Dickinsonian, October 8, 1921

All-college picnic is prepared. Phi Mu sets up fund to support sending a delegate to the annual YWCA convention. Ministerial Association elects officers. Press Club elects officers. Metzger Hall obtains a dog named Dickinson Metzger. Kappa Sigma holds annual Fall house party. Sigma Chi holds pledge dance. Epworth League holds large reception. Freshman class elects temporary officers.

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Dickinsonian, November 17, 2005

School may take away pass-fail option. Some students would be lost without their pets on campus. Public art is lacking on campus. Trout Gallery carefully planning how to use $6.8 million dollar gift. Step team continues to bring the heat. DTG concert promises variety. Women's basketball looks to best regular season Centennial Conference title.

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Dickinsonian, October 1, 1981

In this edition, four break-ins occurred in campus dorms, three in the Whole Earth House and one at the Kappa Sigma fraternity house. The College enforced its "no pet" policy after finding several students, including a fraternity, housing cats and dogs. Starting this year, the College will make every entering freshman enroll in a freshman seminar program. The Campus Entertainment Board convened for the first time with the purpose of to coordinate and promote extra-curricular events and entertainment.


Dickinsonian, November 19, 1971

In the Social Hall, trustees hear opinions on housing from independent and fraternity men. At a Senate meeting, Dean Gillespie presents enforcement of controversial "pet policy" while Student Senate continues to oppose it. Dr. Phillip Gustafson wins Glover Award. Women's Group forms. Those Hog Ridin' Fools review The Deer Lodge Inn in Mt. Holly Springs. In ATS, the College-Community Orchestra, under the direction of Prof. Fred Petty, plan to perform its first concert.
