Dickinsonian, May 31, 1923

Order of events announced for the commencement season, program to open with All-College social. Men's and Women's Glee Clubs to perform the operetta "The Maid and the Middy'. "The Importance of Being Earnest" to be performed by Dramatic Club. Senior honors and Class Day exercises announced. Newly established Student Tribunal elects officers for coming year. College Band to present a series of concerts throughout commencement week. Track team sets new college record at Mid. Atlantic meet. Honor system suspended due to opposition.

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Dickinsonian, May 19, 1923

Track team wins Central Pennsylvania Collegiate Track Conference. Baseball team beats University of Delaware. Extensive commencement program announced. Student Tribunal System adopted with amendments after heated debate. Men's Glee Club to give concert in Bosler Hall. Spotlight on Colbert N. Kurokawa, '22, and his work with the Hawaiian YMCA. Track team to compete in Mid. Atlantic Track Association Meet.


Dickinsonian, May 12, 1923

Founders' Day and May Day events announced. Athletic Association sponsors large inter-scholastic track meet to be held on Biddle Field. Final cast selected for Commencement Play. Senior Guy Rolland conducts important research in nickel plating, his results to be published by the American Electrochemical Society. Class of 1903 submits plans for campus improvements. Juniors win inter-class track meet.

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Dickinsonian, May 5, 1923

Budget for upcoming term is adopted, with student body vote of 425 to 3. Baseball team defeats Ursinus. Founders' Day program completed by Social Committee, drama festival to be featured. Men's Senate moves to increase College spirit by reviving customs. More information on commencement week program given by Social Committee. Professor Vuilleumier develops another device for determining alcohol content, "The Dickinson Vestpocket Alchometer". YMCA cabinet to establish information booth on campus. Freshman class opposes present honor system.


Dickinsonian, April 28, 1923

College Baseball and Track teams both defeat opponents in Saturday match-ups. Dramatic Club experiences difficulty in choosing cast for "The Importance of Being Earnest" to be performed on June 4. Mile relay team to compete in Penn Relays. College YMCA to send representatives to student conference in Gettysburg. Women's Athletic Association plans new point system for women athletes. Commencement program announced by President Morgan. Spotlight on Helen Wehrle, '22, and her unusual experiences teaching the children of Tennessee mountaineers.

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Dickinsonian, April 21, 1923

Student Tribunal system creating a student lead disciplinary body is approved by Men's Senate, constitution presented to the student body. Budget Committee plans spending for 1923-1924 term. Professor Vuilleumier develops "The Dickinson Alchometer", a portable device for testing alcohol content in various liquids. May Festival to be a two day event, featuring three plays given by the McEntee Company. Greek Exposition of art and culture to have two performances, event to be held in gymnasium. Joint Senate committee to probe honor system, student organizations.


Dickinsonian, April 14, 1923

Combined Glee Clubs to present operetta. Seniors selected to participate in annual class day program. Baseball team wins opening game, loses second. Track team opens with meet against Johns Hopkins. Tennis team to open season with match at Lehigh. Basso Clarence Tittman to perform recital at chapel. Greek Club to present the "12 Labors of Heracles" at exhibition. Small fire discovered in basement of Kappa Sigma fraternity house.

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Dickinsonian, April 7, 1923

Captain Wallace of basketball team named on All-Eastern team. Greek Exhibit to take place in gymnasium and to include King Tut styles. Baseball season opens with game against Franklin and Marshall on Biddle Field.. Class of 1880 alumnus wills $1,000 to College. Budget system discussed by student government leaders.


Dickinsonian, March 17, 1923

Spotlight on newly elected athletic director and head football coach B. Russell Murphy. Varsity basketball team has "most successful year in history of the College", with ten wins and four losses. Two new committees created to handle all-College issues. College institutes major and minor requirements for all graduating students. Combined glee clubs to present operetta, "The Girl and The Middy" during Commencement week.


Dickinsonian, March 10, 1923

Varsity Basketball Team closes season with victory over Bucknell. Plans made to organize women's baseball team. Athletic Association chooses new head football coach for 1923 season. Discrepancy in new Honor System Constitution to be investigated by both senates. Miss Ida M. Tarbell to speak in Bosler Hall. Text of proposed amendments to Constitution published.


Dickinsonian, March 3, 1923

Varsity basketball team beats Mt. St. Mary's for second time in one season. Senate unanimously passes amendments to constitution, to be presented to student body for final approval. Social Committee plans final Winter-term event. Debate Team participates in League competitions. Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity secures new housing. Prominent Dickinson graduate and senior staff member of the Tribune Samuel Cushman Caldwell dies at 87, spotlight on his life and career. Conly Concert Company to perform concert at chapel. Tentative arrangements for commencement week announced.


Dickinsonian, February 24, 1923

Women try out for places on Dickinsonian staff for the first time. Washington's Birthday celebration, "Doings of Dickinson", proves to be most successful yet. Student Senate prepares budget plan for presentation to student body. Greek Department plans elaborate display on Greek culture. Professor Vuilleumier of the Chemistry Department presents paper at 42nd Annual General Meeting of the American Electrochemical Society, held in Montreal.

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Dickinsonian, February 17, 1923

Social Committee plans Washington's Birthday program, "Doings at Dickinson", including many musical and dramatic numbers given by the students as well as faculty. Proposed budget for student organizations and constitution amendments considered by Senate. Newly acquired collection of casts of Greek relief statuary hung in Greek Department.

