The Public Affairs Symposium will focus on natural disasters. Wireless internet is now available in the HUB. The disciplinary system at Dickinson is explained. The Banner Self-Service System replaces the old Dickinson Online Confidant (DOC) for course registration. MOB hosts Valentine's Day Social. Swim teams prepare for the Centennial Conference Championships.


Dickinsonian, February 13, 2004

Campus survey on 2004 election reveals liberal political majority. New crosswalk safety measures to be enacted. Popularity of different languages and the language requirement reviewed. Former president of Ireland Mary Robinson to speak at 41st annual Public Affairs Symposium on ethical globalization. Plans formed to expand learning communities in first-year seminars.


Dickinsonian, January 31, 2003

Public Affairs Symposium focuses on food issues. Controversial film "Bombay" shown at Common Hour. Dickinson receives $4.8 million grant from state for health research. Survey shows extent of alcohol-drinking and marijuana-smoking at Dickinson. Profile of Professor Christofilis Maggidis. Students curate "Images of Transience: Nature and Culture in Art" at Trout Gallery.

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Dickinsonian, December 3, 1998

Third presidential candidate Bobby Fong pinpoints College's problems in recent visit. 'Dolly' cloner commits to PAS. Curtain opens for Freshman Plays on Friday night at the Cubiculo. Alumni on fast track to M.A. at Norwich. Career Center officials respond to student complaints about recruiting. Psychology professor to give talk on Alzheimer's disease and aging.


Dickinsonian, April 2, 1998

Nine students arrested in Morgan Field brouhaha. English professor Ashton Nichols named as new associate dean of the College in the upcoming year. Frats Phi Kappa Psi and Sigma Chi booted off campus by Housing Board - bros up in arms over the decision. Clarke Center takes over PAS. College Model UN team travels to Brazil as only representatives of U.S. at international conference. Cokie Roberts & husband to talk about interfaith marriages. Numerous articles questioning the role of the administration in student life and organizations, and whether it overreaches its boundaries.

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Dickinsonian, February 16, 1995

PAS examines the effectiveness of the UN. Bomb hoax cancels afternoon classes at Denny. Director of the HUB and Student Affairs Janet Cox leaves Dickinson after seven years for national position. The government threatens financial aid cuts. Wheel and Chain presents breast cancer exhibit. Club ASIA and the Asian House celebrate the Chinese New Year. New show, put together by students, opens at Weiss.

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Dickinsonian, September 22, 1994

Old West opens its doors to celebrate Constitution Day. College welcomes new faculty. Disabled students will have less boundaries. PAS to discuss the United Nations. Freshman class impresses Admissions. Account of rushing for men and women. Local bands attempt to establish a name as HUB rocks last Friday night. Student reviews Bologna. Student reviews the new coffee bar in the HUB.


Dickinsonian, February 10, 1994

Enrollment for the 1994-1995 year is reduced so more funds can be put towards financial aid. Build-up continues for the upcoming PAS on media. A new climbing class proves very popular. In Honor of Black History Month, the Trout gallery opens an exhibit on African art entitled "African Objects of Prestige and Personal Adornment from the Permanent Collection." The Woman's Basketball team squeaks into the Centennial playoffs.


Dickinsonian, February 3, 1994

The Lumberyard collapses due to heavy snow fall. The origins of a fire in Quad 4 are questioned. The first Common Hour of the spring features The New Jack Scholars--a group that explores African History through Hip-Hop in Afrocentricity. The topic of the upcoming Public Affairs Symposium is Media: Defining the American Dream. The College will celebrate Black History Month throughout February with multiple events. The Men and Women's basketball teams loose momentum after the break.


Dickinsonian, February 17, 1983

Ben Bova speaks at PAS, Dr. Louis Steven Goldman (Lehigh University) talks about impact of computers, Lady mud wrestlers in Harrisburg, Richard Moberg (Drexel University) speaks at PAS on the "Role of Computers in Medicine", Panel discussion of computers at Dickinson, Dr.


Dickinsonian, February 3, 1983

President Sam Banks proposes 'repositioning' and increasing tuition at "State of the College" address. Ben Bova to speak at PAS. Education included in Reagan's State of Union Address, Fire at Phi Epsilon Pi Fraternity House, Exhibit of Ms. Toshiko Takaezu opens in new Trout Gallery in the Emil. R.


Dickinsonian, February 16, 1984

Keynote Speaker Paul Warnke delivers his PAS address on Nuclear Arms. On Tuesday of the PAS, former congressman Toby Moffett and Publisher of "The National Review" William Rusher, focused their debate on "Defense Strategy in the Nuclear Age." U.S. Department of State Deputy Director of the Office of Strategic nuclear Policy Richard A . Davis discussed U.S. Nuclear Arms control as part of PAS. The Mermaid Players will present Arthur Kopit's "Chamber Music" and " The Day the Whores Came Out to Play Tennis." The Women's basketball team beat Messiah by 24 points.


Dickinsonian, October 9, 1970

The facts and figures of the revised budget are presented to faculty. SAE allows women to be social members in a fraternity for the first time. Student Senate will contribute to the tree fund by matching one quarter of the student funds raised with senate funding. The Senate voted to allow $100 to the Pennsylvania Environmental Study Team (PEST). SDS formulates a plan of action for this coming school year. Plans for the dedication of ATS begin. There is a two page spread on the EYE program complete with pictures of excursions.

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Dickinsonian, February 21, 1969

Prof. Ralph Sandler's "experiment in educational motivation" receives a four-point recommendation. Co-ed dormitories to open. Over 500 students expected to fast for fund-raising effort to Biafra. Dickinson Anthropologist H. Wade Seaford, Jr. receives National Science Foundation grant to study facial expressions. Public Affairs Symposium on "Dissent" overviewed. Additional articles discuss academic standards and issues related to Sandler's experiment. Swimming coach David Eavenson earns NCAA position.


Dickinsonian, February 14, 1969

Challenges for Jack Stover, newly-elected President of Student Senate, are presented. Prof. Ralph Sandler issues statement of opposition towards college grading system as each student in his English class is awarded an "A". Women's Interdormitory Council seeks abolition of curfew, proposing a card-key system in its place. Sponsored by the Department of Religion, the Society for Krishna-Consciousness is set to perform a kirtan ceremony. Raymond Jones reflects on experience in Russia. Bologna is analyzed by Margaret Hlinka. LSD is discussed in Drug Education Committee report.

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Dickinsonian, September 27, 1968

Student Senate to recommend major constitutional revision due to "inadequacies." Chapel Committee takes retreat to discuss the theme of "Despair." Students participate in Carlisle Racial Relations Workshop. Professor William Dornemann praises Workshop in Letter to the Editor. Pete Tamburro, Jr. sees Students for Democratic Society (SDS) as headed toward "death-wish." Wayne Sunday backs local SDS against charge of violence. IFC passes amended clause on fraternity discrimination. Young Democrats disagree with Coalition of Democratic and Independent Voters over supporting Hubert Humphrey.


Dickinsonian, February 9, 1968

Professor Larry Warner encourages student participation in a Labor's United Worker's strike at the on the Carlisle Tire and Rubber Company, and 30 to 75 students did participate in the participate in the protest outside of the factory. Dickinson received a loan from the Department of Housing and Urban Development for a new dormitory. Peter Frankl, the Hungarian pianist, is slated to play Friday night at Carlisle High School.
