Dickinsonian, April 19, 1990

College interviewing candidates for new "Multicultural Scholar-in-Residence" position. New housing plan calls for integration of the incoming freshman class with upperclassmen in coed housing. SASC adopts student comments and recommendations proposed in open forum. Finance Committee presents allocations for the fall semester. College Republicans, College Democrats, and Pi Sigma Alpha hold group debate as part of Political Awareness Week. Education Society sponsors discussion series. Panel debate on free speech as the first part of a symposium entitled "Free Speech on Campus".


Dickinsonian, October 6, 1923

Plans for a combined Doll Show and bazaar in December are announced. Soccer and volleyball are added to the college's sports program. Red identification tags are introduced to provide students admission to sports games. The dramatic club performs a one-act play as a part of its opening meeting. The honor court begins to devise a permanent honor system. President James Morgan announces that men living in fraternity houses may deduct the cost of renting a dorm room from their bill. Four new members are added to the Dickinsonian's editorial staff.


Dickinsonian, September 24, 1954

There will be three new buildings built on campus including a new men's dormitory, chemistry building and student activities center. The Dickinson College Student Counseling Program is implemented to help new Freshmen get used to life in college. The student counselors live with the Freshmen in their dormitories and help them acquire good study habits and become acquainted with the college's rules and regulations. The first article in a series regarding the current European situation is published, discussing nationalistic fraternities in Germany.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, March 15, 1990

SASC subcommittee discusses and proposes changes to recognition draft in open forum discussion with students, faculty, and staff. Changes to be discussed at a later date. Housing Board issues final decisions for group housing in the 1990-1991 academic year. Butterworths hire private investigators to look into their son's death.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, February 15, 1990

Several campus groups endorse nationwide student environmental demonstration, Dickinson students to join PA section at the State Capitol building in Harrisburg. Housing Board holds information session to outline changes in the special interest housing application process. Library's AV room renovated. Harmut Mechtel, founding member of the largest opposition group in East Germany speaks in Memorial Hall.


Dickinsonian, March 5, 2004

Sigma Chi sanctioned over housing violations. Study shows that 70 percent of Dickinson students have cellular phone with them at Dickinson. Student Senate and the Multi-Organizational Board (MOB) unveil plans to renovate the Depot. Planned installation of chimes in Old West to be completed by the end of the semester. Composer Ralph Yusef Gawlick gives lecture to Music Department. Ban on gay marriage considered.


Dickinsonian, February 27, 2004

Campus survey reveals student opinion on residential life policies and restrictions. Davidson Hall residents/students in Healthy Living (drug and alcohol-free) environments face changes to policy. Linda Ellerbee to speak on campus about media coverage. Artist Aagdalene Hsu-Li interviewed prior to campus performance.


Dickinsonian, December 14, 2001

New student-run website, DailyJolt.com, begins on campus. Speak of the Devil, an anonymous underground newspaper is distributed on campus, causing controversy. Dickinson Television, DC-TV, begins process of organizing itself. Housing is still a problem on campus. Appropriateness of Christmas Decorations on campus questioned. One act plays performed. Rose Marie Guiraud brings African dance to Carlisle and Dickinson. Dickinson College Public Safety strengthens working relationship with Carlisle Police Department. The Carlisle Diner opens in Carlisle on November 6th.


Dickinsonian, October 9, 1980

Mailbox in front of HUB removed in accordance with new national energy conservation policy. Phi Delta Theta celebrates 100 years at Dickinson. The Service Center cites office negligence as cause for large amount of waste on campus. Fall Fest Charity Weekend raises considerable funds. Grouping all fraternities together on quad is called a mistake by the President's Commission on the Status of Women at Dickinson College. Belles Lettres holds reading series.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, February 25, 2000

"Citizen" Song ready to return to work. Most students skip PAS. Antonio Banderas not speaking at commencement. Many object to new rule tying grades to housing. Telescope for the new science building delivered. Ping Pong rioters appeased. New college logo selected. Math Professor receives NSF grant. H2K, Hamlet performed on campus by Mermaid Players. Tattoos leave their mark on campus athletes.


Dickinsonian, April 4, 1991

New Senate resolution restricts Concert Committee selection process. Rape Awareness Week features various events, including upcoming panel discussion. Class pre-registration method revised. Housing Board decides next school year's SDLC locations. English major redesigned for this year's freshmen. Roberta Hall speaks at Common Hour about gender inequality in classrooms. Former College administrator George Shuman, Jr. passes away.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, December 1, 1994

Speaker relates his personal experience with HIV for World AIDS Day. Office of Safety and Security sponsors bicycle registration in light of the growing problem of bicycle theft on campus. College continues its search for a new Dean. Sophomores now eligible for RA positions. Holiday tree giving, Candlelight service pledge for less fortunate. Student entrepreneurs tell their stories.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, November 5, 1992

Winds of change blow Clinton into Oval Office. Substance free housing proposed. College faces possible "no parking" sign violations in Mooreland lot. Third annual rape awareness week proves successful. Studies tie the economy to election results. Lines in the cafeteria still long, even after renovations. Stars take "Time Out" for AIDS awareness Scientists search for simple cures to complex diseases.


