Dickinsonian, September 30, 2010

Performance artist David Garibaldi performs in ATS. Carlisle main roads under construction to reduce traffic. Debate over themed parties hosted by Greek Life. Professor Sandra Soto gives a lecture on the Arizona immigration issue. Women's Golf places fourth in home opening match. Women's Soccer defeats top-ranked Messiah team.

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Dickinsonian, February 18, 2010

Students respond to repeated assaults by Carlisle resident, Darien Leggs, and the relationship between Dickinson and Carlisle. Art Haüs suspension upheld. Early admissions numbers rise. Details of the Public Affairs Symposium event on sports in society. Club Ice Hockey defeats Gettysburg and Johns Hopkins to win the championship. Women's Basketball wins against Washington College to clinch a spot in the playoffs. Profile on student athlete Alesha Sisco.


Dickinsonian, September 13, 1979

Twenty-three upperclassmen are bumped from their rooms in Adams Hall to compensate for over-enrollment in the freshman class. Carlisle officials remove a mid-block crosswalk in front of the Boyd Lee Spahr Library. A freshman student recounts her experiences in the Nicaraguan Civil War. The girls' cross-country team seeks varsity status.


Dickinsonian, March 9, 1910

The YWCA holds a very successful night of entertainment, including musical and theatrical acts.  The editors complain of the incorrect reports and anti-Dickinson attitude in the Carlisle newspapers and the Carlisle community of "know-it-alls" at large.  The last Comus Club dance of the year is planned.  Sigma Alpha Epsilon holds a dance at the Armory.  YMCA holds its officer elections.  Belles Lettres and Union Philosophical Society celebrate their anniversaries with a lecture by Dr. W. V.


Dickinsonian, September 30, 1922

Alumni plan publication of "The Dickinson Alumnus", a new alumni paper to be published monthly. Three women from the College as well as two other Carlisle residents suffer injuries after assault by "acid throwers". Dramatic Club plans season. Professor Norcross elected head of Pennsylvania Kiwanis. Sigma Alpha Epsilon buys Sadler Mansion, to be used as new chapter quarters. Negotiations pending for purchase of a new athletic field house near Biddle Field. Renovated space in West College to be used by college organizations.

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Dickinsonian, October 25, 1924

Football team defeated by Lehigh, details of game published. College to participate in Carlisle's Old Home Week with a parade lead by college band. 1924-25 academic year extended by a week, bringing the term length up to college standard. Preparations for Parents and Alumni Day and Old East opening finalized.


Dickinsonian, November 7, 1896

Annual Week of Prayer for Colleges upcoming.  John DeWitt Miller to give a lecture, hosted by the YMCA.  Dr. Prince is made an honorary member of the Union Philosophical Society.  Many students returned home to vote in the presidential election.  "Sound Money" students participate in a demonstration in Carlisle.  Dr. Reed gives a speech on campaign issues at the Court House, and then in response to the negative article about it in the Carlisle Sentinel, challenges any local Democrat to a debate, which none accept.


Dickinsonian, April 5, 1924

Students form the Republican Club, which throws its support behind Professor Leon C. Prince in his congressional campaign. Professor Prince addresses Dickinson students and members of the Carlisle community as a part of his campaign for the Republican nomination for congress. Non-Fraternity men organize a permanent social organization known as the Commons Club, whose objectives include promoting unity and cooperation with other members of the college community, loyalty to the college, and equal opportunity for all male students. The senior class elects Class Day officers.


Dickinsonian, December 1, 1923

The football team closes its season with a 14-10 victory over Bucknell during the Thanksgiving day game. The freshman-sophomore football game is announced. The opening of fraternity rush is announced. Dr. Richard Burton gives a lecture entitled "Mark Twain as a Neighbor" in which he discusses his personal acquaintanceship with the author. And editorial praising cooperation between Dickinsonians and the people of Carlisle appears. The debate team elects a president and secretary and chooses 12 semifinalists for membership.

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Dickinsonian, October 27, 1938

Henry C. Hill, warden of the Federal Penitentiary in Lewisburg, gives speech on "The Problem of the Criminal" before the Young People's Fellowship at the Allison Memorial Methodist Church.  Johnny Bruner organizes a jazz band on campus composed of seven undergraduates.  The Dramatic Club continues to rehearse for "the Bat," set to perform the play on November 10.  Professor Horace E.


