Dickinsonian, December 10, 1921

Creation of the National Student Committee for the Limitation of Armament. The College Social Committee's plans for an all school event. Colonel Stanley Dunbar Embick addresses the college. Annual doll show. Article on Antonio Andrea Arrighi. Phi Delta Theta has an informal. Professor Baumgartner gives a health talk. French Club meeting. Chi Omega entertained Pi Beta Phi and Phi Mu. Formation of women's honorary society, Theta Omicron.


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Dickinsonian, December 7, 1916

Maurice Palm '18 elected football captain.  YWCA to hold annual doll show.  Plans for an interfraternity basketball competition are begun.  Union Philosophical Society and Belles Lettres Society hold first rounds of tryouts.  Union Philosophical Society elects officers.



Dickinsonian, December 9, 1908

Freshmen are victorious in the annual Freshmen-Sophomore football game. Doll show held in Lloyd Hall. More detail on the fight between Freshmen and Sophomores. Intercollegiate debate with Franklin and Marshall. Belles Lettres Society and Union Philosophical Society debate. Royal Welsh Ladies' Choir concert. Freshmen reception in the Assembly Hall.


Dickinsonian, December 13, 1911

Francis Dunn, '14, is elected captain of football team for 1912 season. President Noble gives speech to teachers' association about the purpose of education. President Noble and his wife entertain the Class of 1912 in their home. Woman Suffrage demonstration at annual Doll Show. Athletic Association elects officers.


Dickinsonian, December 16, 1922

College committees planning many events for the Christmas season. Basketball team starts successfully with a string of wins, including one over the City College of New York, the previous year's champions. College receives several historical documents pertaining to 1843 graduate Robert Alexander Lamberton as well as a number of college catalogs dating back to the same era. Upcoming football season to feature four new opponents.


Dickinsonian, December 5, 1925

The Dickinson football team has a good season, ending the year with only 2 defeats. Women's Senate will hold a meeting to vote upon recommendations made by the Woman's Intercollegiate Association of Student Government. Fraternity rushing begins. The poll taken by the YMCA and YWCA shows that the student body favors entering the World Court. The Women's Basketball team begins practices. The YWCA will hold its annual Doll Show.


Dickinsonian, December 16, 1943

Doll Show event to be changed due to war-time restrictions, but promises to be "better than ever." The Dramatic Club, under the direction of Tau Delta Pi presents a Christmas Program. The Pan-Hellenic Council organizes tutoring program. Professor Ernest A. Vuilleumier is appointed Dean of Dickinson College. Professor Lewis G. Rohrbaugh is appointed Dean of the Freshman Class.


Dickinsonian, December 13, 1945

Annual Doll Show held. Large number of Dickinson students effected by cold epidemic. Mr. William B. Greenlee presents gift of $500 to the College Library. New rules for men's rushing approved by College. Discussion of "Corruption in Russia" held at Allison Methodist Church. The College Choir presents a Christmas program. Students protest grievances. Miss Mary Elinor Betts is the new assistant to the Dean of Women. Lack of diversity in surnames is discussed. Ruth Sellers Maxwell Scholarship in English Literature is established. Coach Arthur D. Kahler returns as head football coach.

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Dickinsonian, December 7, 1933

Dickinson Players to put on "Icebound" by Owen Davis. Doll Show is planned. Robert "Josh" Bartley becomes football captain for 1934 season. Muhlenberg defeats Dickinson football in last game of season; overview of season. Gettysburg defeats men's soccer in final game of season. German club takes trip to Baltimore German-speaking church. Student Senate creates budget with large cuts to student organizations and a restructuring of the Microcosm's financing. Dickinson Club of West Branch Valley (alumni club near Williamsport) is founded.


