Dickinsonian, March 14, 1952
Whitfield J. Bell, Jr., is given Boyd Lee Spahr Chair of American History. Profile of Professor William Sloane. Phi Kappa Sigma wins interfraternity basketball.
Whitfield J. Bell, Jr., is given Boyd Lee Spahr Chair of American History. Profile of Professor William Sloane. Phi Kappa Sigma wins interfraternity basketball.
Student body slightly prefers old grading system to new plus-minus system. College plans Mock Convention for April. Seth Ray, Steve Bartolett and Matt Creme triumph in Student Senate elections. Lilly Endowment sends over $200,000 to College which will help launch COLE program. John Kemeny wins Joseph Priestley Award. "Eating Out" reviews The Bellaire House (3/5 stars) and The Backroom Discotheque (2/5). "In Depth" explores tenure controversy. Library installs 13 students as security checkers.
Pres. Banks receives honorary Doctor of Letters degree from the College of Charleston. Tenure debates continue, "concern[ing] faculty." In "Eating Out," The Gingerbread Bread Man and The House of Pizza are reviewed, receiving 2/5 and 3/5 stars, respectively. Institutional Priorities and Resources candidates Frederico Talley, Jr. and Mark Sundback, are featured. A "brief history" of the Fraternity Quadrangle is featured.
Dr. George Shuman announces retirement from vice-president and Board of Trustees positions. A host program is initiated by the Auxiliary Enterprise Committee and Dana Scholars. The Task Force on Residential and Social Life holds first meeting. An overview of the Public Affairs Symposium "Human Destiny: Can It Be Controlled" is featured. Prof. Frederick Ferre calls attention to plagiarism in faculty meeting. Sunnyside Restaurant receives a favorable review.
Poet Robert Kelly spends week at College. In a Denny Hall ceremony, Prof. Roland Fletcher is promoted to Major in the US Army. College Dean George Allan proposes changes in tenure and faculty development policies. College plans self-study in regards to Title IX law. Student Committee for Social Reorganization organizes Roster Boycott to gain "a more equitable living situation." The upcoming Public Affairs Symposium receives a special supplement.
Russell Shunk steps in as assistant director of admissions. Public Affairs Symposium features scientist Dennis Meadows. Andy Banks receives Rhodes Scholarship. Special Task Force on Residential and Social Life forms under Pres. Banks. Robert LeValley is selected to study at Leningrad State University. The story of Project IMPACT is featured. Prof. Anthony Walsh studies phrenology through casts of old skulls. Two articles recount experiences at Carlisle's Leisure World Massage parlor. Rick Fisher and the Israeli Dance Troupe are highlighted.
Newly elected Student Senate Officers officially take their posts. At the third All-College planning seminar, increased financial aid and funding for new athletic facilities are stated as top priorities. The Academic Program Committee will decide if they will present their revised Nisbet Scholars Program plans to the faculty for final approval. The Library institutes fines for lost and overdue books.
Dr. Henry Eyring receives Priestley Memorial Award as he delivers a speech both humorous and "informative." Robert Greenleaf will be the upcoming Woodrow Wilson Senior Fellow. Black poets Dudley Randall and Gwendolyn Brooks are to appear in the Congress of African Students' Black Arts Festival. Frederick Ferré accepts Visiting Professor position at Purdue for next school year. The Commission on the Status of Women at the College forms a Grievance Committee. In the Eastern Pennsylvania Collegiate Chess League, the College's team takes first.
Kathy Bachman is elected as the first female Student Senate President. The Preservation Hall Jazz Band is to perform on campus. New Birth praised for delivering "soulful show."
Prof. Richard Wanner announces resignation from Dean of College position; Prof. George Allan accepts his place. Students now favor the Nitschke Resolution on off-campus housing over the Berman Resolution. The Public Affairs Symposium (PAS) features Ramsey Clark. New Birth is to perform in ATS. In the Social Hall, a panel of environmentalists will discuss "Man's attitude towards his environment." Pres. Rubendall will convene the newly-formed Presidential Selection Committee. Roy Cohn defends Pres. Nixon at the PAS. The Friends of Benjamin Rush organization forms.
In ATS, The Dorian Quintet is to perform as part of the Cultural Affairs Series. Food Services experiences spoilage difficulties due to the independent truckers' strike and the national gas shortage. Dr. Frank Rose will speak on lunar impact. An overview of the Public Affairs Symposium "Law and Lawyers" is provided.
Pianist Lili Kraus to perform in concert. To "save fuel in light of the national energy crisis," Faculty alters vacation lengths. Students support boycott against non-union-produced lettuce in the dining hall. In Dana Hall, a lecture on Transcendental Meditation is given by members of the International Meditation Society. A College Debate Council event sees Dave Packer and Dan Bloom arguing for Pres. Nixon's impeachment. The Eagles perform on campus. Recommendations towards the women's athletic program are given by the Commission on the Status of Women at the College.