Dickinsonian, May 6, 1949

Dickinson College Band to play open-air concert; community sing to be part of concert. High School seniors to compete for Trustee Scholarships. Student musicians Robert Johannes and Joseph Rosenthal present concert in Bosler Hall. Pi Beta Phi wins Songfest competition. New plans for rushing have been presented to the faculty. Student Senate proposes fraternity-based scholarship plan to help foreign students study in the US. Little Theater's Othello opens. Concerns and complaints about Carlisle are addressed by student William Jordan.


Dickinsonian, June 2, 1951

Nine distinctive figures to receive honorary degrees at Commencement: Governor John S. Fine, Harold E. Stassen, Robert E. Woodside, and Bishop John S. Stamm. President Edel to travel to Carlisle, England, to celebrate the city's bicentennial. Outline of Commencement day activities. Dickinson College and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute agree on a five year plan of engineering study. Overview of the spring athletics season. Professor John S. Steckbeck writes a book about the athletic prowess of the famous Carlisle Indians.


Dickinsonian, November 9, 1989

Lieutenant Governor Mark Singel addresses the College community. Carlisle mayor elected to second term. AIDS victim speaks on campus about his experience to educate College community. Women's Center to sponsor bussing to "Mobilize for Women's Rights", a pro-choice rally taking place in Washington, DC. Declare Day schedule is released as well as a list of topics to be discussed. Musician and entertainer Carl Rosen performs at Coffeehouse.


Dickinsonian, October 5, 1989

Freshman Steven Butterworth dies from major head injuries after falling out of a 3rd story window at the Alpha Chi Rho fraternity the night before. All campus alcohol related activities banned indefinitely. IFC suspends all membership privileges to the fraternity pending further investigation. Results of referendum concerning the Select Committee Report on Greek Life calculated. Carlisle Mayor Kirk Wilson discusses improvement of campus/community relations.


Dickinsonian, April 9, 1948

The motion for the popular election of officers of the Student Senate was defeated by a vote of 9-4. The date for the Little Theater's spring production of Macbeth is set. The Choral Club completes a three-day tour of churches and schools in neighboring Altoona. Three Dickinson basketball players are selected for the Little Three all-star team. 300 students and townspeople attend a jazz concert in Bosler Hall, featuring groups from Dickinson and the surrounding area. A stoplight is installed at the corner of West and High Streets.


Dickinsonian, March 5, 1948

Three more speakers, including the Attorney General of the United States Thomas C. Clark, are announced for the college's 175th anniversary celebration. Dr. John H. Powell delivers a lecture on John Dickinson and the American Revolution as part of the Spahr lecture series. Plans for a small parade of floats depicting the history of the college and Carlisle are also laid out for the celebration. The Campus Chest Drive reports $2193 raised, 73% of their goal for the year.


Dickinsonian, February 6, 1948

The Campus Chest drive opens with the goal of raising $3,000 to be distributed to six organizations. Seven students, including one woman, are elected to the Phi Beta Kappa honorary fraternity. A survey of the African-American community in Carlisle shows as a whole they lack access to adequate housing and amenities and face significant racial discrimination. The Belles Lettres' Hornbook sells out only three hours after going on sale. Nominations for Queen of the Mid-Winter Ball are announced. A Red Cross lifesaving class is offered.


Dickinsonian, December 19, 1947

Sociology students conduct a survey of housing conditions for white residents to Carlisle and a broader study of African-American residents' living conditions and experiences. The Board of Trustees approves significantly increased salaries for faculty and creates the new position of professor emeritus. Senate approves and amendment to clarify election and seating procedure for representatives. Dickinson's basketball team faces Columbia.


Dickinsonian, December 12, 1947

A short history of the traditional Doll Show and dance appears in anticipation of the year's event. The Upsilon Circle of the Omicron Delta Kappa society taps a total of 8 men, 6 seniors and 2 juniors. Dickinson's women plan a party for the underprivileged children of Carlisle. Dickinson holds a small display of Cervantes works in the library. A new system is introduced for managerial awards and honors for college sports.


Dickinsonian, November 8, 2002

Students unaware of option for breath analyzer tests administered by Department of Public Safety. Dickinson Speech and Debate Team holds second annual Red Devil Speech and Debate Tournament. ROTC attends Field Training Exercise for Blue Mountain Battalion. Dickinson eliminates community experience graduation requirement. Dickinson College Television announces new show, "On Second Thought". Student discusses food disposal policy of cafeteria; Dickinson Garden uses cafeteria scraps for compost. Pi Beta Phi and Umoja joint-sponsor Apollo Night. ROTC attends Ranger Challenge.