Dickinsonian, December 15, 1923

Dickinson alumnus and professor Charles W. Super writes a book on college history, giving special attention to college traditions and student life during different periods. The Doll Show and Bazaar takes place in Metzger Hall. Plans for Christmas entertainment are announced, to include caroling and a collection of donations for underprivileged children in Tennessee. An informal debate with Gettysburg is planned for after the holiday break. Belles Lettres holds a spelling bee and a debate on coeducation at Dickinson in a joint meeting with the Harmon and McIntyre women's literary societies.


Dickinsonian, October 6, 1923

Plans for a combined Doll Show and bazaar in December are announced. Soccer and volleyball are added to the college's sports program. Red identification tags are introduced to provide students admission to sports games. The dramatic club performs a one-act play as a part of its opening meeting. The honor court begins to devise a permanent honor system. President James Morgan announces that men living in fraternity houses may deduct the cost of renting a dorm room from their bill. Four new members are added to the Dickinsonian's editorial staff.


Dickinsonian, November 21, 1940

Student Senate organizes a pep rally for the big game against Gettysburg in response to the noticeable lack of spirit by students in the recent past. The head librarian at Dickinson, May Morris, suffers a fall from the library stairs, leaving her with both wrists broken and severe spine and shoulder bruises. Tau Kappa Alpha holds a meeting regarding an annual debate with interested members of various campus organizations.


Dickinsonian, December 15, 1939

Attendance is high at the Alumni Football Banquet. Mrs. Bradford McIntire, one of the original planners of the Doll Show, arrives on campus to fulfill her role as guest of honor at this year's incarnation of that event. John Bunting wins the Belles Lettres essay contest with a piece titled "Public Enigma Number 1." The basketball team wins the first two games of their season, to Blue Ridge and Susquehanna, respectively.


Dickinsonian, December 15, 1932

President Waugh becomes involved in the Athletic Association's attempts to establish a new constitution. Microcosm will hold beauty contest for 5 best looking girls. Dickinson students will go to Bucknell to attend the Regional Conference of International Relations Clubs. Annual Doll Show will be held in new gym. More than 200 students attended the Christmas party held at the Allison Memorial Church. Plans have not yet started for the Sesquicentennial Ball. Awaiting student ratification of the Athletic Association's new constitution.

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Dickinsonian, December 8, 1932

Approximately 40 sentences were given out to Freshmen by the Men's Student Tribunal for various infractions. Board of Trustees decides to offer 5 scholarships (full tuition for the students' first year) to those students with the best essays about John Dickinson. Article recounting the Phi Delta Theta convention at Dickinson, held the previous weekend. The first issue of the new literary magazine came out with much success. The Athletic Association has a new constitution proposed--article includes the proposal.

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Dickinsonian, December 4, 1930

Dickinson will play the Carlisle Army Post in a football game for charity since the community is suffering from unemployment. Dickinson students have been asked to play Santa Claus for children at the Shiremanstown Methodist Home. Last year they brought many gifts for the girls and boys much to their delight. The thirty-first annual Doll Show will be held December 19 and will exhibit two hundred dolls donated by the women of the college in addition to a play. Rushing stunts begin to wrap up the fall rush season.

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Dickinsonian, December 13, 1934

The Dickinson Players presented the play “Death Takes a Holiday” in the Carlisle High School Auditorium. Rev. Phillips Packer Elliot will be the Week-of-Prayer speaker at the chapel exercises. A history of the Doll Show is reported. The Greek Club presents a program on Greek music. The College will observe the first week back after vacation as a Week-of-Prayer. The students produce a new student publication called The Dickinson Devil. The Debate Squad begins their season with the Debate Forum at Juniata. Dickinson eliminates the ice hockey team.

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Dickinsonian, January 14, 1932

Cyril F. Hetsko elected editor-in-chief of Dickinsonian. Description of 1931 Doll Show. International Relations Club is planned in accordance with Carnegie Foundation for International Peace. YMCA plans Intercollegiate Seminar on Inter-Religious Harmony to be held at Dickinson. James H. Morgan retires from presidency.

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