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Dickinsonian, February 3, 1923

Honor System called into question after numerous reports of alleged cheating during examinations. Mozart's "The Impresario" to be performed at Carlisle Opera House. Student Activities budget discussed in joint Men's and Women's Senate committee meeting. Metzger Hall authorities deny rumors of serving spoiled food. Results of psychological test reported, show good College average. Dickinsonians attend state education convention. Statue of Joseph Priestley presented to the College by Edgar Fahs Smith, ex-Provost of University of Pennsylvania.


Dickinsonian, January 13, 1923

According to research of Vassar professor, Benjamin Rush was forerunner to French in system of autosuggestion. Basketball team defeats Penn, breaking their six game winning streak. Extension Board to run annual campaign for funds to support continuing work in China. Thieves rob Theta Chi fraternity over winter holiday. Dramatic Club performs first of a series of programs planned for the remainder of the year. Spotlight on Raymond R. Brewer, representative of the College in China. Major changes to occur in the provisions governing the Dickinsonian.


Dickinsonian, December 15, 1923

Dickinson alumnus and professor Charles W. Super writes a book on college history, giving special attention to college traditions and student life during different periods. The Doll Show and Bazaar takes place in Metzger Hall. Plans for Christmas entertainment are announced, to include caroling and a collection of donations for underprivileged children in Tennessee. An informal debate with Gettysburg is planned for after the holiday break. Belles Lettres holds a spelling bee and a debate on coeducation at Dickinson in a joint meeting with the Harmon and McIntyre women's literary societies.


Dickinsonian, December 8, 1923

The basketball season opens against Brooklyn Polytechnic. Statistics for the recently closed football season appear. A concert by basso Charles Trowbridge Titmann is announced for the following week. A banquet for the football team is held by the Athletic Association. The women's fraternities pledge 26 new members. An article appears written by an alumnus living in China on the nation's move towards modernization. The debate team holds its second round of try outs. An article about local support of Dickinson football appears. Professor W. W.


Dickinsonian, December 1, 1923

The football team closes its season with a 14-10 victory over Bucknell during the Thanksgiving day game. The freshman-sophomore football game is announced. The opening of fraternity rush is announced. Dr. Richard Burton gives a lecture entitled "Mark Twain as a Neighbor" in which he discusses his personal acquaintanceship with the author. And editorial praising cooperation between Dickinsonians and the people of Carlisle appears. The debate team elects a president and secretary and chooses 12 semifinalists for membership.

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Dickinsonian, November 22, 1923

It is announced that five students, to be elected by December 1, will represent Dickinson at the Convention of Student Volunteers in Indianapolis. The Student Senate President announces that he does not accept the resignation of the other senators and the body sketches an informal plan for reform, including the merging of the men's and women's senates into one comprehensive body. The Interfraternity Council plans an open house dance. The Dickinson Press Club receives the recognition of both smaller local papers and some larger dailies.

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Dickinsonian, November 17, 1923

The entirety of the Student Senate with the exception of the Senate President resigns and forms a committee for student government reform after new regulations were put into place by the college administration, claiming that the administration's actions inhibited their ability to function as a self-governing body. A point system is instituted for the Freshman-Sophomore scraps. Several concerts are announced for upcoming meetings of chapel. Members of the YMCA provide inmates at the Cumberland County jail with magazines, boxing gloves, and other items for entertainment.

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Dickinsonian, November 10, 1923

It is announced that the college band will accompany the football team to their game against Delaware. Plans are laid out for a college-wide observance of Armistice Day. Preparations are made for the upcoming debate season, to include debates with four other institutions. A feature on boat travel in China appears. Dickinson becomes a member of the American Association of University Women. The Carlisle Civic Club and YWCA announce plans for a flag sale fundraiser to provide aid to Armenia.

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Dickinsonian, November 3, 1923

Changes to inter-collegiate rules on basketball lead to the team beginning practice for the season early. A new class on debating and public speaking is held. The Dramatic club announces that it will produce three major productions during the remainder of the academic year, including Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" before the holidays. An article on a missionary's involvement with instituting an athletics program in a Chinese secondary school appears. A feature on Dickinson alumni of prominence in the west appears, focusing largely on football coaches such as Andy Kerr.


Dickinsonian, October 27, 1923

The football team has its first victory of the season, defeating Villanova 20 to 0. A huge Halloween dance is to be held at which students must be fully masked and games will be had. A new exhibit of scientific instruments opens at the college museum. The price of the Microcosm Yearbook will increase 50 cents after November 1. A short piece on secondary school graduation rates appears.


Dickinsonian, October 20, 1923

Joe Lightner, a former Penn State football star, is elected the new coach of Dickinson's football team after the resignation of Coach Murphy. Student Senate elects a new president. Preparations for the debate season begin with new teams being planned, as the previous year's team has retained only two members. The Greek Club inducts 43 new members.


Dickinsonian, October 13, 1923

The Men's Student Tribunal convicts two freshmen of serious infractions, resulting in the temporary withdrawal from the college of one of the offenders. The effort to develop an honor system by the honor committee continues with extensive surveys of such honor systems at other colleges. Changes are made to the physical education curriculum in order to provide students with a "Liberal Physical Education." Dickinson students may take part in an operetta sponsored by the Carlisle Chamber of Commerce.