Student Senate sanctions co-ed housing proposal. The 4-J-4 calendar system proposal sees its second hearing by the Academic Program Committee (APC). In the Social Hall, political columnist Milton Viorst speaks on democracy.
Faculty passes a resolution concerning the recruitment of minority and foreign students. John Kemeny opens the Science for Survival Symposium with an address relating scientific advancement to societal issues. Students concerned over the issue of Prof. Marvin Israel's tenure meet with Pres. Rubendall. WDCV expects to "go FM" soon. Faculty (most requesting anonymity) respond to questions about the Israel tenure controversy.
The Executive Committee and the Board of Trustees approve "McKenney Hall" as the name of the newly-built dormitory. The College will hold the "Science for Survival" Symposium next week; John George Kemeny is the keynote speaker. Moonchildren opens at Mathers Theatre.
Last Monday a failed water line in Carlisle curtailing the College's water availability. The Computer Service Center department forms, expanding computer operations on campus. The U.S. Department of the Interior designates the College-managed Florence Jones Reineman Wildlife Sanctuary a National Landmark. Leo Kottke and Jim Dawson's concert is deemed successful. The Faculty's 1773-1973: A Musical Revue "manages to hold together." In ATS last Friday, Maureen Forrester "delights audience" in her performance.
Faculty is to perform 1773-1973: A Historical Review. The Bicentennial Celebration continues with a number of workshops, speakers, and artists. Philip Abelson wins the Joseph Priestley Award. The Drug Education Committee is sponsoring a day of film, lecture, and discussion of Street Theater. Leo Kottke is set to perform this Saturday.
Trustees rescind the 60-40 male-female admissions ratio and name the newly-built dormitory after trustee Gibbs McKenney and his wife. Richard Orr is elected president of the Student Senate. Matthew Miller introduces a resolution in defense of students "in cases of alleged faculty injustices." At the Business Symposium, participants investigate a greater role for minority groups in business. Additional articles discuss other speakers from the Symposium. The Mellon Foundation contributes toward the College's Century 3 Campaign.
Claudio Arrau is to perform in ATS. The first volume, first issue of the Dickinson College Register is featured. Mel Ramos' art exhibit on display in the HUB aims to spark questions dealing with the roles of art and commercialism. Pres. Rubendall appoints the Commission on the Status of Women at Dickinson College. Prof. Kenneth Rosen publishes The Man to Send Rain Clouds, a collection of short stories by American Indians. Student Senate candidates are featured. George Cabot Lodge is among those to speak at the upcoming Business Symposium.
Carlisle-born pianist Harriette Line Thompson is to give a recital in ATS. The Mermaid Players are to put on Spoon River Anthology. The Academic Standards Committee formulates an "experimental" Credit-No Credit grading proposal. A series of articles reviews the Young-Artists-in-Residence Program. Foghat is to perform this weekend.
In a meeting, Faculty approves new physical education program and defeats the Institutional Priorities and Resources governance resolutions. Claude Frank is received "warmly" in concert.
Prof. George Pimental chosen as Joseph Priestley Award winner. The Institutional Priorities and Resources is to supervise off-campus internship programs. The Department of Music, as part of the College's bicentennial celebration, opens a contest to decide a new College song. The Academic Program Committee conducts a vast curriculum review. 170 students travel to Washington, D.C. Dave Mason to appear in concert. The Drug Education Committee offers anonymous drug analysis. Information provided towards nearby agencies with abortion and contraception information.
Senate meeting approves Rugby Football team and the Carlisle Consumer Protection Agency. College Choir and College-Community Orchestra to perform works of Beethoven, Bach, and Bullard. Resolution points to Faculty's support of wider student expression and power within governance. A page of photos is devoted to Prof. Harry Booth. Those Hog Ridin' Fools review Benihana's of Tokyo restaurant in Harrisburg. The José Limón Dance Company performs in ATS. In the Holland Union, the art exhibit Graphics '71: West Coast, U.S.A. is on display by the Fine Arts Department.
The Committee on Institutional Priorities and Resources sets guideline on residency period. WDCV begins to rebroadcast after a two-and-a-half week suspension. In Dana Hall, three Michael Snow films to be presented by the Film Society. The Mermaid Players to perform The Rimers of Eldritch. The Drug Education Committee plans to expand programs. Dr. Bell Wiley delivers lecture on Confederate leaders during the Civil War in honor of Prof. John Pflaum. Prof. Robert Nilsson discusses possibility of a Consortium-run Junior College in Rome.
Faculty meeting includes preparation of Bicentennial celebration. College abruptly fires Director of Security Preston McKillip. Dump area on Route 11 to be cleaned up by College. Rick Smolan writes on scuba diving experience. The Munich Chamber Orchestra plays in ATS. Hank Rivoir and Bill Kinderman also perform in ATS. Follies announce cast of Oklahoma! production. The Drug Education Committee holds first training session. President Rubendall hears grievances of Congress of African Students.