Dickinsonian, April 3, 1985

Student Affairs and Services Committee develops noise policy to be adopted on a trial basis. Director of Admission Larry Mench points to 12% application rate increase among high school students interested in Dickinson. Community service performed by sororities and fraternities highlighted. Priestley Award goes to Harold P. Furth, director of the Plasma Physics Laboratory at Princeton for his work in the physics of nuclear fusion. Isidor Isaac Rabi named commencement speaker.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, October 24, 1984

College Treasurer James Nicholson resigns to pursue other career interests. College addresses issue of noise pollution from fraternities on campus, students living in Carlisle. Causes controversy among Inter-Fraternity Council members and Residential Life officials. Committee on Human Rights in Central and South America hosts "Teach-In" featuring Central American poetry, films, and a panel debate on U.S. foreign policy in Central America. Wellness Week profiles healthy living for student benefit. Dickinson begins work on promotional film. Snack bar named "Union Station.


Dickinsonian, April 16, 1987

After less than a year of searching, Dickinson hired Dr. A. Lee Fritschler as the new president of Dickinson College. Fraternities speak out against what they felt were unfair replacements of furniture in dorms compared to fraternity houses. Drug use on campus is discussed and a student survey shows that marijuana, cocaine and mushrooms are being used the most by students. The Mermaid Players have a successful musical, "Three Penny Opera," after two years of not staging one.


Dickinsonian, April 6, 1978

In this edition, a new gymnasium is going to be built, whereas the Arts center, badly in need of renovations or a new location, will not be receiving either. The Student Affairs Committee's proposal for coed alternative housing received tremendous disapproval by the Board of Trustees. Ellen Schmeding was elected as manager of the Hermitage coffeehouse in Adams basement by the ABC Steering Committee. The Class of 1928 plans its 50th celebration. The Track Team has a successful start to the season. Bill Koltnow won the National Collegiate Boxing Association Championship in Reno, Nevada.


Dickinsonian, January 26, 1978

A snow emergency was declared in Carlisle as the town became inundated with snow, the worst since 1961. The College Christmas tree at Old West that was stolen and later destroyed in December is still under investigation. The All-College Committee on Student Affairs will present its coed housing proposal to the Board of Trustees and the Committee on Student Affairs and Communication. Women's basketball team starts off their season.


Dickinsonian, February 24, 1977

In this edition, the 1977-78 Senate election results are featured. The results were Steve Bartolett as Senate President, Ernie Kilpfel as Vice-President, and Kathy Kunkel as Treasurer. The Career Oriented Liberal Education or COLE program is new at Dickinson, which allows students to apply classroom theory to outside experiences. Through a grant, the program focuses in curriculum, internships and career advising. WDCV, the College's FM radio station, has plans for renovations and expansion, since it is one of the largest organizations on campus.


Dickinsonian, September 9, 1976

In this edition a "Report of the Task Force on Social and Residential Life" was featured. President Sam Banks mainly addressed fraternities and fraternity life, especially with ideas of equality between non-fraternity and fraternity groups, as well as the College-fraternity relationship. Two new personnel were hired: John Ross for the position of Public Relations Director and John Johnston for the position of head baseball coach/assistant football coach.

Other Topics

Dickinsonian, November 21, 1975

Student Affairs Committee endorses room-by-room coed housing. Composer Ulysses Kay will be featured at Bicentennial celebration. In ATS, writer James Spady will speak. Dulcimer player Kevin Roth to perform on campus.


Dickinsonian, November 16, 1973

Student Senate conducts meeting to examine the co-ed housing issue. The recently-published American Defense and Detente by Prof. Eugene Rosi receives praise from colleagues. The Commission on the Status of Women at the College makes progress report; decisions during last semester include changing the male-female student ratio to 1:1 and removing references to "men" and "sons" in the Alma Mater. College artists present interpretations of "stuff." Political columnist Milton Viorst to visit campus. Prof.


Dickinsonian, February 9, 1973

Trustees rescind the 60-40 male-female admissions ratio and name the newly-built dormitory after trustee Gibbs McKenney and his wife. Richard Orr is elected president of the Student Senate. Matthew Miller introduces a resolution in defense of students "in cases of alleged faculty injustices." At the Business Symposium, participants investigate a greater role for minority groups in business. Additional articles discuss other speakers from the Symposium. The Mellon Foundation contributes toward the College's Century 3 Campaign.


Dickinsonian, February 4, 1972

Student Senate investigates the non-broadcasting status of WDCV and the coed situation of Kisner-Woodward. "Student housing remains a vital problem" at Board of Trustees meeting. An exhibit of Jerry Kunkel drawings in the Holland Union Building is deemed "quite exciting." Black Forest Rhodes performs free two free concerts in Social Hall.


Dickinsonian, November 19, 1971

In the Social Hall, trustees hear opinions on housing from independent and fraternity men. At a Senate meeting, Dean Gillespie presents enforcement of controversial "pet policy" while Student Senate continues to oppose it. Dr. Phillip Gustafson wins Glover Award. Women's Group forms. Those Hog Ridin' Fools review The Deer Lodge Inn in Mt. Holly Springs. In ATS, the College-Community Orchestra, under the direction of Prof. Fred Petty, plan to perform its first concert.
